
The Five

"Why are there no Rebels down here?" Jungkook was the first to ask as the five were now in the basement, walking cautiously with their weapons ready.

The lowest level was practically barren, other than tanks of a strange red substance on either sides of the level.

"What the hell is this?" Yugyeom looked to the tanks, about a dozen in total.

"Something's not right, Jai." Hanbin followed from her right.

The captain scoped the place immediately. Ironically, she wasn't glad by the fact that there were no Rebels shooting at them.

"We're destroying this, then getting the hell out. Questions?" She spoke.

"Sounds good to me." Bobby shrugged, his hands glowing with energy.

"What even is this stuff anyways?" Yugyeom asked, motioning toward one of the tanks as they walked farther.

"Don't even think about it, Gyeomie," Bobby cut in, his dry humor lightening the mood ever so slightly.

"Okay, Hanbin, set the explosives." Jaiden told her partner, as he pulled out the dozen sticks of dynamite from his backpack.

He handed them out between the five, and they all placed them around the tanks of liquid.

"Yugyeom, Bobby, go stand by the entrance and watch for my signal," The Captain said as the two who were meant to blow this place to kingdom come finished placing the explosives down.

The two headed back without a word, Yugyeom placing a hand on Bobby's shoulder, it glowing slightly giving the older a transfer of energy.

"All good back here!" Jungkook told Jaiden and Hanbin, who were at the farthest part of the basement setting the explosions. The youngest headed to where Yugyeom and Bobby stood, just by the door they came from. They could hear the struggle of a fight just outside, letting them know that Yuno was still fighting.

"Good, Jai?" Hanbin turned to the girl, who just finished.

"Yeah, let's head back." She responded.

They didn't take one step forward, however, when a battalion of dozens of Rebels appeared from thin air, blocking their path to the other three of Argos.

"The hell-"

"If you think you're getting out of here alive, well," one spoke, vanishing again and appearing just in front of the largest explosive the five had set. He pulled out a match and before the five could do anything, lit the dynamite.


"What did you just say?" Bobby was the first to react to his Captain. The five gathered around their car just outside of Headquarters.

"Pack your bags, we're leaving." Jaiden repeated again.

"And Boss agreed to this?" Jungkook had to question.

"I didn't give him much choice," Jaiden replied. "I'm done sitting around. We're ending this war once and for all." Her boys could only stare, too many questions flooding their minds.

"I'm gonna meet with Kellan and Alec, let them know about the decision. I'll see you all back home." She didn't wait for their response, and left the four there, dumbstruck.

"So, does this mean we don't go back to school?" Yugyeom asked, earning an elbow to his side by Bobby.


The four boys twiddled their thumbs as they waited back at the house for their Leader. They hadn't seen their Captain that agitated since that one mission.

Hanbin was the first to stand from the couch as the front door opened.

"Jai, what the hell?" He questioned, the Captain now entering their living room.

"We leave tomorrow at 0400." She stated, in a tired tone. "Headquarters was sending over some supplies and more troops to the front lines anyways, they’ll drop us off where this attack is supposed to happen."

"Well ," Bobby was grinning. "Couldn't you have snapped earlier?"

"Yeah, Jai, if we knew we'd get sent off if you got pissed you should've done it earlier." Yugyeom followed.

"I'm glad you all feel the same as I do." The girl couldn't help her sigh.

"So we have a day to get ready?" Jungkook confirmed.

"Yeah. Pack whatever you need, I don't know how long we'll be there so be smart about what you bring." Jaiden looked at Bobby directly.

"Hey, I pack for anything." He defended.

"Only one bag this time, please." She made sure to say. He threw his hands up in surrender. Without any objections the two youngest headed to their rooms to pack, while Bobby went to the kitchen, leaving the two lovers alone in the living room.

"Go on a date with me." Hanbin said out of nowhere.

"What?" She was taken aback by the sudden suggestion.

"Hanbin, now isn't really-"

"Please," he stood, going over to his lover and taking her hand. He had his puppy dog eyes in full blast, ones that Jaiden could rarely refuse. 

"Fine," she sighed in defeat, a smile now plastered on the boy's face. 

"Wear the new dress I got you." He said almost too excitedly. 

It didn't take long for the two to get ready, and once again Jaiden found herself fixing her lover's tie.

"One day I'll finally figure out how to dress myself," he chuckled once the girl finished up by brushing his jacket off.

"Now that'll be a good day," the girl joked. The two headed downstairs to see the three other boys gathered around their flat screen shoving one another as they were engrossed in their video game.

"We're going out. Did you all pack?" Jaiden asked, her hand in Hanbin's.

"Yeah~" the three mumbled simultaneously, never parting their gaze from the screen.

The two lovers gave each other an eye roll regarding the three stooges.

Hanbin took the keys to the black corvette, leading his lover outside.

"So where are we going exactly?" She couldn't help but ask.

"You'll see," he smirked, opening the door for her to get in.

The two drove off with the radio music lightly playing in the background.

Jaiden couldn't help but think of tomorrow. In just ten hours they'd be shipped off across the world, to the front lines.

She smiled. Where they truly belonged.

"You know I love you, right?" Hanbin said out of nowhere. The girl turned to her lover with furrowed brows. They had just pulled in to a nice restaurant with the view of the Han River.

"Of course. Why does that sound like a goodbye?" She had to admit. He didn't say anything as he parked and got out of the car. He went around and opened Jaiden's door.

"It isn't. I just wanted you to know." He simply shrugged.

"Where are we?" Jaiden asked as they walked.

The two stood out from the crowd, everyone around could tell they weren't ordinary. They couldn't help but stare.

"Figured we deserved a nice meal before leaving. We all know the they feed us over there is anything but food." He replied, as they entered the beautiful outdoor restaurant. The wind was brisk, but nothing compared to some places the two had been to on missions.

They sat, Hanbin pushing in Jaiden's chair before taking his own chair. Before anything else they ordered wine.

"So Kellan and Alec are all good with being shipped off so suddenly?" The boy asked.

"It's their job. Besides, they're as anxious to end this war as we are." The girl replied.

"Makes sense," Hanbin shrugged. The two didn't pay mind to how expensive each plate was, they had more than enough money to be able to enjoy the night without worries. "Hey, have you ever thought about the future?"

"The future?" She wondered why Hanbin was acting like this today. As if he knew something bad would happen.

"Yeah, you and me, the guys, after the war's over." He listed.

"I haven't thought about that," the beauty mumbled. "We're sure as hell not going back to school that's for sure."

"No I mean, well yeah, I don't want school either. But I mean after everything's over. Will we keep working like this?"

"Hanbin," she was taken by surprise at the sudden topic. She had never thought about their future. She always assumed they would've died by now, there'd be no reason to think of such trivial things if they're gonna die any moment anyways.

"I know, it's just..." he smiled a sad smile. "Something I like to think about some times." Jaiden didn't respond, since the waiter came and took their order.

The lovers ate in comfortable silence, they didn't need words to express how they felt. Soon enough they had finished with dinner, and not wanting to go home just yet, they chose to take a walk staring out at the Han River.

"Here," the boy draped his jacket over the girl's shoulders, and she smiled thankfully. She took his hand, the two staring out at the pitch black sky.

"I think about having a family. With you," he spoke. The girl looked up to him, but he looked out to the river before him, a slight smile present.

"Hanbin-ah," the girl mumbled.

"Mmm," he shook his head. "Just trivial thoughts. We should head back."

"Yeah," Jaiden could t help but stare at her lover's strange attitude.

She shook it off once they got to the car.

"Let's just end this war quick and come back," Jaiden mumbled as the two drove.

"Took the words right out of my mouth, Jagi."

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NoeLna #1
Chapter 3: OMG.. cant wait for the next chapter.. :D great story autornim..