Think. Think. Think!

I Thought You Said You Wouldn't Forget Me?

My heart was still pounding hard, it seemed like she wasn't going to answer. 
"Like a friend date?" She finally asked.
I hesitated for a moment, I did want to say as a 'get to know if I can ask you out kind of date', but that might make her confused.
"Ne, or study date?"  I said smiling at her, but she wasn't even looking at me, she was looking at the ground. Was I wrong to ask her on a date? Or did she like someone? Or did she just think of me as a friend? 

She turned towards me and smiled "Study Korean?", I slightly nodded. "Sure! I need to work on it" she said happily.
I mentally slapped myself, Dongrim what are you doing? You're setting yourself up to get friend zoned! All I could do was manage to smile a little at her. Then we just sat there in silence, it wasn't so awkward, but still it was weird. 

Hana's POV

Did Dongrim just ask me out on date? Am I imagining things? I'm not so sure what I can say. I think I made a big mistake when i asked him if it was a friend date. For some reason, I felt as if he became more reserved during that moment. Oh God, I really hope I didn't hurt his feelings or anything! He just asked out of no where, and I'm still having conflicting feelings. Oh geez, what am I going to do. 

I needed to talk to someone, but I'm not sure who. I sat there thinking, I forgot everything around me, and just sat there. I could ask Daniel for advice, but that might be a bit weird. But it's not like I haven't asked him for advice about guys before. Oh! I could ask David, he's like an older brother to me now. I'm sure he could give me some advice. 

"Hana? Hana-ssi? Did you hear me?" Dongrim asked.
I snapped out of my thoughts, "Eh? Sorry, no"
"It's getting colder, we should go" He said. I just nodded and got up from the swing.
The walk to the dorm was quieter than the walk to the park. An awkward silence filled the air, and Dongrim was just looking at the ground. 

When we walked into the dorm, we were greeted by David. 
He cocked his eyebrow up, "Did something happen?" he asked. 
"Nothing really..." I said, but my eyes begged for him to let me talk to him. I needed someone to confide in right now, and help me sort my feelings. He seemed to understand, "Uh Dongrim, I think Inati-hyung needs help with dinner" he told Dongrim. Dongrim just looked up and nodded, then he started heading his way towards the kitchen.

"Dang, I've never seen him so out of it" David said with surprise. Then he started going upstairs, "Come on, we have to discuss things."
I trudged up the stairs and when we got to the room, I just sat down with my legs close to my chest. "I think I hurt his feelings" I said before David had the chance to ask me anything. 
"Huh? How?" 
"Well he asked me to go on a date with him..." I said quietly
He sighed "And you said 'as friend', didn't you?" I buried my head into my knees, I felt awful because he seemed so down after I said that.
"Yes, and he suggested that it would just be a study date" 
David shook his head, "And you said yes?" 
I looked and him and pouted "Yeah... and I think he likes me" 
David flicked my head "Pabo"
I just sat there pouting, but then David asked "Do you like Daniel?"
I felt my face flush, "No! He's my best friend, nothing more" 
He just nodded with a skeptical look, "Then tell Dongrim you'll go on a date with him, not a study date."
"But... What if the conversations won't go anywhere because of my lack of Korean?" 
"You don't have to speak to have fun, you could be chasing each other in the park, or having a blast at the movies. Plus, your Korean gets better every day, I'm sure you'll have no problems talking with him"
I sat there thinking and just frowned. 
David got up and was about to head out, but he then said "Hana, before anyone really gets hurt, figure out who you truly like."

I sat there dumbfounded, was it obvious that I didn't know who I liked? Who I thought was just a good friend? I sighed and looked up at the ceiling hoping for some answer to come to me. I think I should go on the date with Dongrim, it's just a date, right? It's not like we'll automatically be a couple, it's like maybe a date to see how compatible we are? I don't know. 

I got up, and ran into Daniel. He poked my face, "Smile! What's wrong?" 
"Eh? Nothing. Why?" I said.
"You look a little down" He said with concern.
"Ah really? I'm not" I said in a happy way with a big smile. 
"Alright, your best friend is here if you wanna talk!" He said while giving me a one armed hug. 
I laughed a little, "I know~ Hey where's Dongrim? I want to talk to him" I asked.
He stood there thinking, "I believe he's with Intae-hyung in the kitchen or with Jeesu-hyung" 
"Thanks!" I said and bounced down the stairs. 

One date won't hurt, I hope. 

WOOOOOOOOO. Took me long enough ;; sorry! 
I'm finally on break so I can write a little more~ Hehe. But I'll be gone for four days...soo...yeah.

Did you like it? ^^
And thank you for being so patient with me! LOVEYOUGUYS♥

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So sorry T_T I thought I would update a lot sooner but it's taking longer. Dont worry my vacay is starting soon! c: so updates will be faster!


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________Hana #2
Chapter 17: :o horrible! Daniel Oppa ! Why did you forget? !!! >:(
Just subscribed! :D Already on chapter 16, too. I hope you update soon, please?
nenestar #4
@helloMi hahaha x) I get it! And thank you for reading :3
helloMi #5
Here comes the Drama. Lol. Get it? XD Thanks for updating!! :D
update soon !!! ^^
Update please O:
I hope she ends up with Daniel...
helloMi #8
FINALLY! lol. I don't know, maybe Youngwon cause I'm Youngwon biased
I'm guessing Daniel. Lol
I wonder who will get her.