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“You’re still in love with me,” Chanyeol scoffed, the end of his plump lip curled, smugly smiling to Baekhyun. “What a pity,”


Baekhyun pursed his lips while glaring at Chanyeol. With hands fisted to his sides, he sighed, forcing himself to swallow Chanyeol’s harsh words without saying anything back. Chanyeol’s cruel words slaughtered his tiny heart. It hurt so bad that he felt his heart shattered into tiny pieces. Endless buzzing sound blared inside his ears and mild headache started pounding in his head. Closing his eyes, Baekhyun Inhaled and exhaled deeply, coaxing himself not to easily let Chanyeol crush his weak heart. He didn’t get enough rest and sleep last night, he got a lot on his mind right now and Chanyeol’s sarcasm was the last thing he wanted to add to his already stressful final student year. How he wished it was easy for him to find a new lover, move on like how Chanyeol did, with Kris. But he couldn’t, not when his heart was still filled with Park Chanyeol. He tried really really hard, to give his heart to someone else but there was no one that could replace him, his first love.



“I- I just remembered that I have to meet with my friends right now so can I see you tomorrow? At lunchtime?” he murmured, hands busy packing up his sewing toolbox on the work table.


“Sure,” Chanyeol shrugged and shoved his phone into his jeans pocket. He didn’t even look at Baekhyun as he quietly walked out from the room.


Baekhyun watched Chanyeol stepped out from the room. “Gosh,” he blinked. Warm tears started gushing out from his eyes, wetting his rosy cheeks. “Stop it, stop it, don’t cry, stop crying Byun Baekhyun,” he cursed, hands and arms busy wiping his wet cheeks. Chanyeol’s words were hard to take for Baekhyun so he kept on weeping while cleaning up his work table. He was so shocked when someone grabbed both of his wrists.



“Loey?” he blurted. He gasped when Chanyeol pulled him to face each other, towering him with his massive height while leaning closer, clearly stepping into Baekhyun’s personal space. “Let me go!”


“You’re a very egoistic person,” Chanyeol scoffed. He quickly tightened the grip on Baekhyun’s wrists when his x lover tried to pull his hands away.


Baekhyun’s eyes widened when he heard Chanyeol’s accusation. “What do you want to hear from me? That I’m pathetic, still not letting you go even after years of our breakup? Yes…I didn’t move on, are you happy now? Stop pestering me about it. Just go! Please,” Baekhyun yelled with a very shaky voice and harshly tugged his hands away from Chanyeol’s. He had to bit his bottom lip, trying so hard to stop crying while picking up all his belongings on the table. He refused to be in the same room with Chanyeol any longer.  


Chanyeol grabbed all the items from Baekhyun’s hands and slammed it on the table. He cupped Baekhyun’s face with his large palms and whispered. “Is it so hard for you to man up and properly apologize to me, Button?” Chanyeol murmured, thumbs busy wiping fresh tears that were gushing out from Baekhyun’s eyes, wetting his x lover’s soft cheeks. He hissed in pain when Baekhyun’s nails slowly pierced the flesh on his arms when he tried to pull away from his hands. “Don’t you think I deserve it?”


Sighing, Chanyeol’s shoulders slumped when he didn’t get any reaction from Baekhyun. His x lover just stared at him with a very unreadable expression written all over his face. “Wow…you’re cruel,” Chanyeol sneered.



“In the end, I’m still not worthy of your apology,” he shook his head and released Baekhyun from his grip.


Baekhyun scrambled to pick up his things on the table and rushed to exit the room without even looking back at Chanyeol.






“You’re late!” Luhan complained, scowling hard at Baekhyun with both hands on his hips. Frowning, he quickly helped to hold some of Baekhyun’s project garments when he saw how clumsy Baekhyun was trying to juggle between his garments and sewing toolbox in each hand.  “So how’s the new model? Can you get along with him?” he had to ask, curiosity spark inside his heart when he looked at Baekhyun’s sullen face.    


“C-Can you please help me find another model? I don’t think…,” Baekhyun groaned while biting his bottom lip. “I don’t want to cry again Luhan, please stop me from looking so pathetic,”  


Luhan panicked when Baekhyun stared at him with bloated eyes with fresh tears trickling down on his cheeks. “Alright…Alright, I’ll help you find another model, come, let’s grab some lunch first,” he rubbed Baekhyun’s watery face with his palm and wrapped his arm around Baekhyun’s trembling shoulder, gently hauling his best friend into the restaurant.






‘I’m home,’

Smiling, Baekhyun pressed his puffy morning face on his pillow and hummed in bliss when the familiar scent of his mother’s laundry detergent invaded his nose. He missed this smell a lot. He was finally home after spending six years alone in New York wi

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972 streak #1
Chapter 12: Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful story. I love how you developed the plot and the characters.
MarieJane #2
Chapter 6: What the hell just happened?!
MarieJane #3
Chapter 2: OMG what a first meeting after years.
Chapter 12: ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠso beautiful❤❤
I love this kind of angst, that makes me cry and smile at the same time. But at some moment, I just cant take the heart wrenching angst. I don't even realize that I can't read any next chapter because it's already ended kkkkk thanks for this, authornim??
Chapter 12: This was so beautiful❤❤
Chapter 4: I can't see the screen due to my tears
Ydylla #7
Lovin this story! Specially when they knew they're the ones to be engaged. Authornim ??
Chapter 10: asdfghjkl he's so cute uwaaaah
Chapter 10: I love how u made Baek into this crybaby character T^T it adorably fits him so well. Also u never fail to make my heart go shimkoong w all this fluff :""") not gonna line, i already cried 3 times so far bcs Yeol's such a tsundere but I love their characters soooo much
Chapter 2: So far, your writing style is just so so SO perfect and in tune with my tastes. I'm not gonna lie, I was a bit apprehensive to read this at first after seeing the typos on the chapter title but damn. I'd die full of regret if I didn't decide to read this. You're an amazing writer that is the holy mother of fluffs and perfect adorable baek-building (portraying button's character, I mean :D). Please never stop writing. I apologize for my quick judgments, I take it all back!