VIXX x Levi

K-Pop One Shots
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First Meeting and "I Love You"s

Ravi x Leo


*Leo POV*

    I stood quietly in the entryway of the dorm room, the manager standing next to me as three boys ran around chasing each other, one boy was sitting on the couch looking bored, while the last boy was standing there yelling at the ones who were running around. I sighed internally, knowing this was going to be hell.

    “Boys! Stop running around!” The manager yelled, and everyone stopped, their heads whipping over to where we were standing. A boy with brownish red hair and a red beanie on came running over to me, a bit smile on his face.

    “Hi! I’m Ravi! I’m a rapper!” The young energetic male exclaimed, holding his hand out. I looked at it, then looked back up at him through my black bangs that were swept over my eyes. I sighed, shifting my weight over to my other foot.

    “Ravi, boys, this is Leo. He’s a vocalist, and he’s going to be joining you boys. Leo, the boy here is Ravi, then we have N, Ken, Hongbin, and Hyuk. N is the leader, so he’ll help you around with anything you need. You’ll be rooming with Ravi. I think that’s everything, for now, the boys have the week off right now, they can walk you through anything you need help with. Alright, have a good day boys!” With that, the manager turned and walked out of the dorm, closing the door behind him.

    I shrugged past the boys standing there and made my way to the bedrooms. I pushed open the door that had a big ‘R’ on it and scanned the room. It was messy like I had expected. There were clothes thrown everywhere, with candy wrappers and empty food containers on every surface, even the floor. I groaned and dropped my suitcases on the empty bed.

    The door flew open, banging into the wall. I winced and looked at the male who just entered. “Hi! Um, yeah sorry about the mess, I kinda forgot that you were coming today,” Ravi said. Just like everyone else forgets me, I thought, looking at my hands. Ravi bustled around the room, picking up the clothes and throwing out wrappers. Soon the room was spotless, and Ravi had flopped on the bed across from mine.

    “So um, what kind of things do you like?” He asked, and I shrugged, not really giving him an answer. “Um, do you want me to help you unpack?” I nodded quietly and started to put my clothes away. Ravi and I continued unpacking my things and hanging some posters up on my side of the room. I answered some of his questions quietly, not wanting to open up too much to him.

    I’ve opened up too much before, I can’t do it again..

    “Okay, so um, I’m heading out to get food, do you want anything?” Ravi asked, and I shook my head, turning my music up more. I let the music fill my ears to the point where it almost hurt and hid under the blankets.

    Stupid, you shouldn’t have auditioned. You’re never going to be good enough. Worthless.

    I know, so why won’t you just leave me alone? I’m tired.

    I’m always going to be here. No one else is going to be here for you. It’s just you and me like it always has been. Just like it was after your mother died, and your father left you alone and killed himself. It was your fault that she got into the accident. It’s your fault, and you’re never going to be good enough.

    I let the tears fall as I locked myself in the bathroom connecting two of the rooms together, fingers fumbling with the razor I held tightly. Images of my mother’s bloodied body flashed behind my eyes, my father’s screams at me, telling me how worthless I was and how if I had just it up and stayed the night at my friend’s house she wouldn’t have had to come pick me up in the storm.

    I dragged the razor across the skin on my thighs, the red ink dripping out, creating a new picture on my skin. I sobbed harder, cuts adding up quickly. I dropped the razor when someone knocked on the door. “Leo hyung? Is everything alright?” Someone had asked, and I quickly cleared my throat and wiped my eyes. “Y-yeah, I’ll be done in a minute,” I answered back, cringing at how horrible my voice sounded.

    The footsteps quickly faded, and I grabbed a dark colored towel to stop the bleeding. I quickly pulled on a pair of loose sweatpants and climbed into bed, images of a cute brown haired male named Ravi filling my mind.


    I heard sniffles from the other side of the room when I took my headphones out, and I sat up quietly. Ravi was curled in a ball, a picture it seemed, clutched tightly in his fists. I silently walked over and crawled into bed next to him. He immediately curled into my chest, holding tight to me. His sobs quickly quieted and I rubbed his back, ignoring the warm feeling in my body.

    “It’s okay Ravi..” I muttered quietly, running my fingers through his hair. He had stopped crying and was reduced to a sniffling mess. I handed him a tissue and he wiped his tears away. “It’s okay..”

    “I m-miss them so much..” He sniffled again, clearing his throat. I didn’t ask who, as I didn’t want to pry into his private life. “My parents, I’ve been here, training, for about three years now, and I haven’t been able to see them in months. It just gets really hard sometimes..” He explained, and I nodded, running my fingers through his soft hair.

    “Do you ever miss your parents hyung?” Ravi questioned, looking up at me. “Y-yeah... I guess I do..” I whispered, trying to push the voices out of my head. The man in my arms just held onto me tighter, almost like he was trying to push them out too. “Get some rest Ravi, it’s late..”

    Not a minute later, soft snores filled the room, and I let the warmth wrapped around my body and my heart pull me to sleep.


    “Leo! It’s time to wake up!” Ravi jumped on the mattress next to me, shaking my shoulders. I groaned, swatting a hand at him to get him to stop. “You need to get up!”

    I sighed, and sat up, stretching my muscles. “Why the hell are you waking me up at 11 o’clock?” I asked, eyes widening when I realized what time it was. I jumped out of bed and grabbed a towel, jumping in the shower. Not waiting for the water to warm up, I scrubbed my body clean and rid of sleep.

    Ravi giggled in his bed as I hopped around the room, pulling on boxers and my tight black ripped jeans, followed by a long sleeve black shirt. “Hyung, calm down. It’s only 9:37. You don’t need to be rushing around,” he said. I froze in my spot and turned around slowly, glaring daggers at him.

    “What the do you mean, it’s only 9:37?” I growled, slowly walking over to him. He quickly shut up, averting his eyes away from me. “I um, I thought it would be funny to set your clock ahead while you were sleeping... I’m sorry hyung, please don’t be mad at me!” He whined, throwing his body onto mine.

    I pushed him off me and grabbed my phone, stalking out of the room, ignoring his pleas and begging. “Hyungggg! Please, I’m sorry!” He begged. I continued around the kitchen, grabbing a bowl and a box of cereal, smirking to myself as the name of Ravi’s favorite brand caught my eye, and I grabbed that one. Shaking it to see how much was left, I grabbed the milk and a spoon, pouring the last bit of cereal into my bowl.

    Ravi gasped from his spot by the entryway but didn’t say anything else.

    “Hey Leo,” N said when he walked downstairs, hair messy and lips unreasonably swollen. I lifted my hand in a slight wave, still a little nervous around the other members even though I’ve been living with them for about 5 months now. I was surprised I even let Ravi get so close to me already.

    He chuckled, sitting across from me. “Still not talking much?” I blushed a light red color, shaking my head. “That’s okay Leo, we’ll get you talking soon, even if it’s not a lot.” I smiled a little; N was a really nice person, and he cared about all the members. “Hyung! Leo won’t talk to me and he ate the rest of my cereal!” Ravi pouted like a child, plopping down next to N.

    “You actually talk to Leo?” Ravi nodded. “Well duh, we’re roommates! He just doesn’t like you, that’s why he do

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i apologize for how big the cover is, I will try to fix it soon


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Chapter 8: Your stories are really good already but if you have no ideas than I could offer some ships.
I don’t mind how you write the story I just hope these ships help you out a bit sorry if they don’t.
Yes! I just subbed since you told us to check this out~ I can't wait to read what you have in store for us! ^^
Chapter 3: OMG these are absolutely amazing! Not to sound rude but yes could you please write the wine date I would love to read it! Little Yoongi is just too cute to handle I loved reading it and I would love read more:))