
The Five

"Vexus! Go!" Jaiden yelled, just as the fifteen had entered the Rebel headquarters with a bang. Yugyeom and Bobby blasted the gates to the front doors open, and Vexus headed in first. In their team two could fly, so they took off in the skies with heavy weapons in their hands.

The other three went by foot, unleashing their different abilities onto the Rebels that guarded the gates and the first floor.

Yuno and Argos stayed behind the group, though held their own when a Rebel chose to attack them.

The base was packed with soldiers, it was no surprise they took heavy fire right off the bat.

But something was off, Jaiden thought, as if the Rebels expected them to come. She pushed the thought aside as she shot back with her twin handguns.

Yugyeom and Jungkook were in front of her, the red head shooting his powerful blasts at anything that moved, while Jungkook expertly worked with a military machine gun.

Bobby and Hanbin were close behind their Leader, the eldest using his absorbed energy and letting it all out with a bang, and Hanbin maneuvering his droplets of blood like bullets shooting out of his palms.

The group had somehow made it deep enough into the base where they were supposed to split.

"Leave it to us!" Kellan yelled as he and his team stayed behind, facing the way they had just come from as well as dozens of armed soldiers heading their way.

"Don't die!" Jaiden managed to yell back as they sprinted forward.

Now their numbers reduced to ten, yet their mission was only just beginning.


"Wonder how school's gonna be today," said Yugyeom when the five stood in their garage grabbing their car keys.

"Oh right, forgot we were the headline news," Bobby commented, jumping into his GT.

"," Jungkook mumbled, following him.

Hanbin, Yugyeom, and Jaiden took the Corvette.

The ride was dreadful, silence filling both cars in anticipation.

As they pulled in, Jaiden could make out a slight crowd by the entrance, both men and women wearing working suits and with cameramen in front of them.

"The hell is this...?" Hanbin mumbled.

Just as their cars were noticed, all the attention for the two dozen or so reporters turned to the five.

"Are we famous now or something?" Bobby questioned as they all headed for the entrance, which was still crumbled due to the first day's attack.

"Jaiden! Is it true you five identify yourselves as Argos?!" One woman shouted at them, shoving microphones in their faces as they tried to push past the crowd.

"Were you the ones that caused the destruction in Beijing!?" Another yelled.

"What are you gonna do about the Rebels? Seeing as you're back in school, does that mean we've taken a step back against the war effort?" That sent the Captain over the edge.

She turned, facing the cameras now, with a determined look.

"Yes, we are Argos. Yes, we're young. Yes, Beijing wasn't our smartest plan, but we had to save a friend, which we did. And yes we're stuck in school." She spoke with almost gritted teeth.

"But this doesn't mean we've given up. As the Captain of the Special Forces, my teams and I are working day and night to end this war. Thank you."

Without a second look she took Hanbin's arm and headed into the building, ignoring all the follow-up questions.

"You didn't have to respond," her lover told her as they headed for the first class, ignoring the stares from every single student.

"I did." She replied adamantly.


"Jai, how do we move from here?" Hanbin guarded his Captain's back as the ten Special Forces soldiers jogged deeper into the base, taking fire along the way.

Thankfully a member of Yuno could produce force fields which blocked most of the flying bullets.

"Once we get to the basement's first level we'll split, for now we keep moving and hold the bastard's off." The girl ordered, in front of her and Argos were the five in Yuno, leading the way as well as protecting the number one team behind them.

"Jaiden! We're getting heavy fire here! The force field won't hold for long!" Alec yelled from the front line, his comrade on his right looking exhausted as he focused on the failing barrier.

"Don't drop it! No matter what, don't break the field!" The Captain yelled. She had her katana strapped to her back as she ran, and she slyly handed Hanbin her handguns, and the second in command instantly cocked them and began shooting.

Jaiden's fingers began to crackle with electricity, and soon she shot out rays of lightning at the transparent force field surrounding them, adding to the magnetic substance fortifying the barrier almost creating a full-fledged wall.

"We're almost there!" Alec yelled back, the stairs heading down finally in view.

Out of nowhere, however, dozens and dozens of Rebels appeared, blockading the stairs.

", now what!?" Bobby screamed as the ten soldiers stopped dead in their tracks.

"Change of plans," Jaiden spoke. "Yuno, we're separating here. Give us a clear path down to the basement and we'll finish the mission."

"Jai, that's too dangerous-"

"That's an order, Alec! Argos, get ready to move. Yuno, cover us." Jaiden stated, the ten now facing off with the enemy. Utterly outnumbered, the ten youths stood unfazed and without fear. Alec clicked his tongue, frustrated with the change of plans.

Jaiden's teammates also turned to their Captain, trusting her word yet worried about the shift in the mission.

"Get ready." Hanbin, on her right side, spoke, fully trusting his best friend's decision.

Who knew it'd be the wrong one.


Classes went on as usual. Well, usual meaning the five becoming the center of attention, and not in a good way. Now the five walked to lunch, the halls crowded as ever.

"Usually when someone saves the world, people are appreciative toward the saviors." Jungkook mumbled, a nasty look on his face.

"We don't do this for the praise," Hanbin cut in, though Jungkook knew this.

They had barely sat at a lunch table when a group of students confronted them.

"Why are you here?" One spoke, his glare firmly on the Captain. They all wore big varsity jackets and looked like typical jocks.

"What?" Bobby stood, glaring them all down being the reckless idiot he is.

"Why are you here in our school?" The same boy spat, "Shouldn't you be fighting or something? Be useful where you're needed."

"Listen, you bastard-"

"No, you listen." The boy cut Bobby off, who was fuming by now. The rest of the team still sat, almost annoyed at the attention they were receiving.

"Our school was practically destroyed because of you, and you have the nerve to come back? My dad’s fighting out there, so are most of our siblings and parents, if you’re soldiers, do your job." Jaiden sighed at the hothead. Bobby was seconds away from socking the guy.

"You're right." Bobby froze at hearing his Captain speak. She stood, and at this action Bobby stepped down. "Look, we're just soldiers, we follow orders. And our orders were to come here. I'm sorry that it's affected you, I really am. But we have no control over it." She spoke horrifyingly calm, while the boys before her almost growled.

At this Hanbin stood instinctively, ready to act if anyone dared to touch his lover.

"Bull," another boy behind the 'leader' hissed. "You could care less about us, stop pretending. Special Forces my , in the end you're the ones causing the war. "

At this both Yugyeom and Jungkook stood.

"I know you're angry, but this isn't the place-"

What happened next went in slow motion, yet impossibly fast at the same time.

The boy before them blew a fuse, almost literally. His fist was clenched and burning, flames emitting from it.

The rest of the packed cafeteria could only watch in awe.

The boy threw his flamed fist at Jaiden, however she barely flinched as she caught the punch, her own hand crackling with electricity. Her expression went monotone while the boy struggled against her death grip.

"Enough." The Captain spoke, as the boy's hand began to lose its flame and feeling numb due to the jolts of electricity now running through his arm. "You can curse at me, attack me, hell, you can even spit on me and I'd shrug it off." This shocked everyone, including her team, the tone she used when speaking was terrifying.

"But if you ever speak about my team like that again," she closed the distance between the shocked boy, her glare cutting through him. "I won't stay still."

She released her grip on the boy, and he stumbled backward grasping his limp arm.

They scurried away, however now the whole cafeteria stared in fear of the five.

"That's it," Jaiden spoke up, having enough of this. She calmly made her way out of the cafeteria, her boys confused but following nevertheless.

"Uh, Jai?" Bobby spoke in a soft voice, knowing his Leader could burst any second now. "You know we can't leave school right?"

Yugyeom elbowed him, hoping to shut him up. They exchanged glares and silent mumbles, but Bobby didn't speak after that.

Hanbin simply walked beside his lover as they left the building.

Without a word she got in the car, waited for the others to do the same, and sped off having in mind that she would never see this place again.

The car was silent, the soft radio music in the background. Yugyeom had decided to go with Bobby and Jungkook, so it was just Hanbin and Jaiden in the car.

The boy could guess where they were heading, he knew Jaiden too well. Her anger was silent like this, and once it blew up, it blew up.

Too soon they arrived at Headquarters, and the girl stormed out, barely parking and not turning the car off, leaving that job for Hanbin.

She didn't wait for him or the other boys as she headed inside.

Those that greeted her as she ignored every single one could tell that she was off. They all knew something was about to happen, and so they stayed out of her way as she headed for the Boss' office.

The old man was startled to say the least when his door swung open unannounced, though his surprise faded when he saw his number one soldier.

Jaiden walked over to the desk, slamming her hand down on it, though the man never flinched. He simply met her flaring eyes with his own.

"I don't care if this costs me my position as Captain of the Special Forces. But my team and I are going to the front lines where we're needed." She demanded, the man beyond shocked at the look in her eyes.

He had never seen the girl so serious. And Jaiden's known as a determined captain.

"We’re heading for the middle east to end this for good. Oh, and I'm taking Vexus and Yuno with me." She continued. "You can court martial me after we win the war."

Without another word, she turned and headed for the door.

"Jaiden." His stern voice made her stop. "This is a direct order."

"Come back alive."

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NoeLna #1
Chapter 3: OMG.. cant wait for the next chapter.. :D great story autornim..