Page À Vu [Eng.]


I can't. What am I doing? I'm not ready. Not at all. Never. Seungkwan was walking in circles in that forest. He got in willing to confess to Vernon but, the more minutes passed by, the less prepared he felt. His head became a whirlwind of opposite thought. He wanted to take the risk, but he just couldn't. More nervous. Forgetting more of what he wanted to say. 


But nothing matters at the moment of true. Nothing mattered when the boy who turned his world upside down, appeared some meters away. Luckily, he was facing the other way, so Seungkwan could hide in the woods. He thought he was ready to tell him everything he was feeling, but now he was completely paralyzed.


Hours passed by. What am I doing? Vernon had looked for him. I can't stay here forever. He seemed tired. I can't do this to him... But the train of thoughts was stopped by his voice.


-Seungkwan, please, don't do this to me again. I've been here for hours and I'm not gonna make the same mistake again of going inside the pools looking for you, without a clue of where to find you. I don't even know if you can hear me, I hope so. If you aren't, at least I can use it as some kind of rehearsal of the speech I'll ever say. I don't know where you're right now nor where you've been all my life. But I know I need you here next to me. From now on. I've been feeling empty to the point I came here looking for something that could fill me, and I found you. I swear since the moment I looked at your eyes I can't think of anything else. I don't want to see anything apart from your smile. But I know I'm not the only one who feels that. You probably think I'm to dense to notice every time I get close to you, your heart skips a beat. Does it also beat like crazy when we hold hands? Because I sometimes believe mine can communicate with you. Have you ever feel those butterflies flying in your stomach? Because they've set up a dance floor inside of mine and enjoy it way too much. The point is maybe I'm not the best when it comes to express myself, but I'm the best at stating the truth: I love you. You make me feel like anybody else can. During the last few weeks we've seen thousands different things, we've visited world and I gotta say the only thing that made them stand out was that you were there with me. Wonderland looks like wasted ground next to you. We ended up not knowing what fears a wise man, but what I fear the most is losing you. I want to make you happy, I want to make you feel everything and live even more. I'll make Romeo and Juliet envy of us because we've already lasted more that three days and we're going to survive.


All the air trapped in Seungkwan could finally break out of his lungs. Wonwoo was right, he feels the same...


-Oh my god, Vernon... You're a walking disgusting cliché -Seungkwan couldn't help but smile when he noticed Vernon was talking to himself again. He was getting used to it,- but that was a good rehearsal, you just need to be able to say all that to him. Would you? . . . I wish.


-True, that was a bit too cheesy. But you're right. My heart also beats like crazy and the butterflies are anxious to fly away -it was now or never.- The truth is I brought you here to do something like that. But I got too scared to actually do it. That's why I hid between the wood and I didn't know how to go out again. I will therefore take the liberty of using that rehearsal as the actual performance. I love you so much. So so much. You have no idea for how long I've been whipped for you, because I've spent most of the time avoiding you. But I aim to make up for the time we've wasted -they met in a kiss that tasted as glory.- Hansol Vernon Chwe, can I finally say we're officially something?


-I won't deny it again, Boo Seungkwan.


Maybe that wasn't they way Seungkwan was hoping for. Maybe he should've tell him all he wanted to say since the beginning, but although he haven't say that then, he'll make sure to tell him what Vernon means to him.


They started a new chapter of a story which they didn't want to put an end on.



-The Chronicles of Narnia, The Magician's Nephew - Lewis Carroll.

-Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll.

-The Wise Man's Fear. The Kingkiller Chronicle: Day Two - Patrick Rothfuss.

-The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare.

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This story is parallel to Biblichor so you need to read that before reading this one or you won't understand some things.


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Chapter 18: This is really charming, the idea of the teletransportation books and them living so many things together is super sweet. I still have a question tho, Seungkwan fell in love with a character that was Vernon alike or with Vernon in a book? I truly didn't understand that part, maybe it's because I'm sleepy. Anyways, I loved it. <333 thank you for writing it