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-Know what? I was born here -Vernon said looking around- but I moved to Korea when I was a kid, so I hardly remember anything.


They were standing in the middle of Times Square. Traveling without any kind of limits was another perk of the transportation. They went down cities all around the globe, visited different worlds and travelled through dimensions. Going further to become closer.


-Was it common to find cows like this? -because, indeed, there were some cows walking around New York.


-I don't thin so, to be honest. Look at those boys, they're streaming live on YouTube -Vernon laughed. Since they started this game, they discovered they were the perfect travel companion for each other. Always looking for the funny side of everything, joking about whatever they saw and talking about whatever crossed their minds.


-I'd like to travel to New York in real life. I'd love to travel around the world, but I have to live with traveling through pages.


-I promise I'll take you there. To New York, to Paris or wherever you want to. One day we'll travel in earnest and together -Seungkwan couldn't help but smile at that sudden promise. Hopefully that one day would be sooner than expected.




- Muh! - David Safier.

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This story is parallel to Biblichor so you need to read that before reading this one or you won't understand some things.


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Chapter 18: This is really charming, the idea of the teletransportation books and them living so many things together is super sweet. I still have a question tho, Seungkwan fell in love with a character that was Vernon alike or with Vernon in a book? I truly didn't understand that part, maybe it's because I'm sleepy. Anyways, I loved it. <333 thank you for writing it