Chapter Thirteen

Inevitably In Love







Author's Note: 

Song: Bad Romance by HALESTORM - a Lady Gaga ROCK cover

The real credit goes to them~ And I suggest you all to listen to the cover at least once. The high note in the chorus is something I really wanted to point out. I thought it was quite suiting to this Im Jaebum here.

Anyways, ENJOY~







And the young master spent the whole night tossing and turning in his bed. How could anyone possibly be sleeping after such confusing words coming out of that arrogant Im Jaebum’s mouth? Youngjae stuffed his face in his pillow and let out a frustrating scream. Just why is Jaebum making life so much harder for him? Pulling himself up, Youngjae ignored the itch at his heart and went on to start his morning. When he finished, he changed into his usual button up and pants before proceeding downstairs. This morning was awfully quiet. Youngjae approached the kitchen only to find it empty. He thought it was strange but didn’t question it. Instead, the young master fixed himself a nice breakfast. The atmosphere reminded him of his own place back in Seoul. Youngjae sighed, another couple of days until he could return to the big city. Could return to his own safe spot. The time here in this household had never brought him any joy for as long as he could remember.


Strangely, the morning went by without even a squeak from a mouse. At first, Youngjae almost made the decision to call his head maid. It was starting to worry him that he hadn’t seen anyone since he woke up. Usually, the maids would leave a note attached to the fridge’s door or something. There wasn’t anything this time. Youngjae shook off the worst possible outcomes with a heavy sigh. He’ll give them another hour.


An hour passed, the mansion lay still. The young master closed his book and descended the stairs. It was exactly noon. Surely, someone has to be back to prepare lunch. The muffled sound of music slid through Youngjae’s ears. He turned his head towards the backyard. From the kitchen, the view of the back spread across the other side of the huge glass windows. Youngjae’s blood pressure spiked at just one glance. Around the pool, the maids gathered in their winter uniforms. The head maid stood behind a giant barbecue grill with three other maids, flipping meat and bobbing along to the music. Of course, there was the idol. Jaebum was leaning against the railing of the pool, sipping on a glass of cold beer. The whole picture looked wild, especially for a household like this in such a peaceful neighborhood.


Youngjae slid open the glass door, jaw clenched in annoyance. “What is going on here?”


When everyone noticed their young master, an uncomfortable silence swept over the entire party. Jaebum just tilted his head up and smiled. The idol raised his beer glass while keeping his playful smirk, “We thought you went out today. But if you’re here, come join!”


“Your idea, wasn’t it?” Youngjae glared at his guest.


“Obviously,” Jaebum laughed, “Even Nami-ahjumma don’t have the guts to do this.”


“Im Jaebum-ssi, this is-”


“You’re no fun! Come on!” The music turned back up.


“You can’t do this here!”


“I’ll take responsibility,” Jaebum assured with a wink, “I promise.” Not hearing another protest from the young master of the household, Jaebum gave a cue for everyone to resume partying. He turned to Youngjae and handed the young master a glass of beer.


Youngjae rolled his eyes and rejected the offer before taking a seat on a nearby chair. Looking up at the sky, Youngjae really couldn’t wait for the town’s officers to show up banging at his front gates for disturbing public peace. Did they plan this the whole morning? Was that why he didn’t see or hear anyone? And they planned this thinking he was away? Why was there even such an outdoor party in this weather? Unbelievable. Never had the maids acted like this before. Good thing the madam wasn’t home, or else things could have ended in a bloodbath. Im Jaebum was a bad influence for sure.


After about ten minutes of just watching his servants having fun, Young Master Choi actually loosened up a little. Nami fixed Youngjae a plate first, to which the young master gratefully accepted with a shining smile that literally made everyone present stop whatever they were doing and stare. Jaebum included. They waited until their young master took his first bite and finally picked up their utensils. Jaebum pulled a chair next to Youngjae. Ignoring his guest, Youngjae continued with his lunch quietly. Which was fine with the idol, because he didn’t plan on saying anything anyways.


Or so he thought.


Jaebum tapped the arm of Youngjae’s chair. When the younger took the disruption into his attention, their eyes met and Jaebum smiled softly. “Are you cold?”


“I’m fine.”


“Okay. Just making sure.”




“So have you thought about it?”


To this, Youngjae’s face flushed too quickly for him to blame it on the winter breeze. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Hopefully, Jaebum didn’t see through that lie.


“I really meant it,” Jaebum said, “And I’m pretty sure I have the answers to all your questions about your… About your lost memories.”


“I’m fine, thank you,” Youngjae replied and scooted his chair over, leaving a whole continent in between them. The whole night, all Youngjae did was think about his feelings and Jaebum’s words. And his brain told him not to trust anyone. His heart stuttered for a few hours but gave into his brain's stubbornness by the end of it. Besides, Youngjae wasn’t sure if he harbored certain feelings toward Jaebum. Maybe he did. Maybe he didn’t. Maybe the dynamic between them got confusing. Maybe Youngjae mistook his unknown past for Jaebum's sudden presence in his life. Anyways, he decided to keep things professional. No more of whatever bull this was.


Seeing how Youngjae avoided a longer conversation, Jaebum nodded and let the young master be comfortable. The idol got up to engage in some small talk with the maids. Jaebum blamed himself for being inconsistent. He really strung Youngjae along to just cut the thread off abruptly. And then, out of nowhere, he wanted to reconnect the thread. If they never crossed paths again, this wouldn’t ever be a problem. Jaebum was doing so fine living day after day with just pieces of Youngjae that he could keep intact within his mind. But the universe just has to play with his broken heart. Having Youngjae back in his life was a nightmare. A horrid nightmare that Jaebum wished he would never wake up from. He’d rather stay sleepwalking in this bloody nightmare than wake up into a reality without Choi Youngjae. He tried running away again and again, but his feet always took him back to where his heart desperately called. Is it time to finally...


He didn’t want to run anymore.


Jaebum wants to stay and hold onto Youngjae’s hand.


He will hold on forever.


“Jaebum-ssi! Please sing for us!”




“I’ve never heard your voice live! I’ve been such a huge fan!”


The idol laughed, beer glass still in his hand, “Since you all insist…”


“WOOOOOOHOOOOOO!!” The maids shouted excitedly.


Jaebum placed the glass on a nearby table. Nami came over with a hooked up microphone all ready as if they planned to pressure their special guest into delivering at least one song. The idol took the microphone with a smile and connected his phone to the speakers. He took a few seconds to scroll through the saved tracks in his music library. Looking up with another dashing smile, Jaebum started to get into that charismatic persona of a radiant rockstar. “This is a cover of a very famous American song. I wanted to add a twist to it. Since I’m a rock singer, I thought this would be fitting.”


“You BREATHING is already BEAUTIFUL!” Someone yelled out, causing everyone to laugh. No doubt, that person was a huge fan.


“Wow! Loving the energy!” Jaebum cheered into the mic. “Just letting you all know, I have not performed or released this cover yet…”


“NO WAY!” The audience became even more alive with the thought of them being the firsts to ever hear the cover.


Turning his attention to the young master of the house, Jaebum held his gaze until someone informed Youngjae to look up. The moment Jaebum caught Youngjae’s eyes, he couldn’t help but smile softly. “I would like for you to pay attention to me like everyone else, Young Master Choi. It would be nice.”


Youngjae sighed and put down his phone, “Go ahead…” He uttered quietly, eyes sort of averting a bit from the visual in front of him. It was insane to Youngjae how Jaebum, just a couple minutes ago, went from an ordinary person with a questionably rude attitude into someone who held everyone’s desires in the palm of his hands. Celebrities are dangerous, Young Master Choi concluded. The sunlight glaring behind Jaebum definitely wasn’t helping.


The sound of electric guitar and drums kicked off and the maids were already up on their feet bouncing along. Jaebum confidently tapped the rhythm with his foot while comfortably holding the mic. His head nodding along to the beat, eyes closed, lips stretched into a mischievous smirk. The amount of pure iness that oozed out of Jaebum was enough to get people’s hearts pounding with excitement.


I want your ugly

I want your disease

I want your everything

As long as it’s free


Youngjae disliked these types of music. Too loud and scratchy. Too hyped for someone as proper as himself. He preferred the idol’s most recent release, which was full of soft ballads and chill songs for a lonely winter.


I want your love

Love, love, love

I want your love


The head maid tried to get the young master to get up and dance along, but the young master just forced a smile and shook his head. Youngjae hid half of his face behind his hand as he turned his head away from the show. Something about the huskiness of Jaebum’s voice got the younger riled up in his seat.


I want your drama

The touch of your hand

I want your leather-studded

Kiss in the sand

I want your love

Love, love, love

I want your love


Jaebum, without hesitation, swooped down to gently caress the cheek of a nearby maid, who immediately swooned madly after her idol. The others squealed and blushed at the unexpected fanservice. The idol winked, creating an uproar in response.


You know that I want you

And you know that I need you

I want it bad

Your bad romance


Youngjae started to question the weather at this point. How is it winter when his body is currently going through rapid global warming?


I want your love and

I want your revenge

You and me

Could write a bad romance

I want your love and

All your lover’s revenge

You and me

Could write a bad romance


What nobody expected was the incredible high note followed after the chorus. Twice! Youngjae had to double take out of disbelief. His jaw dropped and eyes focused on Jaebum like the idol was the center of the universe. Jaebum’s talent caught Youngjae off-guard. How can someone sing so beautifully over all that noise? How can those notes escape easily from someone’s vocal chords like that? Snapping out of his trance, Youngjae hung his head low to hide a slight flush. He carelessly let himself be mesmerized by a siren, a beautiful creature who could pull him to his death with a sweet lullaby.


Sirens, once they chose their prey, would cling on until they won.


I want your horror

I want your design

‘Cause you’re a criminal

As long as you’re mine


Making his way towards the shy young master, Jaebum knew exactly what he was doing. He knew no one could resist the stage presence that he switched on and off by command. Being in the industry for ten years, those things came to Jaebum like drinking water. With one hand holding the mic while the other slid under the young master’s chin, Jaebum continued the song effortlessly. He lifted Youngjae’s head up to face him, and immediately, a winning smile spread across his face. Youngjae had always been an open book. And Jaebum loved that only he could correctly read that forbidden book.


Youngjae stayed frozen in his seat. His brain was melting away. He could barely hear the music, the words, or anything and everything around him. All his mind could see was Jaebum’s face right in front of him. Youngjae held his breath as his heart picked up speed in a flash. He didn’t know where to put his eyes. They were just staring widely, pupils dilated, at Jaebum. When Jaebum finally moved away from his vision, Youngjae thought he was free. But he felt the presence against the nape of his neck, and then to the side of his face, and then breathing dangerously near his ear. Youngjae wanted to cry. Jaebum was smirking. The young master could hear that devilish smirk. Stupidly, Youngjae turned his head a little towards the voice.


Their eyes didn’t meet.


But a soft smile greeted him.




I want your love and

All your lover’s revenge

You and me

Could write a bad romance


Youngjae’s head followed Jaebum’s movement unknowingly.


A high note.


Caught in a bad romance


Another high note. This time, Jaebum fixated on Youngjae.


Caught in a BAD romance


He wanted Youngjae to hear this.


I want your love and

I want your revenge

I want your love

I don’t wanna be friends


The way Jaebum seemed to pierce Youngjae's soul with such sincere lyrics got everyone around them speechless.


Je veux ta amour

Et je veux ta revanche

Je veux ton amour

I don’t wanna be friends


Youngjae wanted to look away. But he couldn't.


No, I don’t wanna be friends

I don’t wanna be friends


Youngjae wanted to run. But he couldn't.


Want your bad romance


The rest of that song was a blur. Youngjae couldn’t focus at all when his head felt the poke of thousands of fine needles. He managed to muster a bit of energy to drag himself back into the house. He needed his meds. For some reason, since the day he met Im Jaebum, Youngjae has been taking his meds less and less. Even when his head felt like it would burst open, Youngjae still didn’t take any of those pills his mother told him to. And for some reason, fragments of the past seep through sometimes. Youngjae didn’t know how to feel about that.


When he reached his room, Youngjae rummaged around the nightstand for the bottle of pills. His headache slowly took over his vision. He squeezed his eyes shut and plopped on the bed. Every inch of his skin burned ruthlessly. Youngjae would love to just die off right now. The pain became unbearable with each tick of the clock. But he couldn’t move to keep searching. Besides, he probably left the meds in the library. Sweat beading down the young master’s forehead. His body went from hot to cold in a matter of seconds.


A hand guided Youngjae to a glass of warm water. Youngjae chugged the water down with haste. He felt a bit better. Slowly opening his eyes, the pain continued hammering at his skull. He expected Nami to be there.


“Here, I’ll help you,” Jaebum said, voice as soft as the calming waves after a violent storm.


No strength to be stubborn, Youngjae allowed Jaebum to help him lie back down. The feeling of his head sinking into the soft pillow was a blessing he didn’t know he needed. Jaebum pulled the blanket over him. Youngjae closed his eyes, lips mumbling a few words, “You can leave now…”


“No,” he heard Jeabum replied, “I’ll stay.”


Youngjae didn’t retaliate. Instead, he fell into a deep sleep.




Young Master Choi would have slept longer if it weren’t for the usual morning alarm that struck him awake. The head maid had left his phone on the nightstand last night. Youngjae snapped his eyes open and shut off the alarm. He plopped back into the comfort of the bed. Eyes staring up at the ceiling, Youngjae started calculating the hours he had slept. Did he really pass out-


“You’re awake?”


Youngjae turned his head towards the voice. There, on the chair across, Im Jaebum waved casually. The young master rolled over to the other side, hiding the pink tint glowing against his cheeks. “Why are you still here?”


Jaebum exhaled and set the book he was reading down on the nightstand. “Guarding you.”


“I don’t need guards.”


“You’re right. But what if you went into an episode again? I need to make sure I’m here whenever you need.”


Tightened his fists on the blanket, Youngjae hated to appear so weak in front of people. Especially Im Jaebum. “I don’t need you.”


“But I need you,” Jaebum said under his breath.


Youngjae pretended he didn’t just hear that. He won’t fall for such trickery twice. Or thrice. It happened too many times that he lost count. “Don’t you need to leave?”


“No schedule today.”




“You can keep sleeping.”




“I’ll be here all day.”




“So if you need anything-”


Youngjae pulled himself up, chest heaving up and down with frustration. “I don’t need anything!” He shouted. He didn’t mean to raise his voice. But Jaebum was doing too much. “Stop pretending that you care and get out.”


To this, Jaebum’s face dropped. He looked hurt. “I am not pretending.”


“Jaebum-ssi, I hope you still remember what kind of relationship we have-”


“Stop talking to me like I’m dumb,” Jaebum stood up.


“What-” Before Youngjae could stop Jaebum, the older had already seated himself comfortably on the bed. “Jaebum-ssi, what-”


“I said I changed my mind. Why can’t you give it another chance-”


“Get out.”




“Thank you for helping me yesterday, but that’s it. We should draw boundaries.”


Jaebum ran his hand through his hair in frustration. He should have known Youngjae would have this kind of reaction. Though, it was Jaebum’s fault to begin with. He pushed Youngjae away and confused him to the point where he got hurt. Now, suddenly, he wanted Youngjae to keep pestering him like before. Definitely not happening. Not with someone as strict as his Choi Youngjae. Jaebum regretted being an from the start.


They could have so much together by now if Jaebum wasn’t hung up on past mistakes.


They could have started something completely new together.




“It won’t happen,” Youngjae seemed to be reading what Jaebum was thinking. “You’re an idol. Loved by the entire nation. You’re still relevant even after a whole decade. I just got rid of a scandal for you. You can’t be in another one. Everytime you mess around, it is very hard to clean up after you.”


“I don’t-”


“I don’t care if you don’t care. That is not my problem. Your company hired me. My job is to keep your legal records clean. The least you can do is make my job easier, please.”


Each word reaching Jaebum’s ears acted as darts of poison. He just wants his Youngjae back into his arms again. “No.”


“Excuse me?”


“If you find it hard to keep up with me, then quit. I won’t make your job easier for you. It’s not my job,” Jaebum grabbed Youngjae’s hand. “If you’re not sleeping anymore, then let’s go get you washed up for breakfast.”




Youngjae cannot put his anger into coherent words. What kind of game has he gotten himself into now? What exactly are Jaebum’s intentions? Why can’t he predict Jaebum’s next move? Why can’t he read Jaebum like how Jaebum would read him in just a blink? Why can’t he understand Jaebum like how Jaebum seems to understand him from the inside out? Who is Im Jaebum and why can’t his heart stop beating for this Im Jaebum?


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emkail #1
Chapter 26: Ohhhh the giddiness is coming!! Youngjae is such a tease!!
ItsyjArs #2
Chapter 25: You dont know how happy i am to see this story finally update🥲🥲🥲🥲 im dying to know ending of this. I hope you keep your promose to finish this. Also im happy youre come back author nim. Thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️
gardenofeden- #3
Chapter 25: Yay!!! Thanks for writing … looking forward to more chapters at your pace.
emkail #4
Chapter 25: Welcome back! I totally understand your situation so take the time you need. Life happens. But so happy you updated! Thank you so much! I miss GOT7 so this was a nice treat :)
Marklife #5
Chapter 24: Hi see you in here too =^…^= hope you still remembered to Finnish this thank you
1313jae #6
Chapter 14: author-nim please grace us.......your pitiful readers,,,plzz,,,, ,, have mercy ,,,,..........
i miss this story so much :( i hope u doing okay ♡ just wanna come and thank u again for this beautiful story..
arsdef07 #8
I miss your story :(( i hope u will upate soon. Takr care <3
Chapter 24: thank you sooo muchh♡ (T_T)
arsdef07 #10
Chapter 24: Thank you for the update!