Page À Vu [Eng.]


Sitting on one of the aisles in a psychiatric hospital, they were listening to some foreign music that was playing there. At one point the understood it was Egyptian music. In front of them, a pair of teenagers were kissing.


-And... are you in a relationship? -Seungkwan finally asked the cursed question. Although he wasn't sure of wanting to know the answer.


If he'd say yes, something inside of him would probably break. But if he'd say no, he wouldn't know how to react.


Seungkwan didn't want to get his own hopes up, but he couldn't help it. Every time he learned something new from him, he get more and more delighted: his manners, his principles, his sense of humor, the way his face light up every time he laughed, his messy hair every time he felt asleep on Seungkwan's shoulder... Everything. Falling in love with Vernon was a completely nonsense.


Vernon looked at his eyes before answering - Not yet -and, with a wink, he disappeared.


It was the best nonsense of his whole life.




-It's Kind of a Funny Story - Ned Vizzini.

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This story is parallel to Biblichor so you need to read that before reading this one or you won't understand some things.


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Chapter 18: This is really charming, the idea of the teletransportation books and them living so many things together is super sweet. I still have a question tho, Seungkwan fell in love with a character that was Vernon alike or with Vernon in a book? I truly didn't understand that part, maybe it's because I'm sleepy. Anyways, I loved it. <333 thank you for writing it