
The Five

"We have no eyes out there, no backup. This is all we've got. Not everyone will make it back. If anyone would like to step down, we understand." Jaiden paused for a moment, as the three divisions stood before her. Argos, Vexus, and Yuno, making fifteen soldiers.

No one moved.

"Great. Here's the plan," she continued. "We go in, speed over stealth, we have to take care of this immediately, if Rebels get in the way, shove them aside. Vexus will take the rear, staying in the first level and keeping the Rebels off of the rest of us. Yuno you'll take the second level, and do the same. Argos will lead and take over the third level, destroying the biomass. Questions?"

Again, no one spoke a word.

"Good. We jump in ten minutes, get ready." The Leader finished, and went to sit with her team at the front of the plane.

"Nicely done," the eldest gave his Leader a cheeky smirk.

"As always," the beauty replied, tying her parachute tighter around her back.

Hanbin was on her right side, looking out at the drop site coming up with worry in his eyes.

"Scared of heights?" Jaiden turned to him.

"I have a bad feeling about this," he said bluntly. "They would've seen us by now, we'd be taking gunfire."

"I know. But we have orders. No matter what we have to complete this mission." The girl told her second in command.

"There's a good chance we won't come back." He had to mention.

"I know."

"Promise me something," he then said out of nowhere, making Jaiden turn to look at him. Though Hanbin focused his blank gaze on the view from the sole window of the cargo plane.

"When I tell you to run, run like hell."

"What?" She didn't get his command.

"No matter what, okay? Just swear to me. Please." At this he did turn to his partner, with such pleading eyes that Jaiden could only stare in awe at a look she hadn't seen before.

"Alright, Hanbin, I promise." She spoke unsure, though this eased the boy, and he shrunk slightly in his seat.

It grew silent in the plane.


"Do you realize what you've done!?"

Welcome back, in other words.


"Don't 'Gramps' me! Who told you you could leave the school? And appear on national television, and exposing your identities as Argos!" We stood in a line before the Boss, and I swore his yells could be heard throughout the whole headquarters.

I chose not to speak, he'd cut me off anyways.

"What the hell am I supposed to do?" He sighed, leaning back on his chair.

Just then, a knock on the door saved our asses.

"Come in," he spoke, his tone filled with fatigue.

The door opened, revealing one of the men from the Interrogation branch.

"Sir, we've gained valuable information about the Rebels from the captors Argos brought in. We're ready for a briefing on your call."

I could already picture the smirk on my boys' faces as they turned back toward the Boss.

"Turns out this scandal wasn't in vain," Bobby chirped, though was quickly silenced by a glare from the old man.

"Get your team ready, we'll brief this afternoon. And call for Vexus and Yuno." He told the man. With a nod, the man closed the door behind him.

"You're dismissed," and without another word, we filed out of his office.

"I'll say," Yugyeom broke the silence as we walked through the halls of the building. "That wasn't bad at all." Jungkook scoffed.

"At least we got something out of this, whatever they got out of 'em must be important. They never have briefings with the Boss." Hanbin added, wrapping his arm around my waist like it was second nature.

Those that walked passed us would give us respectful nods, everyone knew who we were and our status in the Force.

"Now what do we do?" Bobby questioned as we walked aimlessly.

"We wait."


"Is it true you guys disobeyed orders?"

"Yeah, I heard you got hell from the Boss."

I let out a sigh. I spoke to Kellan, leader of Vexus, and Alec, the leader of Yuno.

These two were really something. Both standing tall at around 6'4, Alec with night black hair shortly cut, and contrasting green eyes, while Kellan showed off his golden curly hair that tucked behind his ears, and his eyes were a striking blue. How to describe them... well, as they say, eye candies. Though I disagree.

As Supers they're terrifying. Almost could rival myself, I'm just glad they're on our side.

"Don't even get me started," I waved them off. Our teams mingled behind us, though my boys paid attention to this conversation.

"That bad, huh?" Alec questioned.

"I'm surprised you haven't seen our faces plastered on the news yet." I told them, and Kellan whistled.


No second later did the door to the conference room swing open, revealing one of the Boss' right hand men.

"You can all come in." He stated, disappearing back through the door.

My team and I walked in first, seeing Gramps sitting in the middle of the round table that sat around fifteen.

"Sit." Was all he said.

I took a seat on his right side, my team next to me. Kellan sat on his left with his team, and Alec sat towards the back of the oval facing us all.

The Gramps' two bodyguards stood behind him, making him look even more powerful than what he was.

"You all know why we're here, so I'm just going to get right to the point." He began.

"We received key information from the Rebels," I glanced at Hanbin who was beside me as the Boss spoke, and he gave me a slight nod.

"They are making plans for a single strike, it'll end everything, their location is in the Middle East. We've had several covert operations that can prove this information."

"How many exactly?" I in, turning to Gramps. He looked at me with an approving look.

"Countless Supers like us, as well as thousands of humans. I would compare them to one of our army divisions."

"So what do we do?" Hanbin followed.

"Well, unless we want to be obliterated in a single strike, we stop them before they come at us." He replied, no doubt in his words.

"But how, sir? All of our troops are stationed near China fighting againt their scattered branches, they wouldn't make it in time. And it's impossible for just us to take them all down." Alec added from across the table.

"From the information we gathered, they haven't prepared to be on the offensive any time soon." Gramps said. "You're all my most capable soldiers, I'm confident you will be able to covertly take them out before they can act."

"Is that all?" Kellan questioned.

"Yes. We'll discuss further matters in the coming days. You're all dismissed, Leaders please stay behind."

Hanbin gave me one last look as my team stood and headed out with the other two. Alec came to sit beside me.

"What do you think? I know it's a lot to ask, especially after your last joint mission last year," right, what a great day that was.

"We can do it." Kellan spoke. "I'm sure I can speak for all three of us, we're confident in our teams."

"I agree, if this ends things once and for all, Yuno is in." Alec added, and they all turned to me.

"What about Argos? As the team that suffered most during the last mission, you have every right to back out." Gramps said.

I scoffed.

"Now what kind of example would the team that saved the world set if they cower? Argos is in, and we're willing to take the lead as always."


"So what the hell are we doing?" Bobby was the first to question as the three of us stepped out of the conference room almost an hour later.

"I'll explain when we get home, let's just go." I let out a sigh out of exhaustion, as I walked right passed my team and toward the exit. Kellan and Alec did the same, our detailed discussion in there took a lot out of us. We wanted every single scenario to be considered, and once we agreed on a way of action, we made our plan.

Thankfully my boys didn't argue about talking at home, and we made it rather quickly.

I sat on the living room couch with my head rolled back and my eyes closed.

"I'll get the drinks," Jungkook offered, and I raised a thumbs up in his direction without moving my head.

"Okay, so the plan?" Once we all sat with a glass of scotch on our hands, I sat up.

"Joint mission with Vexus and Yuno to infiltrate and destroy their army division stationed in the middle east. Got it?" Bobby was the first to groan.

"Why can't we just do this ourselves? The other teams will only slow us down." He argued.

"Because there's too many for us to take out, the more numbers the better, besides everyone gets along with the other teams except for you." I stopped to take a breath, Bobby grumbling to himself. Not many can deal with his type of personality. "Any more questions?"

"When?" Hanbin cut in.

"Once the Boss gathers more information he'll let us know when exactly, but be prepared, it could be any day. For now we are to stay in school as usual. And he'll kill us if we try anything like this again." I repeated his same threat to my boys, with an almost bored expression.

"Great," Yugyeom mumbled.

"Alright fine. Bobby, let's go buy takeout somewhere," Jungkook stood, chugging the last few sips of his alcohol and leaving the empty glass on the table.

"Aye, aye, golden maknae-sshi," Bobby took his drink, following a glaring Jungkook out of the living room.

"I'm gonna go hit the hay, tell them to leave my food in the fridge," Yugyeom stood and headed upstairs, leaving Hanbin and I alone.

I let out a loud sigh, and laid down on the couch.

"At least we're getting some action soon," he came over to sit by me, lifting my head up as he sat, then placing it on his lap.

"When I said we should be in the front lines helping I didn't mean on a stealth mission," I grumbled. He my hair.

"I know, Jagi, I know, but this seems important, it could be the last straw." he soothed my rage. We stayed there for a while, enjoying each other's company in silence until the two returned with dinner.

I was just fine eating pizza and salad, and it seemed like so were the others since they scarfed it all down, barely leaving any for Yugyeom.

"We should sleep, school tomorrow." Hanbin spoke as we all cleaned the kitchen. Bobby let out a long groan, making Jungkook shake his head.

"Don't have to tell me twice," Hanbin stood, grabbing my hand taking me with him.

We both didn't sleep much that night, too many thoughts didn't let us. That single mission one year ago, how we'd have to repeat something like that again...

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NoeLna #1
Chapter 3: OMG.. cant wait for the next chapter.. :D great story autornim..