
Love Like a Dream


Soojung was leaving the brodcast station after completing her filming for the week when she heard a familiar voice.

She turned around to see Taeyong running towards her.

"Finally found you. I've been looking all over for you." He said trying to catch his breath while he leaned with his hands on his knees for support. 

"What's...wrong?" Soojung asked confused.

"Are you free tonight?" Taeyong asked finally breathing normally.

"Yeah...after work...why?" 

"How about we have dinner together?" He asked hoping for a positive answer.

"Only us two?" She said pointing to herself and to him. 

"Yeah...why not?" Taeyong said like it was no big deal.

"Uh...yeah sure...okay." Soojung replied a bit reluctantly but she had no reason to decline it too. 

"Okay then see you later. I'll text you the place." Taeyong said with a huge grin on his face as he left towards his car. 

Soojung was actually worried about meeting Taeyong alone. He was a huge star at the moment and had lots of female fans. She knew exactly how they would react if they find out she went out to dinner with him alone. She already had her own share of experience while being a TVXQ fan herself how some fans get so possessive and hate every girl close to their idols. 

"No...maybe I'm just overthinking." She told herself as she shook her head to get the thoughts off her head. 

"What were you thinking so deeply?" 

Soojung instinctively stood up from her chair when she saw Jaejoong leaning on the door. 

"How long have you been here?" She asked surprised to see him suddenly pop out of nowhere.

"Long enough to know something's bothering you." He said smiling as he came inside and sat on the chair across hers. 

The distance between them was only her desk and seeing him that close made her heart flutter. She always told herself to get used to it already but her heart wasn't one to listen. She didn't understand why Jaejoong was being so friendly to her or why he came to see her frequently when he had so many other people he could meet. But truth be told, she loved it anyway because...

The heart wants what it wants.

Jaejoong came to her clinic frequently during lunch breaks or around the time she finishes her work. He wanted her to be more relaxed and comfortable around him but he understood her too considering he was the idol that she admired all throughout her life and that him suddenly coming into her life would be something she would need time to get used to. But he knew time could change all that. 

"You're almost done, right?" He asked pulling up his sleeve a little to look at his wrist watch.

"Uh...yeah...yeah." Soojung said stuttering a bit.

She always found herself daydreaming and so out of the world whenenver she was with Jaejoong. She still could not believe the person she admired the most all her life was right in front of her talking to her. 

"Then let's go grab dinner...and then I'll drop you home." He said getting up.

"Um...actually..." Soojung said awkwardly.

"Why...what's wrong?" He said looking back at her.

"I actually already have an" She told him feeling bad.

"Oh really?" Jaejoong said feeling a bit down when he came excitedly just so he could have dinner with her. 

"It's okay...I's not the only day right? We can eat some other time." He said as he forced a smile. "Come I'll drop you there."

"You don't really need to." Soojung told him."I can just go alone..."

"You rejected my dinner plan so just agree to this one, alright?" He told her as he lowered his eyes to match hers and smiled. 

Soojung had no choice but to let him drive her there. 

"Isn't this kinda like a secret place for celebrities?" Jaejoong asked when she told him the address and looked questioningly at her.

"Oh...I don't really know..."

"I guess you're meeting a celebrity." He said trying not to sound so curious although he was burning with curiosity inside. 

"I'm meeting Taeyong." She blurted out. She already felt bad that she rejected his dinner plan and for some reason, she felt like it'd make her feel more bad if she didn't tell him who she was meeting. 

Jaejoong met her eyes as soon as he heard Taeyong's name and Soojung just avoided his eyes. 

"Oh...I guess you guys are close." He told her as he looked back on the road. 

"We're just colleagues. There's really nothing going on between us." Soojung hurriedly denied any special relation with Taeyong before Jaejoong misunderstood.

"Who said anything else?" Jaejoong said patting her head and smiled.

Feeling Jaejoong's hand on her head, it felt like everything froze with time. She sat there not moving an inch. She wished for his hand to never leave her head. 

"We're here." Jaejoong said as he stopped the car in front of a restaurant.

Soojung finally awoke from her daydream was amazed when she saw the place. 

The restaurant was in a kinda secluded area. The outside wall was covered with climbers that also bloomed flowers in few places. It was a place that many celebrities used to have their secret dates at. 

"Thank you so much for dropping me." Soojung said as she got out of the car.

Jaejoong watched her back as she disappeared into the restaurant. He knew Taeyong didn't call her here just for dinner. Meeting her in this place meant something more. He just hoped  she wouldn't fall for Taeyong no matter what. 

When Soojung got inside, she was amazed to see so many celebrity couples having their date. And as she went in further, she saw Taeyong already there waiting for her.

"Did you wait long?" She asked as she went towards him and took the seat in front of him.

"No I just got here too..." He lied. He was excited about his first dinner alone with her that he came pretty early.

"You didn't have a hard time finding this place?" He asked her intentionally. 

He already saw Jaejoong dropping her off here. He didn't know what exactly her relation was with Jaejoong. But he knew she was a huge fan of him since he heard her talk about it to Heechul some months ago. 

" was ok." She lied and drank from the glass of water in front of her. 

Taeyong felt a bit hurt that she didn't tell him about Jaejoong dropping her off here. He wanted to ask but he didn't want to ruin the mood too and she would have told if she wanted to.

So he just shrugged it off and tried to enjoy the moment. 

"I guess this is a secret dating place for celebrities?" She said quietly leaning forward so he could hear. 

" is. Were you surprised?" Taeyong said giving off a small laugh.

"Kinda...but why did you want to meet here?" She asked.

"Just you know...I wanted to know how the place's my first time coming here too." He lied trying to hide his true feelings. 

Jaejoong was still outside the restaurant unable to leave. He kept starting his car again and again only to stop it in the end. He knew he wouldn't have a peace of mind if he just left. It wasn't because he didn't trust Taeyong. He never met him but he always heard he was a good person from everyone who knew him. Just for some reason, he didn't want to leave.

He parked his car in a place where people won't really see and waited for them to come out. After waiting for a few hours, they finally came out.

He saw Soojung from afar laughing and talking normally and comfortably around Taeyong. They looked close. 

Jaejoong remained with his heart aching as they left together. He always wanted Soojung to be comfortable around him too and see her act normally around Taeyong ended up making him jealous. 

"You brought this upon yourself. Now you're gonna have a sleepless night. You really should have left earlier." He told himself and let out a sigh as he started the car and drove home.

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Really sorry to have been on such a long hiatus :(
Hope you still read the story and enjoy it...I'll try to be more active too :)


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Neng2ovid #1
Chapter 18: She should not have stopped him.
Neng2ovid #2
Chapter 16: I kiss jae. You should kiss her
Neng2ovid #3
Chapter 14: So they are officially together finally
Chapter 12: I’m looking forward for the next chapter....goodluck author nim!
Darlovejae #5
Chapter 12: Taeyong.. pls give up.. ?
Darlovejae #6
Authornim I am in love with this story.. pls finish ..thanks
Chapter 10: Omg is getting intense.. Is good that there is no ill feeling between Jaejoong and Taeyong.. Do update.. I'm getting curious..
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Chapter 9: Jae needs to make his move quick
Chapter 7: Ahh.. Jaejoongie is jealous.. So cute..
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Chapter 7: Go get your girl jae