
The Five

***Jai's P.O.V.***

School resumed the next day, God knows why since there were fricking holes in the entrance because of the damage.

But we didn't complain, we couldn't.

"Which car?" Asked Jungkook, as we stood in our garage of six to eight prestigious cars.

"We'll take the corvette," commented Hanbin, while winking at me. He knew how much I loved that car.

"We'll take the GT then," Bobby smirked at the white beauty in the corner.

"Race?" Yugyeom suggested, as the two stooges got in with Bobby while Hanbin drove with me as a passenger.

"Are you crazy?" Hanbin said.

"Why not? Scared you'll lose?" Bobby tainted with his usual smirk.

I sighed.

Hanbin could never turn down a challenge.

The two cars pulled out of the garage and faced the road.

"Winner buys dinner tonight." I made sure to say, as both cars went convertible and I slid on my sunglasses.

The boys revved their engines, and I turned to look at the three cocky idiots on the car beside me.

I held up three fingers.

Slowly I put one down.

The engines became louder.

And then the next.

Once my last finger was fully lowered, both cars sped off without warning and with tires screeching.


"You cheated!" Bobby whined as we had just parked while the other three just pulled into the school.

"It was all straight roads, Bobby. There's no possible way I could've cheated." Hanbin lazily leaned against the corvette as he watched his hyung park.

Those around us couldn't help but stare at the two beauties parked beside one another.

Bobby grumbled as he locked his car behind him, and the two maknaes hopped out.

"We should've gone with Hanbin and Jai," Jungkook mumbled to Yugyeom, though Bobby caught it and sent them a glare.

"Boys," I shook my head, as we all walked into school, avoiding the pieces of rubble scattered across the entrance.

The first class was pretty much the same as yesterday's. Introductions and all that bull. Except this time there were no interruptions.

The five of us stayed in the back, paying no attention whatsoever.

After that we all headed to Strategies and Intelligence, personally my type of class. It is my specialty, after all.

This time we were in a classroom, and the five of us sat in the far back.

As students filed in, they couldn't help but stare at us, and I matched every single stare with my own.

"God you're terrifying," Hanbin said as he saw me glare at a girl who was eyeing him.

"Good." I replied, still glaring and he chuckled.

"Alright, welcome to yet another wonderful year of learning," the teacher spoke in a sarcastic tone, which I appreciated. She looked to be in her late twenties, early thirties, with light hair and a bright smile.

"As you know, this is Strategies and Intelligence, for most it's not the most exciting class, but bear with me," she continued. "Over the course of the year we'll be learning various styles of strategies corresponding to different circumstances. We'll also be performing several simulations in which you'll have to complete a mission by gathering information and analyzing it. I know, fun stuff." The class chuckled at her sarcasm.

I, on the other hand, lived for this. Literally. Why do you think I'm the Leader? Physical abilities aside, intelligence is my forte. Gathering information, analyzing it, making up strategies on the spot, that's my role as a Leader.

Hanbin noticed my interested expression, and smiled.

"We'll also be reading The Art of Intelligence," I snapped up at the familiar name. "Seeing as we have one of the co-authors in class, I'm sure it'll be even more memorable." She looked at me, and the whole class turned to look wide eyed.

Yes, I co-wrote a book. With the Director of Security of the Force out of all people. Contrary to belief, he's actually a really nice guy.

"Hi," I waved, a bit unsure of what to do with so many eyes on me.

Meanwhile the boys enjoyed every single bit of me being uncomfortable.

After that there was nothing memorable until lunch. After that class was an independent study so the five of us just hung out.

And now we file through the halls along with the rest of the student body toward the cafeteria.

The hallways were way too small for 2 thousand people to fit through, and I cursed in annoyance.

"I know, Jagi," Hanbin draped his arm around my shoulders, and we walked side by side. We had lost the other three in the crowd, though we'd find each other later.

It took a while but we managed to find a table in the crowded cafeteria, and soon we were all gathered again.

"Isn't it weird that the teachers haven't mentioned what happened yesterday?" Jungkook spoke up, as he bit into an apple.

"I'm sure they've mentioned it, just not in our classes," Hanbin replied, looking around at the glaring eyes surrounding us.

"Makes sense, I mean we're the reason they attacked in the first place," Bobby shrugged, throwing his arms behind his neck for support.

"Great first impression, huh," Yugyeom added with a scoff.

It was then that my phone rang, and we all froze.

This only meant one thing and one thing only. Request for a mission.

We all got up at the same time, ignoring the stares, and left as quickly as possible.

It wasn't until we were all outside that I picked up the call.

"Yeah," I said.

"Jai, it's me," I perked up at the familiar voice.


At the mention of our friend's name the boys' guards shot up.

"You know I wouldn't call unless it was an emergency. Something's not right." He said.

"What do you mean?" I had to ask, now putting the phone on speaker.

"At our show yesterday, someone threw a note on stage. On it was a threat, that they know about my abilities. And all day today I've noticed someone following me."

"Did you see who it was?" Hanbin quickly asked.

"No, he wore a hood and a cap. But I'm sure they'll make a move tonight during the award show, why else follow me around now, right?" I hadn't ever heard Taemin so anxious.

Yes, even idols have their secrets. Quite a few are Supers, though of course they keep it hidden from the public.

This includes Taemin from SHINee, though his ability is a bit unique compared to others, hence he's always been targeted by the Rebels.

"Can you get us in as your bodyguards?" I asked him, to the boys' surprise.

"Jai, I don't want you to come all the way here, I was just warning you guys in case I had to do something about it-"

"Don't be like that, Taemin, we're friends. Plus, we have a ton of free time, why not swing by and see you perform?" I told him, and my boys all shook their heads.

"You're really something..." He commented with a chuckle. "Thanks, Jai. I'll get you guys in, come by whenever."

"Sounds good."

"And really, thanks."

"Of course." And the call ended.

"We're gonna get hell for this." Bobby stated.

"Boss is gonna have our heads," sighed Yugyeom.

"We'll be exposed on national tv, no hiding from now on." Jungkook had to mention.

"Beats being in school." Hanbin shrugged, and it was then that the three burst out laughing.

"So if we leave now does it count as missing a day?" Yugyeom wondered as the five of us nonchalantly headed for our cars after Taemin's call.

"Nah," Bobby waved him off. "Wait, this means we have to wear suits, doesn't it?"

"Yes, Bobby, you have to look nice." I told him, and he groaned.

Oh how he loved his jeans and snap backs.

" it up, Hyung," Hanbin said as we made it to the cars.

"Oh, screw you." The eldest spat, and Hanbin winked at him in response.

"Let's just go before someone notices we left," Jungkook looked around in worry.

"You worry too much, Kookie," Bobby smirked at the boy, revving the engine of his GT.

"Idiot," Hanbin mumbled as we got into our car, and I chuckled.

"I change my mind," Yugyeom quickly hopped off of Bobby's car and jumped into ours.

"Hey!" Bobby exclaimed.

"Sorry, hyung. I trust them more than you," the red head grinned.

"Ya! Don't leave me alone with him!" Jungkook yelled.

But before the maknae could escape, Bobby sped off giving him no chance.

"Poor guy," I commented, and the boys chuckled.


"How do I look?" Hanbin smirked as he stared at himself in the mirror, fixing his suit.

"Great, but it's missing something," I told him as I slid on my heels to top off my outfit

"Missing something?" He questioned, turning to look at himself once again.

From behind I slyly placed a pair of new glasses onto his head.

"What's this?" He examined them before putting them on.

"There, now you're like Clark Kent in disguise," I told him with a smile, going around to face him and pecking his lips.

"Superman!" He exclaimed as he posed In front of the mirror, making me laugh.

"Idiot," I shook my head. "Let's go, the others are probably ready."

"Did I mention you're gorgeous?" He met me at the door, wrapping an arm around my waist. Even with heels he was still a few inches taller, which I appreciated.

"You might've left that out," I teased, as we headed down.

"Well, you are." He pecked my cheek.

"Ew, get a room!" Bobby yelled from the living room, as he fixed his bow tie.

"We have one," Hanbin retorted.

Jungkook and Yugyeom were working on their ties, though failing to tie them.

"Kids," I went up to Yugyeom first, swatting his hand away and fixing his tie for him. "You're gonna need to know how to do this at some point." I then moved on to Kookie.

"You can take your bones out of your body but you can't tie a tie," I shook my head, and Bobby snarled from behind me. "What?" I turned to him once I was finished.

"Tie a tie," he chuckled like a little kid.

"Idiot," I rolled my eyes, turning to the whole group. "All set? Not leaving anything behind? It's a long trip."

"A long trip meaning a few seconds?" Yugyeom clarified.

"Three actually, very long from my standpoint." I told him.

"Let's do this," Hanbin took my hand, while Jungkook my other. Yugyeom held onto Hanbin while Bobby placed his hand on Jungkook's shoulder.

I concentrated on where I wanted to go, and I began to spark, the lights in our house flashing along with me. I was coated in a layer of electricity, and soon were my boys.

"Hong Kong here we come."

And instantly I vanished.


"Boss, you asked for us?"

"What kind of emergency is this?"

"We were in the middle of a mission."

"This must be serious."

"Gramps," Jaiden and her team stood before their Boss in his office after months of having no contact with the man.

Ever since they graduated a year ago, they've been keeping busy with non stop missions, executing each and every one perfectly, earning them the title of strongest team in the Force. After just months the Leader had already become a ranking officer in the army. The boys were to follow in her footsteps soon enough.

The five had become like a well oiled machine, getting along right from the start.

Bobby and Hanbin clicked instantly, while the two younger boys befriended themselves, and from there the group mixed perfectly. The boys were especially fond of their leader, both admiring her and wanting to protect her. One of the boys in particular felt this, and of course it'd be the second in command.

The two became inseparable among their team, training even after their group sessions had ended, staying into the ungodly hours of the night to learn every possible thing they could from each other.

Though this call did catch the five off guard.

The Boss had asked for Argos (their team name suggested by Bobby; no surprise there) to retreat from their current mission, which was to gather information on the rising Rebel army abroad.

"You'll understand soon enough, take a seat." He spoke in an alarmingly serious tone.

They all did so without question, preparing themselves for whatever he was about to tell them.

"We've confirmed extensive movement from the Rebel army in the East, some of our soldiers went in along with aid from the South Korean military as well as the United States, and have confirmed mass production of some kind of biomass radioactive content in their secondary base." He explained. "Our Allies have given us the task of going in and taking care of whatever it is they're doing and putting an end to it." He paused so the five could take in this information.

"I'm planning on entrusting the task to you, you'll have Vexus and Yuno (second and third ranked teams) as backup. Any objections?"

Jaiden before anything turned to her boys, making sure they all agreed.

Just from seeing their unwavering eyes the Leader knew.

"None. When do we leave?" She told the man.

"Tomorrow at dawn, bring everything that you think will be necessary. I'll warn you, this isn't like any past combat missions you've gone on. The Rebels are Supers like us, prepare for war." The Boss told them with no sugar coating whatsoever.

"You can count on us, sir," Hanbin replied with no waver in his voice.

This is what they were trained for, it's only natural that they would feel no fear.

"I expect nothing less from Argos. The other teams have been informed already. Good luck," the man gave the group a nod.

The five stood, and with bows headed for the door.

"This'll be fun," Bobby grumbled as they walked out.

"This isn't like any other mission, we have to watch our backs," Jungkook made sure to say.

"Well duh," Yugyeom said, slightly nudging his friend.

"We'll just do what we've always done." Hanbin spoke.

"Just because this is a bigger issue doesn't mean we'll tackle it differently. Just prepare yourselves." Jaiden concluded, as her boys gave her nods.

Who would've thought that this mission would change their lives forever.


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NoeLna #1
Chapter 3: OMG.. cant wait for the next chapter.. :D great story autornim..