The Boy With A Radio

Love Lost In Mystery(guardianxhuman)

Joy/Reader'S Point Of View

(2 months later)
Now that I think about it... what if it was true about me seeing things? Maybe it was just that I was too stress out from moving in my boxes into the new apartment. Yeah... maybe. I should just start forgetting about it and go back to focusing on school again. Ever since that morning, my grades have been dropping down.
Good thing today's Saturday so that I'll have time to study and make up all of my missing assignments and projects. 
I grabbed my backpack for a pencil to start planning my work out but I realized that I literally have nothing in my backpack. Just some notes and books about myths and ghosts. Oh well... I mean I can always go buy more anyways... besides, I'm a freeloader. Not really but my grandma just have so much money that there's no where to store her bags of money from the casino so she just gives them to me. 
I grabbed my keys and walked out with a coat holding an umbrella as expected for rainy days and sigh... why does it have to rain today? 
I first walked around the neighborhood before going to the store for no reason and then took a walk to the park. Why the park? Well, I don't know. I just did it.
"Jesus! Why didn't I go to the park first? I never knew that carrying a pencil, papers, and food could be this heavy."
As I sat down on the bench, a familiar boy walked right pass by me. I tried to aim for his face but could only capture his back. On his hand, he was carrying a little red radio. 
"Radio? Radio... RADIO??? Why does that sound so familiar?"
I went back to the picture I took of the dancing boy and saw the same little radio on the floor with the boy missing. 
"Could it be!???", I choked.
"Sir!", I called out. "I need to talk to you."
"Huh?", he squeaked tuning around.
"Can you dance for me?", I asked catching up to him breathing heavily. I didn't plan on asking him to dance but it just came out of my mouth without letting me know.
"Who are you and 'Dance'? Here? No way!"
"That means you do know how to dance then. Oh! I apologize for not introducing myself. My name is Park Joy. I am 16 years old and I am a high schooler. My parents abandoned me when I was 7 and I live alone in a small apartment near this area around here."
"So why are you telling me this? Perhaps... are you interested in me?"
"No way! I'm here to clear things out with you. 2 months ago, I saw you dancing on the sidewalk with the same radio that you're carrying right now. I just happened to walk pass by you to school and was amazed by how well you could dance so I decided to take a picture of you and I'm sorry for not asking for permission first. Anyways, that's not the point. The point is why didn't you show up in the picture? It was like you were invisible or that you didn't exist. What is going on here? I have to know!"
"I don't know what you're talking about... I can't even dance. I work at an cafe shop near by here as well. My name is Park Woojin. I am 18 years old but actually, I don't live around here too. It is a pleasure to meet you Ms. Park"
His words phrases are so advance and unique but it doesn't make sense. He looks very familiar though. And that little red radio just proved everything but how can it not be him? Is it because of my dumb brain who can't remembers things well? Or is it just because Woojin bought the same radio as the dancing machine boy. I stood there for a minute walking around him examining his face... "it's impossible... how?"
"I apologize but maybe you got the wrong person. See you around!"
"Uh-huh... yeah... I guess I'll see you around then.", I mumbled awkwardly waving goodbye as he walk away facing his back towards me.
It's strange how after him hearing about what happened that morning, he didn't react or do anything at all. He just stood there and denied my suspiciousness of him. "Hm... Something doesn't seem right here." I'm just so disappointed... I spend around 2 months running around the neighborhood about this incident and at the end, what do I get back? Nothing. All I want is to forget about all of these crazy things and move on but then later, they just come back to my head and make me try to resolve it again like what the hell? I ain't got time for this. After all, I am still just a high school student who's about to graduate in a couple months which means I'll need to get my sense back together and forget about all of this! It's also the first day of Winter Break anyways so I don't really have to study right away. 
(Opens mailbox)
"Well hello there Joy! Surprise! Surprise! We know it's Winter Break already but once it's over, we will be having a dance talent show competition. No worries if you can't dance or if you're too afraid to! You can bring anybody who knows how to dance and put them in your place if they agree to do so. You just have to be on the stage smiling with that person. The wining price will $500! We wish you the best luck if you do join this competition!"

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authornim please update this ff????
hope u can update so in love with this ff.i keep imagine im joy n woojin be my guardian????
Hope you guys enjoy this fanfic as you read it!