
Not the one


“I’ll be right back” he said as he got up and headed to the kitchen again.

I signed as I sank on the couch.


That’s how I really feel.


I wish we were as we used to be before.

You see Dara was my very first friend.

She came to Korea at the age of 8. She was treated as badly as me. But at least I was always there to protect her.


I always felt the need to protect her, to take care of her, be her third mother. You see Dara’s mother was mute, she couldn’t really take care of her own child, that’s why her grandma used to be like a second mother to her. And then I came by, claiming the spot of her third mother. But well I would never tell her that.

She would murder me if she found out I was always feeling like a mother to her.

You see, I had this strange relationship with Dara. It felt like I had found my other half.

She was the only person I never felt bored to be with. She was the only one I had always fun with. She read me like an open book. I told her almost everything.

Key word: ALMOST.

Although I believe she knows everything about me without me even telling her.

She, on the other hand, never opened up, never told me what she really felt but I got used to it. Slowly I started to understand her. Read her like she read me. I reacted to everything she did. If she moved a bit I had to move too so our positions would match. But I did that without even realizing it.

Years passed by and I couldn’t think of myself without her by my side. People used to ask us if we were sisters. Our movements were all similar but we were both so different at the same time. I would look into her eyes and see my reflection.  Quickly everything I did revolved around her. A single look would make her understand what I felt. A single poke on the side would make her understand what exactly I needed. Same goes for her. It felt like I had met my other half. My soul mate.

I used to get into fights for her. Get hit for her. I would do anything and everything for her and only.

She was my one and only exception.

She was by far the prettiesr girl i had ever seen.

Truly an Angel~

When I first fell in love with Jiyong I wouldn’t admit. When I first admit it to her it was on the 4th grade. She replied that she already knew it. Since then I kept taking it back saying I didn’t feel anything for him but then I would confess I liked him all over again. I used to even say that she liked him.

Years went by like this me refusing that I liked him and then confessing that I liked him again. But I never told it at him.

Didn’t have the guts.

For a reason I always felt that she was the one she liked. She used to say that I was being delusional.

You see, he always paid slightly more attention to Dara. He was more gentle to her.

When it came to me we would fight like rivals. If he kicked me hard I would kick him back harder. I think he just took out his stress on me and I was more than happy to help him. Anything to get his attention. Even being enemies with him was fine.

When we were 15 he hooked up with the girl that I hated the most. The one that made mine and Dara’s live a living hell.

Her name is no other that Yoona.

Back then I used to say to myself that I would prefer if he actually liked Dara and I was not being delusional. Everyone else except Yoona.

But of course god had other plans.

They lasted for 2 years.

I wish they had lasted more…

For my sake…

But I’m being selfish again.

I shouldn’t.

He should be happy.

Someone had to be sad and of course ta da ta da life chose me.

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Chapter 10: They should not live happily ever after..after what happen to Chae, especially Jiyong he not deserve happiness..he should feel guilty to the core, damn cruel..
Chapter 10: Omg i hate someone like Jiyong
Black_jack_ #3
Chapter 10: I read this for like a million time love it thank you soooooo much for updating this fanfic love you
blackwonderer #4
noe_lia01 #5
Chapter 10: that was... my feels!! T.T good job~!
bigtwoonebang #6
Chapter 10: Wow this story is really... I can't stop crying ahhhhhh
eunicealvionella #7
Chapter 10: I remember reading this story twice before but as i was looking for it to read it for the third time I couldn't find it! Now that i've found it, i dicided to drop a comment. I just love how the story flows, it's unique and plus I understand chaerin well. I know how it feels being her ;_;
kimmers #8
Chapter 10: I actually read this quite a long time ago but commenting on this now:

y'ouch! Chearin TT_____TT *sigh*. It was actually nice to see a different "kind" of CL than most writers have when using her. This Chaerin is a tragically sad one who never got a happy ending. It was a nice refreshing (well, sort of) take on her character.
Chapter 10: Omg at first I was seriously hating on jiyong and dara but when at the ending I can't help but to feel so sad for chaerin. ):
Screw this Daragon ____.