
The Five

"Jai! Jaiden, wake up!" The beauty was shook away, and she snapped up once her eyes opened. The first thing she noticed were bars. Prison bars.

"Where the hell are we? Wait, we're alive?" She remembered the explosion being set off.

"I don't know. The others are in the cell next to ours," Hanbin spoke, he was covered in ash and rubble, much like the girl.

She coughed, dry and all she tasted was smoke.

"Bobby, Jungkook, Yugyeom! You guys alright?" She called out.

"Yeah! Great change of scenery, am I right?" Bobby snickered.

"We're in a prison cell." Yugyeom stated.

"I was being sarcastic, ." Bobby retorted, grumbling.

"We're fine. How about you guys?" Jungkook responded.

"Alive. More or less," Hanbin replied. "We have to get out of here."

"Where the hell is 'here' anyways?" Bobby asked from the other cell.

"Ah, Argos, you're finally awake." Jaiden and Hanbin snapped to the front, seeing a man in a white lab coat walking up to them. He wore glasses and a wide smirk. Something like that would send shivers down anyone's spine. Jaiden stood from the ground, Hanbin beside her.

"Where are we?" She demanded, her stare cold.

"Well, hello beautiful," at the sly comment Hanbin tensed, and she knew her boys in the other cell did also. "It turns out that the explosion didn't kill you, like we originally planned. The K219 actually protected you." He scoffed.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Hanbin snapped.

"The liquid you were trying to destroy? K219?" The man looked for some sort of reaction, but received none. "You'd think you would at least know the name of the substance you came to destroy..." he grumbled.

"Enough." Jaiden stated. "We're getting out of here." She walked to the cell bars, her hands crackling.

"Jai, don't!" Hanbin yanked her away just before she could touch them. "Their coated in venom, one touch and we die." At this the man laughed hysterically.

"We're gonna have so much fun together!" That was when Jaiden noticed the medical table behind him and all of the surgical and torture tools beside it.


", I forgot how waking up early worked," Bobby grumbled, mid yawn. His duffle bag was over his shoulders, and he wore camouflage pants, boots, and a muscle tank top. Yugyeom was beside him, wearing the same pants, with a black shirt and matching boots. Jungkook wore the exact outfit but a white shirt. They both had their bags at hand. 

Jaiden and Hanbin stood in front of the three, at the cargo plane that had just landed for them. Hanbin wore similar clothes to the other boys. 


Headquarters was booming with news of the new mission, the platform buzzing with workers stocking the plane.

"Morning group," Jaiden turned, seeing both Alec and Kellan walking up to them with their equipment at hand. "Ready for war?"

"Always." Hanbin nodded at both of them in greeting. Their teams were behind them.

"Let's get going, then." Jaiden spoke.

"Wouldn't wanna miss out on all the fun," Alec smirked.

"Everyone ready?" Hanbin turned to the boys behind them.

"Hell yeah," Yugyeom smirked.

"You know I am." Bobby added. Jungkook simply nodded.

Jaiden nodded, and the fifteen boarded the large plane.

"So what's the plan? Where are we landing?" Kellan asked Jaiden, as they all strapped on bulletproof vests and other equipment. Jaiden tucked two twin katanas on her back. Hanbin had knives tucked into his gloves facing at his forearms, at a press of a button they would launch at his arm. He also held a green, blackish drink at hand; something to keep his blood pumping (literally). Yugyeom made sure to carry as many bombs on him as he could, those mixed with his abilities could be detrimental. Bobby had been given a few syringes with blue fluids inside of them. A mixture of adrenaline and uranium. Jungkook had a similar syringe, his mixed with calcium and a liquid version of steel.

"The plan is to land at the base. As we speak our forces are trying to take down the capital, where there have been sightings of a large-scale attack at plan. We headed in before it could be implemented, however we’re losing ground fast, their top generals and best fighters are against us. They’re waiting for us. We’ll drop right in. Questions?" Jaiden spoke to everyone. She was the ranking officer on board, even those that weren't a part of her team would be taking orders from her before their squad leaders.

"Good. Get some rest, you'll need all your energy for when we land." She was the first to sit, the others following suit. Hanbin was beside her, Yugyeom on her other side.

"Bobby, Hanbin, promise me you'll be conscious of your side effects when we get there." Jaiden turned to her boys. She most definitely doesn't want to lose them to blood loss or heart failure (too much adrenaline can cause heart attacks).

"We promise," Hanbin spoke sternly, taking her hand and squeezing it gently for reassurance. Bobby nodded, backing up Hanbin's response. Jaiden then leaned back against her seat.

The plane was silent as it took off, and she glanced at her boys. Bobby's leg bounced up and down, anxious to get going. Yugyeom fumbled with his fingers, while Jungkook programmed the small iPad he was given by Jaiden. Hanbin blankly stared at the ground.

They were all just kids. Even Alec's and Kellan's teams were on the young side; older than Jaiden and her boys, but still young. Kids their age should not be going to war.

But they signed up for this. They chose these lives. Well, these lives were chosen when their abilities surfaced. Even so, it was their choice whether to fight or stay behind.

With those thoughts in mind, Jaiden shut her eyes, letting her mind wonder. Naturally she didn't get a wink of sleep.


Smile; the worst has yet to come, we'll be lucky if we ever see the sun...

Her eyes snapped open when the plane shook. The lights went out, and the alarm blared.

"We've been hit!" Yelled a member of Alec's team. The fifteen stood, pushing aside supplies that had fallen over.

"Get ready to jump!" Jaiden commanded.

"What about regrouping?" Kellan had to ask, while everyone gathered their parachutes. Except for two or three of Kellan's team, they had the convenient ability of flight.

"Open the hatch!" Hanbin yelled just as the plane was hit once more, and half of them tumbled to the ground.

Jaiden hung from the belt straps on the seats, her team following her actions. Alec ripped the hatch open, wind willing inside the plane. The sky was lit up, it almost looked like fireworks.

"Get to the ground! We'll meet up down there!" Jaiden yelled out her orders, and with nods, Kellan's team simultaneously jumped first. Alec's guys that flew dove out, followed by the rest of his team.

Jaiden gave one last look to her team behind her, their expressions all stern. No ounce of fear or panic present. They were ready for this.

And so the girl let go, and sprinted out of the plane.

Instantly the loud booming sounds of bombs and guns filled her ear. Where the hell were they?

The only place that should be this chaotic would be the capitol...

Then she noticed the destroyed skyscrapers and trashed streets blazing. They had flown right over the battle zone.

As the ground came dangerously close, she noticed a tanker bombing the planes above, planes from the Force, reinforcements. She didn't pull at her parachute like the rest of her team (who landed scattered along the city). Instead her arms cracked with electricity, her eyes even glowing. She headed straight for the tank.

Cloaking herself with a thin line of electricity, serving as a sort of protective barrier, she lifted her hands above her head, forming a mound of lightning in her palms.

She was just a few dozen meters from the ground, from the tank, and once she was barely ten meters, she shot the force of lightning at the tank. The force of the bolt so strong that her momentum instantly stopped and she was thrown back. The tanker exploded on contact.

She landed roughly, somersaulting in the air to ease the force of her landing. Once she was on the ground, she took off the parachute, threw it to the ground, and unsheathed her two katanas.

She wore an earpiece that ideally would communicate with the other fourteen squad members, though she wouldn't be surprised if some lost it on the way down.

She pressed her ear, turning it on.

"Can anyone hear me? Alpha touched down, Wolf? Piccolo? B.I?" don't ask about their code names, Bobby picked them out.

There was no response, just static.

"Goku touched down, what's your location?" Kellan.

"48th street, west. I'm heading toward the inner city." Jaiden responded.

"Snoopy, touched down." Jungkook's voice ran through her ear as she ran for the narrow street, hoping to find some cover.

"Rendezvous at Shinzo Corporation. Time ten minutes." Jaiden ordered.

"Got it, over." Kellan spoke.

"Be careful." Jungkook added, and there was static again.

Jaiden worried that they were the only two that could communicate. Three out of fifteen were not the best odds.

She was snapped out of her thoughts when rebels began shooting at her from above. She managed to dodge the bullets, and immediately put up a magnetic force field as she ran. She also sent shocks of electricity to her legs, making her run inhumanly fast.

Bullets flew behind her, as she scanned her surroundings. She made an immediate left into another walkway, blocking the gun fire. From there she would take a right and continue two blocks to their rendezvous location.

She was glad that the only rebels she encountered were humans, no Supers just yet. Now that would make things interesting.

But with stealth and super speed on her side, she didn't encounter any other threats and reached the rendezvous point faster than she thought she would.

As she entered the building through the broken windows, she knew she was the first to arrive. Taking cover behind a flipped desk, she scanned the place. Trashed, empty, gunfire from afar. If they didn't come in the next five minutes she'd have to leave.

"Miss me?" She snapped around, her sword at hand as she instantly pointed it at Kellan's neck. He almost fell back. She knew it was him by his voice, she just wanted to scare him a bit.

"Jesus Christ, Jaiden! I swear to god-"

"Shh. You'll give away our position." She spoke, completely ignoring the whole spectacle that just occurred, turning back to scouting the entrance.

"God damn, we're literally at war and you're just...ugh," the boy groaned, crouching down to hide behind the desk beside the Captain.

"Did you make contact with anyone else?" Jaiden asked.

"No, we landed more towards the outskirts of the capitol, not a ton of fighting out here. No Supers, either. The others must've landed in the hotspot." Kellan explained.

"Makes sense. We should get to them." Jaiden spoke. "We need a solid plan...Any suggestions?"

"I got nothin'. I thought the jump would kill us." The boy shrugged.

"Glad you could join us." Kellan furrowed his brows at the random comment from the girl, but then turned his head behind them.

"Sorry, I got held up." Jungkook stood behind the two. His clothes were ragged and tattered, his face covered in dirt, yet the bastard still looked handsome. "You do realize we're surrounded, right?"

"Well aware." Jaiden replied.

"We're what!?" Kellan whispered, though his surprise evident. "Surrounded!?"

"That just means we can attack from all directions. Besides, it's all humans." Jaiden shrugged, her swords at hand. Jungkook shrugged, pulling out two bones from his palms. Just as the bones came into contact with oxygen, they changed to a metallic color.

"And what the hell is that?" Kellan looked at the younger in disgust.

"Titanium." He gripped them like swords. Curtesy of the syringe he was given by Headquarter scientists before boarding. He wondered what Bobby's did.

"We're heading to the center of the city. Any objections?" Jaiden looked at the two.

"You think we can leave Wolf and Piccolo alone?" Jungkook scoffed, thinking of the two from his team MIA.

"Yeah, my team can't do without its glorious leader, either." Kellan joked. His palms emitted smoke, and he breathed out steam.

Jaiden rolled her eyes at the boys. Even in war they still had their ways with sarcasm.

"Never thought you’d actually call them by their codenames, Snoopy,” Jaiden looked at Jungkook, who shrugged. “On my signal, light em up." Jaiden told Kellan, who now smirked.

"With pleasure." They still his behind the measly desk, Jungkook now crouched behind it as well.

Jaiden closed her eyes, focusing her hearing. She heard footsteps slowly approaching them from the front and sides, some from behind.

Just a bit closer...

At the second Jaiden snapped her eyes open, Kellan stood, his lungs filled with air. Though as he blew out, powerful flames shot out. The guy was a human flamethrower. He didn't let one person fire a gun, he had them all running out of the building or else they'd be torched. Jaiden and Jungkook had taken further cover by laying fully on the ground, Kellan's flames were not to be messed with. The heat was intense.

Soon enough it began to die down, until the boy breathed out the last bit of smoke.

"Well then, shall we go?" He spoke, smoke still emitting from his mouth.

Jaiden wiped the sweat from her forehead, and stood. Jungkook followed.

"Let's go."

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NoeLna #1
Chapter 3: OMG.. cant wait for the next chapter.. :D great story autornim..