
The Five

The five got back to their house, courtesy of their job they get paid a good amount. They better, for all the times they've risked their lives.

"Ah, home," Jungkook sighed, laying on the living room couch.

"Hanbin could I talk to you for a minute?" Jaiden asked her lover, just as the other boys disappeared throughout the house.

"Yeah," he almost groaned, his migraine getting worse and he felt nauseous.

Jaiden walked upstairs, Hanbin right behind her. They went into their room, and the boy immediately fell on the bed, letting out a loud, painful, sigh.

"Why do you do this, Hanbin?" Jaiden sat beside his weakened figure. "You don't have unlimited blood."

"I know, but I can't just stand around while you guys fight," he replied, his arm over his eyes as he laid down. He mentally thanked Jaiden for not turning on the lights.

"I hate seeing you like this," she spoke. "It doesn't just hurt you, you know," at this comment he took his arm off his eyes and looked at his beauty. The one person he loved unconditionally, whom he would die for in an instant.

"I know, I'm sorry," he sat up, and pulled her close. She laid her head on the crook of his neck, and he kissed the top of her head.

They stayed there for a while, in comfortable silence. Until Hanbin spoke up again.

"Don't you wish we were normal sometimes?" He asked his lover, and she lifted her head and gave him a confused look.

"Normal?" She questioned.

"We'd be in normal schools, probably working mundane jobs. We'd raise a family,"

"Hanbin." She stopped his fantasizing. "You know that's never gonna happen."

"I know, but what if," he said.

"Then I think our lives would be very boring," she pecked his lips.

And then he remembered the exhilarating experiences the five had gone through, how his abilities made him unique, and he smiled in the slightest.

"Hmm, good point," he shrugged. "Just a thought."

"Feeling any better?" Jaiden asked, as she stood and headed for her drawers, pulling out a tank top and sweatpants.

"Yeah, the dizziness is going away," he rubbed his temple.

"I'll get you water, you should sleep," Jaiden spoke as she changed out of her clothes then and there.

"Damn," Hanbin smirked at his lover, as she threw on her tank top over her red lace bra. "Stay with me."

Jaiden chuckled at his puppy dog eyes, who could refuse that look? With a smile she joined him in bed.

Hanbin brought her close to his chest, wrapping an arm around her, while his other was on her upper thigh.

"We should do this more often," he spoke, kissing the top of her head.

"Remind me why we don't?" Jaiden replied.

And at that second, as if on cue, there was a loud knock on their door.

"Jai, Hyung! Boss is on the line, he wants to talk to us about what happened today." Hanbin groaned, as Jaiden shuffled to a sitting position.

"This is why," Jaiden rolled her eyes in annoyance. The two could never get any alone time.

"C'mon, we'll continue this later," she stood, holding out a hand for him to take.

"Be there in a second, Kookie!" Hanbin said, taking Jaiden's hand and the two got up.

They headed downstairs to the living room, where the other three sat on the couch. Jungkook handed Jaiden the phone when they were in reach, and the lovers took a seat beside the others.

"Boss?" She pressed speaker.

"Jaiden, are you and your team alright?" The old man asked.

"Cmon, gramps who do you think you're talking to?" She replied, earning a scoff from her boss. She and the powerful man had a very close relationship, since she was so high up in the rankings. She was the only one allowed to talk to the man casually.

"Do you know what happened exactly?" The man followed. Jaiden passed the phone to Hanbin, he was the best at explaining the situation. He looked exhausted, but focused.

"A man, whom we believe is from the Rebel Army, was sent to bomb the school. And it's no coincidence that it was the exact same we enrolled to." He spoke.

"How would they know? We're usually really careful with our information," said Bobby, a puzzled expression present.

"They've gotten stronger, more efficient. They're taking down our agents abroad little by little." The Boss cut in.

"And again, we're sitting here doing nothing," Yugyeom spoke up, and Hanbin sent him a look of warning. "Just saying." He added with a shrug.

"We're doing the best we can abroad, but we need our strongest soldiers protecting the future. And Prowess Academy being the most prestigious school for Supers makes it a high targets for the Rebels." The man explained.

"Fair enough, so what should we do, sir?" Jungkook then added.

"Stay on high alert, classes will go on though I'll order security around the campus. If anything else happens I'm counting on you to protect the students and staff."

"Got it, keep us updated on the war abroad please." Jaiden replied.

"Of course, good luck." And he ended the call.

Jaiden sighed and leaned her head on Hanbin's shoulder.

"So basically we're stuck babysitting." Bobby said, rubbing his temple. Yugyeom stood and headed to the kitchen.

He pored the group one of their best scotches from their alcohol cabinet. Yes, being top of the military earned them a few privileges.

"Let's just see where things go," Jaiden spoke, nodding a thank you to Yugyeom when he handed her the drink.

The beauty stood, and walked to their patio, where she always went to think.

"There's something he's not telling us, you know that right?" From behind her came Bobby, and he leaned against the wall on her opposite side.

"I know," she sighed. "How are you?"

"Fine, adrenaline's going down. It wasn't too bad today," Bobby shrugged.

Depending on the amount of energy he absorbed, side effects could come with them.

"Good. What about the maknaes?" She then asked.

"Normal as usual, lucky bastards don't get side effects." The eldest snickered. "And why do you call them maknaes, you're the youngest here."

At that Jaiden waved him off, and with his hands up in surrender, Bobby left the patio and Jaiden to her thoughts.

She stayed out there for almost an hour, the boys knew never to bother her whenever she went out there.

With yet another sigh, she headed back into the house.

Finding Yugyeom in the kitchen was no surprise, the boy ate like crazy!

She assumed that Jungkook was down in the basement, where their training bunker was, the boy practically lived there. He's called the golden agent because of how young yet experienced he is.

Bobby sat on the living room couch watching whatever was on tv, though his state was blank, as if his mind were elsewhere. He paid no attention to Jaiden as she walked passed him and up the stairs.

She wasn't surprised to find Hanbin in bed, sleeping. She hated seeing him like this after almost every mission. Exhausted, weak, in pain.

She then stripped down to her underwear, throwing on one of his plain shirts and joining the boy in bed.

She found her way to his arms, and he absentmindedly opened his arms so that the girl could lay her head on his chest. She drew circles on his chest as he slept, her mind blank in contrast to just a bit ago when she stood outside.

It was then that the memory flashed in her head. Of when they were first put into a team two years ago, while Jaiden was barely sixteen.


"Jaiden, I know you're young, but you've proved to the Force that you're a capable agent and asset," she stood before the strange old man who would soon become her Boss.

"You've grown up in this base, gone through advanced training and surpassed all your classmates with flying colors. From this day forth you are a full fledged graduate and Super."

"Every graduate is placed in a five-man team, where you'll go on missions and fight to protect our race together. The four graduates you are about to meet are all extremely skilled and from different backgrounds." The man spoke, turning toward his office's door.

"Yugyeom, come in." He said, and the door soon swung open.

A boy, not much older than herself, bowed to the Boss, and then walked over to the two.

"This is Yugyeom, he joined our forces two years ago, and his abilities emerged a few months ago. Since then he has mastered them and is ready for the War. He is able to create powerful energy beams that can disintegrate almost anything. Please try and get along with him." Jaiden nodded to the boy, and he did the same.

"Jungkook, you can come in now." The Boss spoke, and in came yet another boy around Jaiden's age.

"This is Jungkook, he has been with us for a year. His abilities emerged before he started training, which is why he sought for us. He is able to use his bones as weapons, his strength lies in close combat." The two acknowledged each other.

The Boss sighed before continuing, as if he weren't looking forward to the next candidate.

"Bobby, you can-"

"Gramps! Hey, been a while!" The rambunctious boy burst through the doors with a grin, making Jaiden smile.

It's always nice having a bit of chaos around.

"Bobby's been in training for three years, he discovered his powers a bit over two years ago. Though he hasn't been able to graduate because of, well, insubordination. His ability consists of absorbing the energy emitted from others and being able to use it to his advantage."

"Nice to meet ya," he sent a wink toward Jaiden, and she nodded as a response.

"Lastly, Hanbin, come in!" Boss spoke, and the door clicked open.

From it appeared the last of Jaiden's newest teammates.

He had a sort of aura around him, as if he were the oldest, though his baby face proved otherwise.

"This is Hanbin, he scored the second best on the graduate exam, second to you, Jaiden." She eyed the boy, and he did the same to her. "He grew up with us, similar to you, and was one of the earliest to gain his abilities. He is able to manipulate metal."

"Now boys, this is Jaiden. She will be your team Leader." At this Jaiden's eyes went wide.

"Wait, what? Me?" She questioned.

"Don't underestimate yourself, Jaiden. You may be the youngest, but you have the most experience by far out of all the graduates. With your superb strategic skills on the field and unstoppable abilities, there is no doubt that you will become a great Leader." It was the first time she had seen the man smile.

"And boys," he turned to the four before them. "I expect you show your new Leader the upmost respect she deserves."

Jaiden looked at her team, and the boys all smiled.

"From now on, you five will work as a single unit, through all the missions you go on, sticking together and protecting one another will always be your top priority. I expect this team to become the best in the Force, Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir," Yugyeom spoke first.

"Understood." Jungkook nodded.

"We got you, Gramps," Bobby then said.

"You can count on us." Hanbin spoke confidently.

"We'll become the best team you've got."

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NoeLna #1
Chapter 3: OMG.. cant wait for the next chapter.. :D great story autornim..