Aren't They A Bit Loud?

I Thought You Said You Wouldn't Forget Me?

Hana's POV

After getting up, I started to do some stretches and then went on the internet to look for a place I could go a see. Instead I just picked a little cafe to go to. (A/n sobbing I'm too lazy to actually search up some tourists spots in Korea and the cafe Dalmatian went to when they went to meet the Ulzzang /shotd if you know what it is could you tell me? 8D ) I was walking out of the cafe with my cappuccino in hand. It was about 10 in the morning, and I noticed how everyone was busy working or socializing. Then I heard, what sounded like kids or maybe people my age running around and yelling.

I was just about to keep walking forward and then BOOM. Someone collided with me. I fell down and my drink spilled all over me. And I see this guy, with dalmatian printed clothes, on the ground next to me. My teenage rage was building up in me, I was so upset. I mean I was wearing white capris and a yellow blouse. 

"YAH!! Watch it!!" I yelled at him. I was shaking my head angrily as I got up and looked to see how much my drink go on me. I swore under my breath, it was all over my capris and a lot had splashed on shirt. Ugh why'd I have to wear such bright colors today and why was this guy just running around and not paying attention.

I turned to face the guy and just glared at him. He was bowing already "Mian" he said. I was confused at what he said, I barely know any Korean. "Um, I don't really know Korean." 

He straightened up from his bow and said "Sorry" He really looked sorry and I knew he didn't mean to. He was pretty cute too, so I couldn't be that mad at him, accidents happen. "It's fine" I said with a smile. His mood lightened up and he said "Vacation?", I think he knew I wasn't from around here, so I said yes. 

He turned around and started yelling "David hyung! -something in Korean-" but from what I could pick up, I think he said to come here because then a guy came over. This guy was wearing dalmatian printed clothing too and he looked a bit older than the one who bumped into me. Wait? Dalmatian printed clothes, where have I seen that before? Don't tell me they're the ones who tried getting pictures with Aoi Sora. I sighed and shook my head a little. 

So this new guy was in a way cute too, but he just seemed older. The younger looking guy was talking to the older looking guy and then the older looking guy looked at my clothes. 

"Hi! I'm David and this clumsy guy over here is Dongrim. He's very sorry that he ran into you!" He said it in such perfect English! The guy Dongrim started talking to David again, while I just stood there trying to hear the words he was speaking. But David had translated what he said. "Dongrim was wondering if he could get you another drink or something" 

I shook my head "No, it's fine just tell him to be careful next time. And it's nice to meet you two, I'm Hana"

"Such a nice name! And are you sure  Dongrim really seems like he wants to make up for what happened." 

"I'm sure! But I do have a question for you"

"Aiight, what is it?" 

"Are you the group Dalmatian? That's like about to debut?"

Both of them had a big smile on their faces, I wasn't sure if Dongrim really understood, but I think after he heard me say Dalmatian and debut, I think he understood. 

"Hyung!! -something in Korean-" Dongrim said excitedly, he was speaking so fast too! David started laughing and replied back to him. 

I just stood there looking dumbfound, I thought to myself I really need to learn Korean, especially if I'm going to be here for a year. 

Then David spoke to me. "Dongrim wants to know how you found out about us" 

"Oh, well I was looking at the entertainment section on the internet for the Korean news and I saw an article on you guys" (A/N She was able to find an English article on it) 

David then told Dongrim what I said, I felt bad because he was basically our translator to talk to each other. Dongrim laughed a bit and looked at me with a smile. Oh my gosh he was cute, like no doubt. 

Ugh my wet clothes were really starting to bug me, but I didn't want to leave yet. David seeing my discomfort said "I think you need to leave soon and change, but I have a few questions for you"

I nodded "Okayy what are they?" 

"Are you here for vacation? If so for how long? And you seem really young, who are you with? You came to a busy part" 

I sighed, people usually mistaken me to be at least 15, but in reality I just turned 18. 

"Yes I'm here for a vacation, I'll be here for a year. And I just turned 18 over the summer!"

He looked at me "You just turned 18? I'm sorry I thought you were younger. Anyway wow!! A year?? What are you planning to do here?"

I didn't want to tell him I was here looking for an old friend. "I'm here to learn some Korean and relax a bit before going to college." 

Then he smiled "Well if you want to learn some Korean, Dongrim and I could help" 

"Really?? Could you? But wouldn't you be busy and plus I might not see you again!!"

"We'll keep in touch" 

"How? I don't have a phone right now"

Then he started to think "Well do you have a computer or anything? We could e-mail or IM"

Now I could tell him I did, or I couldn't. I thought about it for a bit, I mean it doesn't seem that bad. 

"Yup! We could definitely do that. You just really got to teach me Korean, or I'll be using hand gestures and pointing at stuff for a year just to get people to understand me!" I said pouting.  

He laughed so much, while Dongrim just looked confused. I found some paper in my bag and a pen, then I wrote down my e-mail and gave it to them. Dongrim and David both wrote down theirs and handed it to me. 

"Well I should really go, because I really need to get out of these clothes! They're bugging me now." 

David nodded "Wait! Before you go, you can call me Dayday because that will be my stage name. And you can call this clumsy guy Youngwon" He said while pointing to Dongrim. Just as I was about to go "Oh and Dongrim says he wanted to walk you home" Without saying I could go home by myself he pushed Dongrim and I away. 

All I thought was oh my gosh I'm going to walk with a cute guy. But then I mentally slapped myself, I won't be able to talk to him!

Yay~ Chapter 4 is complete :D

What'd you think?? Was it bad? 

And I really have no clue where I'm going to go with this story ;~; Bare with meeeeee! 

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So sorry T_T I thought I would update a lot sooner but it's taking longer. Dont worry my vacay is starting soon! c: so updates will be faster!


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________Hana #2
Chapter 17: :o horrible! Daniel Oppa ! Why did you forget? !!! >:(
Just subscribed! :D Already on chapter 16, too. I hope you update soon, please?
nenestar #4
@helloMi hahaha x) I get it! And thank you for reading :3
helloMi #5
Here comes the Drama. Lol. Get it? XD Thanks for updating!! :D
update soon !!! ^^
Update please O:
I hope she ends up with Daniel...
helloMi #8
FINALLY! lol. I don't know, maybe Youngwon cause I'm Youngwon biased
I'm guessing Daniel. Lol
I wonder who will get her.