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Clenching his teeth, Baekhyun slowly released Chanyeol’s suit. “I’m sorry,” he said, eyes looking down on Chanyeol’s fisted hand. His ex looked so pissed off like he was about to punch him on the face.



‘He hate me so much,’ Baekhyun could feel his heart bleed.



“What do you want from me, Baekhyun?” Chanyeol barked, pushing his hair back in anger.



Baekhyun’s heart sunk at the way how harsh Chanyeol treated him. The Loey that he knew wouldn't be rude like this. Loey was a sweet, talker and a fine gentleman. All these years, Loey had matured and turned into a cold and expressionless man.



“Congratulation,” he mumbled, trying his best to stretch his trembling lips to smile at his ex. “I wish for your happiness...I…,”



“Shut it, I don't need your blessings or wishes, keep it to yourself,”



Since they met, Chanyeol kept stabbing him with his cruel words, the invisible wall that Baekhyun built to protect his heart from getting hurt by him started crumbling down. He couldn't take it anymore, he finally broke down and cried in front of Chanyeol.



“Please stop...treating me like this,” he sniffled. Baekhyun noticed the small changes in Chanyeol’s dark eyes, he was no longer scowling at him.



“Go home,” Chanyeol mumbled as he walked away from Baekhyun to enter the banquet hall.






Baekhyun kept on splashing his face with water in the hotel’s bathroom. He had to grip the edge of the marble countertop to keep his wobbly legs from giving up on him. He knew that his parents were searching for him because his phone won’t stop vibrating inside his pant pocket. He was tired, tired for harboring special feelings for Park Chanyeol for years. He just couldn't let him go. He loved him so much to the point that he looked so pathetic and stupid for behaving like this.



Tears didn't seem to stop running from his eyes, he had been crying for nearly an hour inside the bathroom. His eyes were red and his face was bloated. He was too embarrassed to enter the banquet hall looking wreck like this. He winced when a sharp pain throbbed in his head. Ever since he met Chanyeol again, he could no longer get a good night’s sleep. He flinched when he heard someone pushed open the bathroom door. He purposely chose the farthest bathroom from the banquet hall to prevent something like this from happening. To be caught crying like this was so embarrassing. Quickly wiping his wet face, Baekhyun scooted away from the sink and awkwardly stood there at the corner of the bathroom to hide his face.



“I told you to go home,”



Baekhyun’s eyes widened when he saw Chanyeol. He started to panic when he heard Chanyeol locked the bathroom door. He was about to hide in one of the cubicles but gasped when Chanyeol grabbed his wrist and pushed his back against the cold bathroom wall. The way Chanyeol was staring at him this time was different. Chanyeol’s eyes were no longer showing any sign of hatred towards him. He was staring at him like his long lost love, Loey.






Baekhyun cried again, harder than before. How he longed to be called that again. To hear that word from Chanyeol made him so happy and sad at the same time, how could he forget him now?



“Why...why are you torturing me?” he hissed, hands fisted in Chanyeol’s front suit. He couldn't stop sobbing when Chanyeol ran his thumb on his cheek to wipe his tears away. “You should have let me be,”



“I...I don't want you to get hurt

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976 streak #1
Chapter 12: Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful story. I love how you developed the plot and the characters.
MarieJane #2
Chapter 6: What the hell just happened?!
MarieJane #3
Chapter 2: OMG what a first meeting after years.
Chapter 12: ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠso beautiful❤❤
I love this kind of angst, that makes me cry and smile at the same time. But at some moment, I just cant take the heart wrenching angst. I don't even realize that I can't read any next chapter because it's already ended kkkkk thanks for this, authornim??
Chapter 12: This was so beautiful❤❤
Chapter 4: I can't see the screen due to my tears
Ydylla #7
Lovin this story! Specially when they knew they're the ones to be engaged. Authornim ??
Chapter 10: asdfghjkl he's so cute uwaaaah
Chapter 10: I love how u made Baek into this crybaby character T^T it adorably fits him so well. Also u never fail to make my heart go shimkoong w all this fluff :""") not gonna line, i already cried 3 times so far bcs Yeol's such a tsundere but I love their characters soooo much
Chapter 2: So far, your writing style is just so so SO perfect and in tune with my tastes. I'm not gonna lie, I was a bit apprehensive to read this at first after seeing the typos on the chapter title but damn. I'd die full of regret if I didn't decide to read this. You're an amazing writer that is the holy mother of fluffs and perfect adorable baek-building (portraying button's character, I mean :D). Please never stop writing. I apologize for my quick judgments, I take it all back!