
Page À Vu [Eng.]


When the boy opened his eyes, a deep hazel universe showed up. Seungkwan was already paralyzed, but the hand wrapped around his wrist melted him.


-Um... I'm sorry if I hurt you... I didn't mean to... -if Seungkwan never told anybody the actual reason for him to visit the library, he won't tell his voice had became his favorite song.


-Don't worry, it's okay -he did his best so he won't look as anxious as he actually was.- By the way, my name is Seungkwan.


By then, he had already forgot how the character he was searching for look like. He believed his eyes were green, but that color didn't seem to matter anymore. He visited hundred worlds throw thousand pages, but he rather get lost on those hazel eyes focused on his.


-I'm Vernon -he wanted to know everything about him, as nobody else ever could. At least he got his name.


Seungkwan's mind stopped working. He didn't say what he was thinking. Thankfully.


-Nice to meet you -I have to get to know you.- I don't know what you're doing there, sitting on the floor -neither where you've been all my life.- Your back's gonna hurt if you sleep there, you'd be comfier in one of the couches -please, take care.- Well, I gotta go. I hope to say you again soon -I hope I could see you forever.


He tried to walk away before the hurricane inside his head wreaked havoc. What exactly was he doing? But something prevented him from walking. Or someone.


-Wait, stay. Please. I... was waiting for... for you -Seungkwan's heart skipped a beat. If he was dreaming, he didn't want to wake up.


People say to gather your rosebuds while you may but, what if the rosebuds are gathering you? Holding onto yourself?


He didn't hesitate to take his hand and leading him to the couch.


After a trivial conversation, Vernon surrendered to tiredness and fell asleep. Seungkwan lay beside him. He hesitated for a moment if he should or not do this, but at this point he was willing to put everything at risk.


Next morning he'd regret hugging him, for sure. But in that moment nothing mattered. In that moment he was holding on for dear life.




- "Gather ye rosebuds while ye may", first line from the poem called To The s, To Make Much of Time - Robert Herrick.

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This story is parallel to Biblichor so you need to read that before reading this one or you won't understand some things.


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Chapter 18: This is really charming, the idea of the teletransportation books and them living so many things together is super sweet. I still have a question tho, Seungkwan fell in love with a character that was Vernon alike or with Vernon in a book? I truly didn't understand that part, maybe it's because I'm sleepy. Anyways, I loved it. <333 thank you for writing it