What Will Happen?

I Thought You Said You Wouldn't Forget Me?

I went into the kitchen first, and I only saw Inati there. Good, I still have time to think. I stood near the refridgerator, not talking, and just lost myself in my thoughts. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Inati yell in shock, it wasn't loud enough for everyone to come running, but just enough to catch my attention. 
"Yah! You scared me!" he exclaimed.
"Sorry" I said in a distant voice.
He rested his arm on my shoulder, "What's wrong?" 
I shook my head, "Nothing. Um, where's Dongrim?" 
Inati then had a smirk on his face, "Oh? He's outside with Jeesu"
"Ah, thank you!" I said and started heading towards the front door.

I heard singing before I even made my way out, and I knew it had to be Jeesu and Dongrim. I slowly opened the front door, and peeked out. I smiled to myself, they were really good at singing, Jeesu had an angelic voice and Dongrim had a beautiful singing voice. I sneaked up behind them, and said in their ears that they were amazing.

They jumped forward and it looked like Dongrim was about yell. But then he refrained himself and smiled, it was still a sad smile and it made me have more feelings of uncertainty. If I told him I'd go on a date with him, would I end up hurting him later? Would I end up confusing myself even more? I looked to Dongrim and smiled, "Can we talk?" I asked. He nodded slowly, and looked to Jeesu. It's like Jeesu knew that we wanted to talk alone, and so he left. 

We stood there all awkwardly, and I couldn't bring myself to tell him I'd go on one date with him. I let out a sigh and finally spoke. 
"Dongrim?" I said quietly.
He looked at me, "Yes?"
"About that date..." I trailed off. He slumped a little and looked to the ground. I took in a deep breath, "If it's really a date, not a study date. I'll go on one" I said switching from English to Korean. Everything sounded broken, but he seemed to get it. His face lit up and he had the biggest smile ever. 
"Really?" He asked in a happy tone.
I nodded and gave a faint smile. He hugged me, and I held my breath.  He let me go, and went inside all happily. 

I sighed and sat on the step. Why do I feel like I shouldn't have said I'd go on the date? I buried my head in my hands. I just wanted to come to Korea, see if Daniel still remembered me, and not have to deal with guy troubles. 

Dongrim's POV

Something felt off, I feel as if she just accepted to on the date because she felt bad. I didn't notice until I went inside, but in the hug she stood stiff. Aigo, Dongrim what are you going to do? I frowned, should it be an actual date, or should I play it as a friend date? Should I even tell her I like her? 

I started heading upstairs and I heard David and Daniel talking. 
"Do you like her?" I heard David ask Daniel.
"What?" Daniel exclaimed. "No! I don't! Why do you ask?" Daniel sounded all flustered.
"No reason. Just wanted to know who I would support in this" David said.
"What do you mean?" Daniel asked.
"There's two people I know, who -I believe- like the same girl" 

I stood there with curiousity, who did Daniel like? I snickered, so little maknae likes someone too? But he could easily get the girl, he has charm and girls always go for him because of his little sayings. I kept on thinking of the reasons why girls like Daniel, until I heard Hana's name in the conversation. 

"Why do you even think I like Hana?" Daniel asked.
"There's something between you guys, and I can't explain it. But I can see it and sense it" David said.
"We're just good friends!" 

I stayed outside the door and then replayed the scene from earlier today. There was something between them, they were too blind to see it. But, like Daniel said maybe it's just because they're good friends. Or am I in denial? I kept frowning, I should really stop over thinking things. But what if, what if they do have chemistry. What can I do? 

Will this date show us that we have anything, or will it just be that we're only friends? 

OKAY. REALLY SHORT ;; So I guess maybe this is a filler? IDK.
I'm so sorry for not updating. Ah ): okay. 
I think that the next chapter will come to me like BAM so yeah. xD 

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So sorry T_T I thought I would update a lot sooner but it's taking longer. Dont worry my vacay is starting soon! c: so updates will be faster!


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________Hana #2
Chapter 17: :o horrible! Daniel Oppa ! Why did you forget? !!! >:(
Just subscribed! :D Already on chapter 16, too. I hope you update soon, please?
nenestar #4
@helloMi hahaha x) I get it! And thank you for reading :3
helloMi #5
Here comes the Drama. Lol. Get it? XD Thanks for updating!! :D
update soon !!! ^^
Update please O:
I hope she ends up with Daniel...
helloMi #8
FINALLY! lol. I don't know, maybe Youngwon cause I'm Youngwon biased
I'm guessing Daniel. Lol
I wonder who will get her.