Time To Graduate

I Thought You Said You Wouldn't Forget Me?

Three Years After Daniel Left.

I sighed, it's finally my graduation day. I'm graduating a year early, because I was able to take some summer courses and meet the requirements to graduate in my junior year. When they called my name to get my diploma my parents were beaming with happiness. Their first child was already graduating high school and a year early too, so of course they were happy. But I wasn't, I only imagined if Daniel was here, he would be messing up my hair and teasing me. After the graduation ceremony, I went out with my family to eat at the same place we went when I graduated from middle school. 

That didn't make anything better, I was still upset that he wasn't here. I wish he would call or e-mail me. It use to be that we would e-mail each other everyday, and as the months kept going the e-mails slowly stopped coming, and by the fifth month the e-mails just stopped. Sometimes I would e-mail him, waiting for a reply but nothing. I would tell my close friend about this and she said stuff like you're so love sick! I would always laugh. He was my best friend, I never thought of liking him. But sometimes I would believe what she said.

"Hana what's wrong? You've been sighing a lot today." My parents looked at me with concern.

"Nothing. I'm just thinking that I finally graduated" I said smiling. 

My father looked at me and then he said "Your mother and I have been talking, and we know that you want to take a break before going to college." I nodded but I wasn't paying attention, we've been over this so many times. "And we thought we should let you go to Japan or Korea for a year". That got my attention and I looked at both of them, both were smiling and both had trust in their eyes. 

"Really? I can go to one or the other for a year?" I said trying to contain how happy I was, I thought I was about to go around dancing and saying YES YES HECK YEAH. My father nodded, "We felt like you can handle it, and it could be our graduation present for you"

Now my mother looked at me, "Where would you like to go Hana?" I know my mother wanted me to go to Japan, that's her home country and I know my father wouldn't care. But I really wanted to go to Korea. 

I smiled sweetly "Can I go to Korea? I could stop by Japan to see some relatives. But I want to go to Korea" 

Both my parents nodded, although my mother showed some disappointment, I knew she was happy that I said I would drop by in Japan. 

I thought in my mind, Daniel Chae be ready Hana is coming to Korea! I got my phone out and e-mailed him. It was short and to the point.

"Daniel, you better show me around Korea. I'll be there soon :]
See ya loser~ Hehe. 

Now I'll know if he remembered me or not. Korea here I come!

^^ Um? So that was the first chapter.~ How was it? Was it too wordy? D:  I feel like I was everywhere with this... >.< Ahhh. 
Feedback please? 

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So sorry T_T I thought I would update a lot sooner but it's taking longer. Dont worry my vacay is starting soon! c: so updates will be faster!


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________Hana #2
Chapter 17: :o horrible! Daniel Oppa ! Why did you forget? !!! >:(
Just subscribed! :D Already on chapter 16, too. I hope you update soon, please?
nenestar #4
@helloMi hahaha x) I get it! And thank you for reading :3
helloMi #5
Here comes the Drama. Lol. Get it? XD Thanks for updating!! :D
update soon !!! ^^
Update please O:
I hope she ends up with Daniel...
helloMi #8
FINALLY! lol. I don't know, maybe Youngwon cause I'm Youngwon biased
I'm guessing Daniel. Lol
I wonder who will get her.