I Don't Know

I Thought You Said You Wouldn't Forget Me?

Filler Filler Filler alert! T.T Sorry. But dunno what else to write.  So this be a filler.

I was there for their debut, they even pulled some strings so that I could go backstage. Everyone was running around, getting prepared, and warming up their vocals. It was so busy back there, and it was cute how all the members in Dalmatian were worrying. Even their leader Inati was worrying. I never saw Daniel this worried, the last time was when he first did the talent show in school; he almost didn't go out and sing! 

I went to all the members and gave them a hug. "You guys need to stop worrying, you'll do great!" I told them, and each of them looked more relaxed. 

Dongrim used me as an arm rest, I looked up at him and stuck my tongue out. "Yah! Dongrim I'm not your armrest!"

He ruffled my hair, and I just pouted like a little kid. "Your Korean is better" He said in English.

I smiled and looked at him and David, "I have some good teachers" 

"Dalmatian get ready" We heard the stage director say.

I saw them get all worried again. "YAH! Smile! You'll make me worried too!" I told them. 

They all started walking out, and they replaced the worried faces with determined faces. "Hwaiting!" I yelled out as they were walking away. Dongrim looked back and smiled, and mouthed "Thanks". I smiled back and waved to him. After I couldn't see them, I went to find the little TV. They told me that I could watch them on stage, I just needed to find it. 

I saw everyone crowded around, and heard some criticizing. But then most of them started leaving, some stayed, but most left. "Dalmatian Debut! Give them a round of applause!" I heard from the place where everyone crowded. I scooted forward to see better. I saw them on stage, and a huge grin appeared on my face.

Daniel is living his dream, and so is the rest of the group. I was captivated by their song, and the bits I understood really drew me into them. I may a friend, but I feel like I'll be a fan too. The part that I really loved was "We've gone so far, to be a star, it's been so hard. I'll never stop stop stop!"

They were all shining, and I could tell they were giving it their all. The singing was amazing, and the rapping was awesome. When the performance was over, I quickly ran to their waiting room with a huge smile on my face. They filed in one by one, each seemed so spaced out. I wasn't sure if that was a good, or bad thing.

I plopped myself in front of Daniel. He was staring off in space, but his eyes were still shining. I tried calling his name, but he didn't respond. 

"Earth to Daniel" I said while waving my hand in front of him. Still no response, he seemed so spaced out. 

I poked his face, and then finally he responded. "We finally got up and sang" was all he managed to say and then all the others nodded. I smiled, that's why they're so spaced out, they finally debuted. When it finally sunk in, they went back to being normal. 

"How was it?" Inati asked me.

"DAEBAK!" I exclaimed. "You guys were shining on the stage, and it was amazing!" 

They smiled at me and let out a sigh of relief. 

.::Fast Forward to a few weeks::.

I laid around my apartment and stared at the ceiling. I was getting pretty bored being home all the time. The guys were getting busy, and that meant I couldn't see them a lot. The last time I saw them was maybe a week or so before. That was only for my Korean lessons, and it didn't even last more than an hour. The good news is that I can hold a conversation in Korean now, I think I can even look for a part time job. The job would probably be a tourist site, where I would need more English than Korean to work there. If I find a part time job, I'll have something to do.

Time to start looking! I just had to find a small tourist shop that was hiring. I got dressed up and headed out. 

I walked around Seoul for hours, and couldn't find a shop. I went into a little ice cream shop and I backtracked. Everyone there looked like a tourist, and I heard different languages spoken. I heard mostly English and Japanese, but there was some Spanish and others that I couldn't pick out. I looked at the register and there was a "Now Hiring" sign.

I went to the registered and told the employee that I was interested in applying. He called for his boss, and I went back to speak briefly with the boss. It wasn't my interview, but just a preview I guess. The boss told me that once I had all my paperwork set, I should call them and see if I could get interviewed. I got my application form and left with a smile. 

I went back home to take a nap, and afterwards I checked my e-mail. I got one from Dongrim, and I don't know why but a sudden smile came to my face.

I'm sorry we haven't seen each other in a while. All of us have been sad over here because we haven't seen you! We have a complete free day tomorrow, and another on Saturday. Want to come to our dorm?


I replied right away to let them him know that I would go tomorrow. I couldn't wait to see all of them! But in reality I couldn't wait to see Dongrim and Daniel. 

Before I went to sleep that day, a thought occurred to me, did I like one of them? I mean I could like Dongrim? Or maybe I just liked talking to him, and he's a good friend. Or I could like Daniel? Or maybe I couldn't wait to see him because we still haven't had our best friend time together. It started to bug me, and then I could barely get sleep. Did I like one of them? Or do I just like spending time with them as friends? 

I kept tossing and turning all night, trying to think of a possible answer. Then I couldn't sleep because I was thinking about when I would call the Ice Cream shop to see if I could set up a time. I hate thinking of everything when I just want to sleep. I'm going to be so tired tomorrow!

Sorry guys D: I'll try and write a better chapter!!

LOL the title is kinda ironic, I don't know about the story, and Hana doesn't know if she likes Dongrim or Daniel.

...What is English class doing to me...


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So sorry T_T I thought I would update a lot sooner but it's taking longer. Dont worry my vacay is starting soon! c: so updates will be faster!


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________Hana #2
Chapter 17: :o horrible! Daniel Oppa ! Why did you forget? !!! >:(
Just subscribed! :D Already on chapter 16, too. I hope you update soon, please?
nenestar #4
@helloMi hahaha x) I get it! And thank you for reading :3
helloMi #5
Here comes the Drama. Lol. Get it? XD Thanks for updating!! :D
update soon !!! ^^
Update please O:
I hope she ends up with Daniel...
helloMi #8
FINALLY! lol. I don't know, maybe Youngwon cause I'm Youngwon biased
I'm guessing Daniel. Lol
I wonder who will get her.