
The Five

"Is there a brave soul that would like to go first?" The 'doctor', we'll call him, spoke in an amused tone to the five trapped in their cells. He twirled a surgeon's knife in his fingers.

Hanbin and Jaiden stared at the man with gritted teeth. Could they really do nothing?!

"I'll go." Jaiden spoke up before her boys could, since they were about to. They wouldn't let their Captain go through any sort of torture.

"Ah, the Captain." The doctor smiled.

"No you won't." Hanbin grabbed the girl's hand. He wasn't about to watch the girl he loved get cut open by a psycho.

"Don't worry." She told Hanbin, her stare firm. He was taken aback at the calmness of her tone.

"Jai! Don't you dare!" Bobby yelled from the other cell.

"It's fine, Bobby. Trust me." Jaiden spoke, her tone abnormally calm.

She approaches the bars, as the doctor opened the cell door just enough for her to squeeze by without touching the poison.

"Ah, I wouldn't use your abilities either." The man spoke, just as the girl was about to summon all the electricity she could. "I inserted a chip in your necks connected to your nerves. You so much as activate it and boom goes your brain!" The man laughed. He laughed.

Jaiden wasn't about to test if he was bluffing, so she shut down her ability instantly.

The man took Jaiden's hands, cuffing them with thick handcuffs. At the instant they made contact with her skin she began to feel lightheaded.

"The hell..." she mumbled.

"Oh, these? They suppress your ability completely. Side effects include dizziness, nausea, blurry vision...uh, heart failure maybe? I don't quite remember, oh well." The doctor led Jaiden onto the medical chair in the middle of the room.

"I swear to god if you so much as touch a hair on her head I'll smash your head in!" Hanbin roared, having to stop himself from gripping the cell bars out of anger.

"Oops." The doctor placed a single finger on the girl's head, making her whip her head out from his touch. She blinked rapidly when the room spun. Were the cuts affecting her that much?

The doctor then went and grabbed a syringe from the table beside the chair, and squeezed the liquid out slightly making sure it worked.

"Now then, beautiful. Why don't we get started?" He turned to face her.

"I'm trying my best to be polite, but if you move that needle a centimeter closer to me I will tear you apart." Jaiden warned, as he placed the syringe near her neck.

"Jaiden! You ing bastard, get away from her!" Bobby screamed.

"You're a dead man!" Yugyeom followed. Jungkook could only grit his teeth.

"Don't do it..." Hanbin said just above a whisper, almost begging. "What do you want from us!?" He snapped, yelling out.

"That's a good question," the doctor spoke. "The next stage in evolution? Yeah, that sounds about right."

No second later did he inject the substance into Jaiden's neck, and instantly the pain consumed her.


"Wait what if there are, like, people here?" Kellan asked.

"Civilians, you mean?" Jungkook clarified.

"Yeah, won't they get in the way?"

"Just burn 'em." Jaiden replied, monotone. Most civilians should've been evacuated by now. Either that or killed. If anyone's left alive they're either allies with the Rebels, or plain stupid.

"Burn 'em?" Kellan repeated.

"Politely." The girl shrugged.

As they spoke they faced a small division of fifty or so Rebel soldiers, all armed with the top military weapons, aimed right at the three of them.

They didn't bother taking cover at this point. Jaiden engulfed herself and her swords in lightning, Kellan was breathing smoke and his hands were in forms of fireballs, and Jungkook's bones were in his hands, his ribs out, all in titanium.

"What's the plan?" Kellan asked.

"Don't get shot." Jaiden replied, and charged without another warning. Jungkook followed without a word, and Kellan sighed, also running for the soldiers.

Bullets zoomed past the three. Jaiden had gone almost supersonic, taking out soldiers in super speed, while Jungkook easily blocked bullets that came for him by swinging his bones, which didn't show any signs of cracking, and took out dozens of soldiers himself.

Kellan threw fireballs from his palms like it were a Major League Baseball game, hitting their targets almost every time.

"Anyone wanna take out the snipers on the roof?" Jungkook spoke, swatting away a bullet aimed for his head with is bones. Focusing on the fight before him.

"I got it." Jaiden spoke, vanishing from the ground and instantly appearing on the near rooftop, electrocuting the two snipers that were stationed there. No second later did she join her boys down at the ground to finish the small fry off.

Not even two minutes later were the men either dead or unconscious on the ground.

"Let's move." The girl spoke. The three jogged through the streets of the capitol, not bothering to conceal themselves. Whoever came at them, let them come. They'd bulldoze through anyone.

"Yo! Aren't I lucky!?" The three snapped their heads up at the nearest building, where a silhouette of a man could be seen.

"Alec?" Jaiden asked, recognizing the voice.

He jumped down, landing on the street, the concrete cracking beneath him because of the momentum. He walked over to the three without a scratch. His super strength was nothing to be messed with.

"Hey guys, long time no see." He spoke. "Anyone know where my team is, by any chance?"

"Sorry dude, we're trying to find everyone now." Kellan replied, the four now running together.

"Where the hell is your ear piece, anyways?" Jaiden asked the Yuno captain.

"Fell out, sorry," he shrugged sheepishly. They abruptly turned into another street, much broader that broke off into five or so smaller streets.

"Let's get to higher ground, we're sitting ducks down here." Jaiden told the boys, once again crackling with lightning. She took Jungkook and Kellan by the shoulders, and vanished.

"Why can't I be teleported..." Alec grumbled, bending his knees and jumping up with all of his strength. The ground beneath him crumbled as he practically flew to the nearest rooftop, meeting the other three.

"Look," Jaiden motioned toward their northern end, and saw the chaos. Dozens of abilities could be seen flying above the skyscrapers. Whether it was energy beams, geysers of scalding water, storms and tornadoes, hell even branches of trees.

"Looks like we found our first stop." Jungkook stated. Without another word the four headed toward the line of fire.

"Woohoo! Take this bastards!"

Jaiden could recognize the voice anywhere.

They stood at the edge of the nearest skyscraper, looking down at the ground.

"There's one," Jungkook said, looking at the Super practically bouncing from building to building, taking on five Rebels with abilities simultaneously.

"How do you deal with him?" Kellan had to ask Jaiden. The girl sighed.

"You get used to it," she replied, just as he was attacked by his five opponents at the same time.

"Should we go help?" Alec wondered.

"Probably." And with that, Jaiden took a step off the edge of the building, and free fell. The three boys followed her.

Jaiden was heading right for the middle of the blasts. It seemed as if the enemy could control the elements, water and wind in particular. The blasts looked like hydro pumps and massive, razor-like, winds.

Her swords coated in lightning, she swung down, releasing a powerful lightning bolt that cut the blast in half. She landed in the void, smoke surrounding her.

"Oh, hey Jai." Bobby stood from behind her, dusting himself off, and walked over to her. "Thanks, but I had this under control."

"Sure you did." Jungkook spoke from the left, as the group now joined together behind their Captain.

"Get ready," Jaiden warned, the smoke clearing slightly.

"You been here the whole time?" Kellan asked Bobby.

"Yeah, the bastards just won't go down," Jaiden now noticed he was covered in cuts and bruises, and panting. He's been fighting this whole time...?

She worried about Yugyeom and Hanbin now more than ever.

"Have you used that yet?" Jaiden had to ask. Jungkook peeked up at the mention of this. Jaiden hasn't mentioned that since they last mastered it in training months ago.

"Nah, savin' that for last." Bobby wiped the sweat from his forehead. "I take it you guys haven't either." Jungkook shook his head in response.

Suddenly the wind began to pick up, making it hard to breathe. No second later did rain start beating down.

"Jaiden, I'm at a disadvantage," Kellan's hands were aflame, though it was small because of the water.

"It's fine, back us up." Jaiden replied, her lightning slightly out of control because of the water. "I'm actually at an advantage."

"What about the others? Jungkook spoke, looking at the three others beside the element users.

"The one on the far right can teleport, the guy in the middle's a shapeshifter, and the last One's weird. He sees through all my attacks."

"Five of us, five of them. Pick your opponent." Jaiden stated.

"Dibs on the wind bastard," Kellan spoke first, surprising the girl.

"I'll take on the teleporter." Jungkook stated confidently.

"Guess I'll take the weird guy," Alec cracked his knuckles.

"I'll take the animal freak." Bobby said. Jaiden glared at the Rebel who summoned the rain.

"Don't use too much energy, we still have a long way to go." The girl said, her hands sparking. The five stood ready to battle.

"Scatter." At Jaiden's command, the four boys vanished from sight, no second later appearing before their opponents.

The water user walked toward Jaiden, his facial expression unreadable. He didn't look like the typical Rebel soldier. He looked like Jaiden and her team.

"Captain of the Special Forces, it's nice to meet you." He spoke, water droplets hovering over him. "My name is Suho, one of the twelve Generals of the Rebel Army."

Jaiden glanced at the wind user to her far left, now in a heated battle against Kellan's flames.

"Cunning as I expected, he is also a fellow general." The man spoke.

"Normally I would ask my opponents why they choose war over diplomacy," the girl said. "But from what you've done to hurt my team and I, today; I'm the one that wages war."

And she charged at the man.

He immediately threw up a wall of water, blocking him from her attack.

Though Lightning overpowers water, and so Jaiden cleanly slashed the wall in half, jumping through and swinging at him. He backed off before a swing could reach, but the moment he would land steadily on his feet, the Captain was on him again.

She pushed him back effortlessly.

Though she began to realize that all he did was dodge, staying on the defensive. She decided to back off.

"Enough of this," she spoke, sheathing one of her swords. With the one still in her hand, she doubled the electricity surrounding it, the raindrops near her evaporating from the Lightning.

"Raikoken," Suho's eyes went wide.

"That sword..." he mumbled, immediately taking steps back and creating two twin swords made of water, grasping them tightly. He readied himself.

"You should recognize it, your people made it, after all." She swung it expertly, thunder roaring above her.


"Stop it!" Hanbin screamed, begging for the doctor to unhand his lover. Jaiden was screaming in agony, as the doctor absorbed her lightning with special tools that were meant to drain abilities.

"We'll make good use of your abilities, don't you worry my dear." The man smirked psychotically.

Hanbin's whole body throbbed, he had been injected with the same liquid as Jaiden a few hours ago. Bobby, Yugyeom, and Jungkook had also been experimented on, their turns had just finished so they laid unconscious in their cell. Hanbin was the only one witnessing this.

The doctor finally shut off the machine, and Jaiden's screams were replaced with her heavy panting. She didn't even need to be cuffed anymore, too weak to even move. He collected the energy from Jaiden's body into the machine, which was dragged out by Rebel soldiers.

"Now that'll make a good weapon." He spoke happily.

"Why are you doing this to her!? Take my abilities instead!" The boy begged, as a Rebel soldier took Jaiden and threw her back into the cell with Hanbin. He crawled over to her limp figure, his hands still cuffed and his body not reacting to his commands. Whatever he was injected with was affecting his movements.

"Jai, hey. I'm gonna get you out of here, okay?" He whispered, biting his lip so hard that blood dripped from it.

"Oh don't worry, boy, we have special plans for you." The doctor spoke, and just then the soldier roughly grabbed Hanbin, dragging him out of the cell and toward the torture chair.

This was how it went. The five took turns in the Rebel torture chair. Jaiden had been first, then Hanbin, and then the other three. Over and over for the past 27 hours.

"You've been handling our techniques far better than any of your friends, maybe it's because of your abnormally rough skin particles," the doctor predicted. "Even if your powers are sealed, I'm sure the levels of iron in your body are above average."

Hanbin almost growled as he was being strapped into the chair.

"Why don't we see how high these levels can go?"


"You didn't think I'd leave your hideout without a parting gift, did you?" Suho eyed the weapon in Jaiden's hand. Their most powerful weapon went missing when the five broke out. He's not surprised she has it. More so terrified of what it can do in the hands of the person who's abilities were used to make it in the first place.

But he stood his ground. He was one of the twelve generals, this would not make him step back.

He gathered all of his strength and abilities into his makeshift swords, ready for the close combat battle that was about to unfold.

Without warning, Jaiden vanished into thin air. Suho stayed calm. He'd have to rely solely on his instinct to sense where she's coming from. So the general closed his eyes.

He raised his sword above his head and turned around, the impact of Jaiden's sword and his own making the ground crack and thunder road above them.

Jaiden was taken a back, no one had ever countered her attacks when she goes supersonic.

Though she had no time to stay dumbfounded, the general taking the offensive now and following up with multiple strikes, pushing the girl back defensively.

Jaiden was surprised at the level of his swordsmanship skills. On par with her own. She'd should expect nothing less from a general.

Jaiden managed to glance at her comrades in their own battles. They all were struggling, something she expected, though she was confident they wouldn't lose.

And so she charged once again, vanishing from thin air with a crackle and roaring thunder above.

Suho closed his eyes, calm as water as he swayed slightly, droplets surrounding him.

Jaiden didn't question his strange stance, she simply appeared right in front of the man and swung down at his head.

Though his eyes snapped open and blocked the attack with one of his swords, while using the other to slash at the girl's side, blood splattering.

"Jaiden!" Bobby yelled from afar, he himself being bombarded with attacks.

The girl instantly backed off, pressing her gashed side. It wasn't lethal, but it would definitely slow her down. She lit her hand in electricity and placed it over the wound, numbing the nerves with shock therapy so she wouldn't feel pain.

"I thought you were better than this," Suho stated. "I guess the Doctor overestimated you. He told me you were an uncontrollable monster."

"Monster, huh?" The girl almost chuckled. "Whether you believe that or not, you should be careful. Monsters are dangerous."

"Yet you bleed like the rest of us." The man lifted his hands, twirling his water made swords expertly.

"Well, should that really matter to you when you're about to die?"

Suho couldn't help his chuckle.

"I'm about to die? You should look around beautiful, it looks like your team will kick it long before I ever do." Jaiden glanced around, seeing her friends either on their knees or being beaten brutally. She bit her lip.

"Jungkook, Bobby; Code Zero." She stated at her boys, while wounded Kellan and Alec looked in confusion.

"Kellan! Alec! You better not die in this!" She yelled to the two fellow Captains.

Before anyone could say anything, thunder above roared stronger and louder than ever.

Jaiden held her hands to the sky, lightning crackling to the ground simultaneously. Suho looked in confusion, yet knew he couldn't let whatever was about to happen, happen. He gripped his swords and charged at the girl, who stood frozen.

Just as he was about to reach her, however, his swords were blocked by the younger.

"Sorry, I can't let you interrupt the Captain," Jungkook spoke, his bones cracked yet still managing to block Suho.

"Kai, what the hell are you doing?" Suho snapped, looking for his fellow General.

Out of nowhere a man appeared from thin air and kicked Jungkook on his side, sending him flying out of the way.

"Sorry, boss," he spoke.

"," Bobby cursed, his opponent never allowing him to even glance over at Jaiden. "You ready yet!?"

"Yeah," Jaiden looked at Suho, who charged along with the Teleporter. She was smirking.


Suho's sword was inches away from the Captain's nose before he was struck by a lightning bolt.

It wasn't just him, she made sure to hit all five. Bobby dove out of the way just in time, his shirt slightly singed but other than that he was in one piece.

The bolt only struck for less than a second, and the charred bodies fell instantly. It was quiet for a moment.

"What the hell?!" Kellan hissed in utter shock, eyeing his limo opponent at his feet. "Why didn't you do that from the start?!"

"Well," Jaiden swayed, and was about to fall forward when Jungkook caught her just in time. "Oh, Kook, you okay?" She mumbled, exhaustion clear in her voice.

"You dummy," he mumbled, placing her on his back like a piggy back ride.

"We should get out of here," Bobby said, heading over toward Jungkook. Alec and Kellan joined them.

"Damn, Jai. I'm sorry it had to come to that," Alec spoke.

"It's fine, controlling natural lightning takes a lot out of me, is all. I'll be fine," she spoke with a weak smile.

"We should take care of our injuries before we move on," Kellan added, seeing as they were all bloody and bruised.

They decided to head for cover, being in an open plain in a war zone was not their ideal rest stop.

They found a somewhat intact building nearby, and Jungkook placed Jaiden on the floor against the wall.

"Thanks, Kookie," she smiled at the boy.

"You should take care of that," he looked at Jaiden's side, which continued to bleed. She sat up with a groan, ripping her pants and giving the cloth to Jungkook. He wrapped it tightly around the girl's stomach, earning winces from her.

"That should stop the bleeding," he mumbled.

"So," Bobby held his arm out as Alec snapped it back into its socket, earning a groan from the boy, "what's the plan?" He slightly rolled his shoulder, his arm back to normal (as normal as it can get after it's been dislocated).

Jaiden stood, it taking a lot more out of her than she thought it would. She held onto Kellan's arm for stability.

"We go deeper, try to find the others. The less fighting we do for now the better. Until we recover some of our strength, we go in solely on stealth." The girl stated.

"Sounds good to me," Bobby cracked his neck, spitting out blood like it was mouthwash.

"How many shots of adrenaline you have left?" Jungkook asked his comrade.

"Two," he held up his fingers to mimic the number.

"Damn," the younger clicked his tongue.

"You just worry about yourself, Kook," Bobby placed his hand on the younger's head briefly, in a brotherly manner.

"We should move, we're sitting ducks here," Kellan spoke up.

"Yeah, let's go," Jaiden stated, leading their small team.

They headed back out to the streets, though choosing to travel throughout the back alleys rather than main roads like before.

Jaiden cursed in her mind, she underestimated the enemy. She knew the Generals would be strong, but for her to have to use one of her strongest techniques?

She'd have to use that, after all. Her whole team would have to. If Hanbin and Yugyeom were even still alive...

She shook the thought off as they ran. Those two wouldn't fall easily. They wouldn't fall at all.

It wasn't long after she was thinking about this that a huge explosion went off from ahead.

Jaiden shielded her face, feeling the heat and energy even from miles away.

"Yugyeom." Jungkook instantly recognized the pressure. He'd be the first, the countless hours the two would spend training together didn't account for nothing.

"Let's go!" Alec exclaimed, the five of them picking up their pace to a sprint. Jaiden had regained most of her stamina, but some of her muscles she could feel were torn.

Even so, she shrouded herself in lightning to numb the pain. It helped, and it made her stronger, faster. Of course it had a cost, once this was all over she'd be bed-written for weeks. If they managed to get out alive.

"Let's get on higher ground," she told the others, jumping onto a platform and vanishing from there, only to appear on its rooftop. The other four managed to get up each in their unique ways, and now looked out at the explosion.

"This is bad." Stated Bobby, the smoke and flames consuming the entire next few blocks.

"Kellan, you can breathe in that, right?" Jaiden asked the captain.

"Yeah, like it's nothing." He responded.

"Good, you'll lead the way from now on. Everyone else, we hold our breaths like it's the last thing keeping us alive."

"It kinda is," Alec retorted Jaiden's order.

"This is bad." Bobby mumbled again.

"You said that already."

"Seemed worth repeating."

Jaiden jumped down first. Staying on high ground was too risky, they'd be too exposed. But nothing says stealth than hiding in waves of smoke.

And so Kellan jumped first without hesitating, the smoke instantly masking him as he landed. Jaiden couldn't even see the bottom, the smoke so thick it covered the roads.

"Let's go." She spoke, taking a single deep breath and jumped after Kellan.

Bobby gasped for one breath of air, and flung himself down.

"Idiot," mumbled Jungkook, jumping after him. Alec looked out at the mushroom cloud that formed at the center of the city, the sole cause of this smoke outbreak.

He then stepped off the edge.

The five ran in a half sprint, following Kellan's heels as he twisted and turned through the barren streets.

Jaiden's mind was blank, focusing solely on finding the remaining members of her team. She knew for a fact the cause of the explosion was Yugyeom. This was his greatest weapon, he called it the 'self-destruct' explosion. He'd release all of his pent up energy in one single burst.

This only meant that he had been pushed to his limit. She wasn't religious, but she prayed to god that he was still alive.

They ran in silence, preserving every bit of oxygen they held in.

And suddenly, a sound other than their footsteps could be heard. Coughing.

It wasn't close enough for it to be one of them.

"Kellan, clear the way." Jaiden spoke, all of them abruptly stopping.

Kellan let out all of the breath he was holding, and then inhaled.

He was breathing in all of the smoke, making the air thinner and more clear with each breath.

"You couldn't have done that earlier?" Bobby spoke, able to breathe now though with a slight cough. The others were able to now see each other fully and breathe in the cleaner air.

"Captain?" They had found the source of the cough.

"Colin?" Kellan questioned, staring as his battered teammate limped over to them, his cough dying down. He was covered in soot and dried blood.

He was about to tumble down, but Alec caught him before he could collapse.

"Woah, there. Take it easy," he threw on of Colin's arms over his shoulder to steady him. Colin had the ability of flight, one of the two from the three teams. He was a good looking twenty year old, with blonde hair and dark eyes. Though his hair was practically brown now from the dirt and soot.

"What happened? Do you know where the others are?" Jaiden immediately cut in, needing answers.

"Yeah...they sent me to go look for reinforcements," Colin choked out.

"Who?" She urged.

"Everyone. The ten of us. We thought you were all dead and we were the only ones left. Hanbin took charge, Yugyeom with him, we just followed their lead. But..."

"But what?" She needed answers.

"They're so strong..." he mumbled, his eyes filled with fear.

"It's fine, can you point us to where they are?" Alec asked in a softer tone compared to Jaiden's hasty one.

His hand shook as he lifted it toward the fading mushroom cloud.

"A few blocks away," his voice shook. "Please, they need help." Jaiden lit herself in electricity, sparks flying from her.

"Don't you worry," she spoke. "I'm going supersonic, meet me over there."

"Jai, wait-"

But she vanished before Jungkook could reach out for her.

"Damn it. Kook, let's go." Bobby said, the younger nodding determinedly.

"I'll catch up with you guys," Kellan spoke, having to make sure his teammate was okay.

"C'mon, she's probably already there," Alec spoke, and the three began sprinting.

"Captain, don't go." Colin pleaded. "They're too'll die."

This worries the Captain. He knew Colin, he was strong, determined. Never had he seen him cower like this before.

"Don't worry about me. Go find shelter, once we're done we'll come find you." Kellan let go of his arm.

"Wait!" The boy said, clenching his shaking fist. "I'll take you. You'll get there faster if I fly you in."

"Colin, you're injured-"

"I'm fine." The boy shook his head. "I knew you wouldn't back down, that's why you're the captain." Kellan smiled.

"Fine, but don't drop me too high off the ground." Kellan took his teammate's hand, and was whipped into the sky.

Jaiden flashed in right in the middle of the rubble. Everything around her had turned to dust. This was Yugyeom's doing no doubt.

And then she saw him. In the distance, lying limp on the floor with his shirt burned off and dozens of cuts along his back. He didn't move. She couldn't tell if he was breathing.

Her eyes were wide and she was short of breath at the sight of her giddy teammate on the ground.

Around him were the others, Alec's and Kellan's teams, in the same state as he was.

"I was wondering where you were,"

Jaiden froze, shivers going up and down her spine at the familiar voice.

She turned, not believing the sight before her.

It was the Rebel doctor that had tortured them, holding Hanbin by the neck as he stabbed him in the chest with a surgeon's knife.

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NoeLna #1
Chapter 3: OMG.. cant wait for the next chapter.. :D great story autornim..