
I Thought You Said You Wouldn't Forget Me?

Guys! Remember italics are used when they're talking Korean ^^

I groggily got up, and rubbed my eyes. I could not sleep at all last night. It was one of those nights where I couldn't stop thinking. I went to freshen up and sighed, I had panda eyes. I went to check my e-mail, and I got a new message from Dongrim, he said that I could come over around noon. I looked at the time and noticed it was only 7am. 

I sat down on the floor and started thinking, what could I do in the meantime. Right! I could get my paperwork together for the job! After five minutes, I threw the papers on the ground, I didn't feel like filling all this out. I sat there thinking, and then thoughts of Daniel and Dongrim filled my head. Dongrim's sweet smile and him helping me, it was all to cute. Then Daniel, we were reconnecting on some levels, and I remembered how much I missed talking to him. I missed the times back in Cali, when we would hang out. I remember when I dated someone in 8th grade, and then he was a complete jerk. Daniel comforted me, and I don't know it made me feel happy. Maybe my close friend was right....

 Yah, yah, yah! What am I thinking!?  NO. Daniel is my best friend, nothing more. But what is this feeling I get when I think of him? Is it just this teenage thing? I sighed, but I get that feeling with Dongrim? Maybe, it's two separate feelings, one of happiness and one of actually having a crush. But which one was for who. I frowned, why must I think of this? 

I pushed those thoughts aside, and decided to make breakfast. Instant noodles are getting really tiring day after day, but I don't have that much of a budget to buy the ingredients I want for a good meal. I'm trying to save the money I have, to just get by daily. I don't want to ask my parents, they've already paid for so much. Alright, I will finish this paper work before leaving! That is my goal!  But something inside me knew who I like and who was my friend.

By 10am, I finished everything. I double checked everything, looked for misspellings, and made sure I checked that my Korean was conversational so they wouldn't expect me to really talk to others. I finished my final draft, now I just needed to print it. I'll just go to the library later, right now I need to shower and get ready. After I was done, I looked at the time, and  it was time to start heading out. 

When I got to the dorm I knocked on the door, and I was greeted by a bed-head Daniel. I started laughing, as he was trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes. He yawned and let me inside. He went right to the couch and put a blanket on himself. Same old Daniel, on his free days he would always sleep in. 

"Maknae who is it?" I heard Inati yell from a different room. 
And Daniel didn't respond, he was still knocked out. I decided I would tell Inati I was here, "Inati Oppa~! It's me Hana." 
Then I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, and Inati greeted me. "Hana-ssi! Long time no see!" He said and came over for a tight hug. 
"Yah! Inati! Too tight" I barely managed to say. 
"Ah mian, mian!" He said and then he cocked his eyebrow up. "Yah! Don't forget the oppa!" 
I pouted and said "Oppa~ That gets annoying to say!" 
He let out his breath "Whatever you feel comfortable with Hana." and then he ruffled my hair. "Oh. Dongrim is upstairs if you want to see him, but I bet he'll be down soon. David is somewhere here... Jeesu is walking Bbangku. Dari's busy rapping, so he doesn't want to be bothered. I'm about to go cook, and Daniel, well he's sleeping." 

"I'll get him up~" I said and winked. 
He shook his head, and then headed to the kitchen. 
I poked Daniel on his face, and he just swatted my hand away. Oh! I remember, I use to do this all the time when he was asleep. I jumped on top of him, and he started kicking. 
"AH. What the heck!?" He exclaimed. 
I sat on him, and I was laughing away, and he got his head out of the blanket and looked at me. "Hana! I thought you wouldn't do this anymore" he whined. 
I just kept laughing and then gave him a hug. I always did that, even when I was in 8th grade, it was just too much fun. 

Inati came in and was shaking his head, but smiling. "You guys are like a cute couple sometimes" he said while chuckling, but I sat there with a blank expression because I didn't understand him. Daniel, on the other hand, seemed all flustered and he threw a pillow at Inati. "HYUNG!" He exclaimed, and Inati just stood there chuckling. 

"What'd he say?" I asked Daniel.
"He just told me not to forget you again"
"Ahh... Okay" Truth is, it still hurt that he forgot me. But we're reunited now, so it's a-okay! 

Dongrim's POV

I heard Hana downstairs, and the biggest grin appeared on my face. I haven't seen her in such a long time! And today, I was going to do it, I'll ask her on a date. Just a date, not to be my girlfriend, and then we'll see how it goes. I heard her sweet laughter fill the air, but I always heard Daniel whining. But then I heard Inati say, that they looked like a couple. I was still walking downstairs, and so I decided to peek. It's true, they do look like a couple. My heart dropped, what if Hana likes Daniel? What if she'll friend-zone me? 

I had second thoughts about asking her out on a date, I wasn't sure. She might just think we're hanging out, and maybe she doesn't even like me like that. I sat on the steps, I wasn't going to show myself to her yet. WHY AM I BEING LIKE THIS? I'm a man! I shouldn't be worrying so much.

What if she doesn't like me? I'll find someone else... But it's been so long since I've actually liked a girl. What if she likes Daniel? I don't care, they've known each other for so long... But, he forgot about her and I feel like we have chemistry. I peeked back at them, they really did look like a couple. 

I snapped out of it, is this what girls go through when they like a guy? JEEZ. I shouldn't worry! I'm Dongrim after all! I stood up, and put a smile on my face. 

"Daniel! I'm going go say hi to Dongrim!" I heard Hana say.

I nonchalantly walked down the stairs and she ran right into me. 
"Ah! Why is it that every time we meet, we end up running into each other and I fall?!" She exclaimed and started laughing.
I laughed with her too, that was how we met, running right into each other! I helped her up, and she gave me a hug. I stood stiff, it was a shock that she gave me a hug. I didn't expect getting a hug at all! After the shock left me, I hugged her back. 

"DONGRIM~! I've missed you" She exclaimed. 
"I've missed you too!" I said smiling. "You've been working on your Korean?"
She grinned, "OF COURSE!!" 
"Want to go walk?" I asked. My plan was to somehow bring up the date, while we walked. 
"Sure!" She looked back at Daniel, who was asleep, and then to the spot where Inati was and she shrugged. "Just you and me for the walk"  she said quietly, but I thought I saw a hint of a smile. 

We headed outside, and then she looped her arm around mine. 
"Let's skip! Such a beautiful day" 
I chuckled "You're cheery today" 

The walk to the park was quite a distance, but we managed to make the time pass. When we got there, she headed straight to the swings. She just sat there, it looked like she was thinking about something. She was still, and there was a beauty in her just sitting there. She turned to me and gave a smile, and it just made me feel happier. 

I really hope that she'll say yes to a date. I sat in the swing next to her, and it was just silence. She didn't really swing; she sat there, lightly pushing off, but not really going in the air. 

Then I said her name, but she said my name too. "You go first" I said. She shook her head, "No you, mine can wait".

I couldn't help it, but I spoke completely in Korean, and adding so much to what I wanted to say. She sat there and blinked a lot of times. "Dongrim, I'm still learning" she said while giving me a confused look.

I took a deep breath, I could ask her now, or just completely say something different. 

"Will you go on a date with me?" I asked, keeping my head down.  

And everything stood still, everything suddenly went silent, and all I could hear was my pounding heart. 

ALRIGHT GUYS. That's where I am ending it. Sorry I haven't updated in a while D:
>.< Couldnt think of a title so it's just going to be [13] LOL.

What do you think will happen? :O 
Who does Hana like? 


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So sorry T_T I thought I would update a lot sooner but it's taking longer. Dont worry my vacay is starting soon! c: so updates will be faster!


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________Hana #2
Chapter 17: :o horrible! Daniel Oppa ! Why did you forget? !!! >:(
Just subscribed! :D Already on chapter 16, too. I hope you update soon, please?
nenestar #4
@helloMi hahaha x) I get it! And thank you for reading :3
helloMi #5
Here comes the Drama. Lol. Get it? XD Thanks for updating!! :D
update soon !!! ^^
Update please O:
I hope she ends up with Daniel...
helloMi #8
FINALLY! lol. I don't know, maybe Youngwon cause I'm Youngwon biased
I'm guessing Daniel. Lol
I wonder who will get her.