
The Five


You can break my soul,

Take my life away,

Beat me, Hurt me, Kill me,

But for the love of God

Don't Touch


Hanbin lay limp against the cell wall, facing the torture chair. The monster injected him with something, and since then he hasn't been able to move a single muscle. He can only sit and watch as his best friends screamed in agony when it was their turn.

And Jaiden. He had to watch Jaiden's life getting out of her by that wretched machine.

He couldn't even scream out, yelling at him to stop. He was completely paralyzed in aching pain.

He wished he could die. He wishes they would let him die. He'd rather die than see her like this.

There was a soft voice in his head, probably from the result of all the experiments. He's finally gone mad.

'Do you want to save them?'

'Do you want to save them?'

'Do you want to save them?' It kept saying, over and over again.

Of course, he did, but he couldn't move a muscle.

'Then rage.'

His heart sped up almost to the point of beating out of his chest. His muscles regained movement, he breathed normally and sat up, shocked at his miraculous recovery.

And then something in him clicked. All he felt was rage, furious anger that made his blood boil. He clenched his fists, his eyes turning fully red.

"Well then," the doctor stopped the machine that was connected to Jaiden, and she fell limp.

Hanbin stood, his skin bursting by itself, small spurts of blood erupting from the cuts. Though instead of falling like they normally would, the drops hovered over him, combining to form a hovering line of blood.

There's no other word to describe it, he looked like a monster. He burst through the cell, broke his unconscious friends from the one beside his, and looked at his lover on the torture chair. And so he listened to the voice in his head.

He raged.


Jaiden's instinctual reaction was to vanish and tackle Hanbin from the monster's grasp, and reappear far from him. Next to Yugyeom, actually.

"Jai, you're alive..." the boy choked out.

"Yeah, you idiot," she mumbled, assessing his injuries. She glanced at Yugyeom and saw that his chest rose and fell. Alive, okay good.

She placed her hand on her lover's open wound, sending slight electro shocks to stop the bleeding.

"I'm sorry, I should've found you guys sooner..." she mumbled, a pained look in her eye.

"Don't." He propped himself up on his elbows with a slight groan. "We're fine."

They clearly weren't.

"Be careful. He's strong," he told her.

"The others are coming soon, they'll take care of you both." Jaiden eyed Yugyeom, who still laid unconscious.

She then stood, assessing her surroundings. There was nothing to take cover, Yugyeom had obliterated it all.

Hanbin could only stare as the love of his life faced off against the monster that turned him into one. The man he couldn't defeat. Hell, he couldn't even land a single blow.

All he'd done was take out a few Generals. He was weak.

One would think going up against a monster like that would be horrifying. But he hadn't been scared one bit. Yet now, as his lover faced off against him, he'd never felt terror like that before.

Well, once when they had been captured, seeing her suffer like that.

But why was he more terrified now?


(Watch before continuing)

"Jai!" The girl looked toward the sky, where Kellan free fell as a figure above him had let him go. He landed roughly on the rubble close to Jaiden.

"Ah, more weaklings," the doctor spoke, patiently seeing how things unfolded.

"Kellan, get your team to safety," Jaiden spoke, the boy frozen at the sight of his friends in such dire conditions.

He immediately scrambled over to them.

"Hanbin!" The boy couldn't turn, but he recognized Bobby's voice anywhere. His best friend slid on his knees beside the injured, Jungkook going over to Yugyeom. Alec rushed to his team members.

"What a nice reunion," the man spoke with a sadistic smile.

"Enough. I'm ending this now." Jaiden demanded, beyond furious. Aura seeped from her. She unsheathed her katana, gripping it to the point where her knuckles were white.

"Ah, I see you have my weapon." He said, his tone easygoing and carefree in front of the intimidating girl before him.

"Jai!" Jungkook called out.

"Watch over everyone, Bobby, Jungkook. If you interfere you'll die." She spoke unbelievably cold.

The two were taken aback by the tone, but listened nonetheless. If the man left the ten top fighters of the Special Forces like this, then the only one able to take him down would be Jaiden and Jaiden alone.

They focused on taking them all somewhere safe.

"I'm not leaving." Hanbin forced himself to his feet.

"You're in bad shape," Jungkook stated, Yugyeom on his back.

"Go." The boy replied.

Bobby, Alec, and Kellan were busy hurrying the injured out of the battle zone, each carrying two or three of them on their backs in order to leave as fast as possible.

With a worrying look, Jungkook decided to head out, he'd come back once Yugyeom was safe.

Jaiden never broke her glaring at the man. Not for a second.

"Let's end this."

With her sword unsheathed, lightning crackling, she charged at the man. She was too enraged to think, she attacked and slashed, not even thinking of what his fighting abilities could be.

She was blinded by rage. The pain he's caused her friends, what they've had to endure because of him...

she barely dodged when a crystal-like shard headed for her head.

She backed off, seeing the mass of aura forming around the man's back.

"This..." it materialized like crystal wings. "Is the fruits of our work!"


Jaiden had to admit, the form was captivating. Some may even call it beautiful.

"Jai," she snapped her head, seeing Hanbin walking over to her side.

"Hanbin, what're you-"

"Let's release that." He stated, staring at the monster before them.

"Are you sure?" She questioned. If he was this weak, this may very well kill him.

"We don't have any other choice. We'll die if we don't." He responded, no shroud of fear in his voice.

"Well then! I guess we should join the fun, too!" From behind the two, appeared Bobby, Jungkook, and a battered and exhausted looking Yugyeom. Kellan and Alec could be seen from a distance, staying back to watch over their injured teammates.

"We should go help." Alec stated.

"We'll only get in the way. They're about to go all out." Kellan replied. "Besides, if something goes wrong, they'll need someone to pull them out. To pull everyone out."

"Weren't you dead a few minutes ago?" Hanbin questioned as the youngest now stood beside them, along with the other two.

"Yeah, well, I can't have you guys stealing all the fun," he spoke, though the exhaustion was clear in his voice.

"I've always wanted to go all out." Bobby commented, cracking his knuckles.

"Listen here, and listen well, you monster," Jaiden spat at the doctor, his wing-like crystals appearing sharper than ever.

"We'll show you just how well your experiments turned out."

Suddenly the air felt heavy. The pressure of gravity itself dropped.

The doctor smirked at the fruits of his labor.

"Total release," Jaiden mumbled, and strange markings began to appear on her skin, her aura and sheer power increasing by the second.

Hanbin had similar markings, yet intricately distinct. His eyes were fully black, his pupil the one thing a different color; red. Blood hovered over his hands.

Bobby took both of his adrenaline injections and stabbed them into his leg.

"Woah," he gawked at the spike of energy and power, his eyes and mouth glowing.

Yugyeom took deep breaths, his unlimited energy flowing through his veins, making them glow a bright green.

"I don't glow, but," Jungkook pushed out all of his bones, them protruding sharply out of his body coated in titanium.


"How interesting," the man spoke. "This'll be a great field test."

Without another word Jaiden charged, her boys right behind her.


And they fought just like they always have, as a team. Yugyeom and Bobby would launch long range attacks, with Hanbin and Jungkook in close range. Jaiden mixing in both long range strikes and close combat moves. With their enhanced abilities now that they had released their true strengths, this should've been an easy battle.

Why then, was Yugyeom being thrown into the next building? Bobby crumbling to his knees because of the crystal shards pegging his body? Jungkook's strong-as-steel bones breaking with ease? Hanbin's markings beginning to fade? And Jaiden being the only one left standing? This shouldn't be happening. Not to the strongest team, the strongest Supers.

At least they believed they were the strongest before today.

Kellan and Alec forced themselves to stay back, vowing to not interfere unless it was to grab everyone and flee. They'd only get in the way otherwise. The man was too strong.

"Did you really think you would win? Honestly, darling, why fight against the cause that created you?" Jaiden panted, gasping for breath as the man before them walked closer to her, barely scathed.

Hanbin was on the ground closest to her, while Yugyeom had crashed into the twelfth or so story of the nearest building, and there was still no sign of him.

Jungkook lay limp further off, every one of his bones shattered, his calcium levels reduced to zero. He wouldn't be regenerating new ones any time soon. Bobby was pinned onto the ground by four crystal shards driven into his arms, blood slowly oozing from the stabs.

The man's crystal wings were brighter and bigger than ever, as he grabbed Jaiden by the throat and lifted her off the ground to meet his gaze.

Hanbin growled under his breath, pushing himself off the ground, ready to tear the man apart. But he collapsed as soon as he was on his knees, every ounce of energy drained out of him. Almost all of his blood was gone. He knew he was turning pale, and he was beginning to shiver.

Jaiden gripped the man's hand, dropping her sword to do so.

"It's a shame, I wanted to do more tests on you alive. I guess I'll have to settle for post mortem,"

At this Jaiden slightly chuckled, surprising the man.

"Funny...you say that..." she choked out. The man froze at the sight of Jaiden's skin cracking. A single crack down her cheek.

And a second later she was free. Blood sprayed everywhere, and he couldn't tell from where it was coming. Everything happened so fast.

Jaiden stood a few feet away, the amount of lightning and sheer power shrouding her unnatural, even for the man. And she held his bloody arm at hand.

Jaiden had ripped it off to free herself.

The man cursed under his breath, though maintained his composure. His upper arm, pouring out blood, had now crystallized and created a fake arm of sharp shards.

Hanbin knew what this was. Which is why he couldn't help his hands from shaking.

He knew what this technique would do to her.

"Hanbin-ah," Jaiden spoke, the boy snapping out of his mind. "I'm sorry. Take care of everyone."

And at that moment, I saw the life leave her beautiful eyes, even if she was not dead.

Jaiden could feel her muscles shredding apart, her bones and organs soon to follow. But she had to endure it. At least for five more minutes until she ripped the man apart for good.

Without another look at her lover, she vanished. This is her last straw. Her strongest technique. One that would cost her her life.

"Ah, Jaiden, you've been my favorite test subject thus far," the man spoke, blocking her lightning covered punch with his wings. Her hand split open, but that was the least pain she experienced in that moment. Another crack appeared on her forehead.

She then threw a forceful kick that sent him flying, lightning crackling. As she landed, however, her leg bone shattered, making her flinch and stumble.

"Jaiden, stop this!" Hanbin screamed, forcing himself off the ground, though struggling. "Don't do this," he begged just above a whisper.

If his body would just move. If his blood could only pump. He wouldn't have to see her suffer anymore. He swore to himself he’d do anything to never see her face writhing in pain again.

Jaiden straightened up, her fists clenched withstanding the pain. The skies above darkened, and rain began to fall, thunder soon following. The coating of lightning around her beautiful, shinning in the darkened clouds. She glanced at the sky, rain falling on her face. Her spirit was at peace. She was ready for what was to come.

The man’s psychotic laugh made her snap back to reality.

“You truly are the perfect specimen, Jaiden!” He exclaimed, jumping down from the building he had crashed into, and walking casually back toward her. He was barely scathed, though one of his wings had broken off.

Jaiden didn’t speak, she simply held her hand out. Soon rays of lightning bolts began to strike down simultaneously, all surrounding her.


“, Kellan, now!” Alec raced to grab all of his team on his back, ready to flee as far as possible from the soon-to-come explosion.

“Get my men, too! I’ll grab the others out there!” Kellan sprinted for Bobby and Jungkook who were unconscious down on the battlefield. “Hanbin! We have to go now-!“

Kellan’s heart dropped when he saw Hanbin. He didn’t even look at Jaiden, or the battle a few dozen meters before him. He looked numb, that was the only way Kellan could explain it, as if his soul had left him.

“Kellan,” the boy was surprised that Jaiden had noticed him in the midst of her gathering this much power. “Get everyone out of here in the next minute, and don’t come back.”

From those words, he knew. This would be the last time he would ever see Jaiden. With gritted teeth and a newfound void in his heart, he turned sprinting off with Jaiden’s teammates on his back, unable to think of last words to say to her.

“This was fun! But it’s time for you to die now!” The man laughed madly, creating a large, almost ten-foot spear of crystals as his fake arm.

Hanbin could’ve cared less if he was in the way of the blast.

Don’t do this…

Jaiden, without looking at Hanbin, charged for the last time.

The man went at her with his deadly weapon, and the blast of compacted lightning that was on her hand and the tip of his spear collided. The shockwaves from the blast created whirlwinds and thundering roars, the explosion greater than Yugyeom’s ever was, leveling the city itself.

Hanbin didn’t feel a single thing. Jaiden had created a barrier around him, Yugyeom far off in the distance, and Kellan and Alec with the others miles away. She made sure they would get out of this alive.

She pushed forward, as her arm burned to the point of it being charred black, until she made sure the crystals shattered, and she pierced through the man’s chest.

After that everything stopped. The winds, the thunder, the rain. Time itself stopped.

Hanbin stared in disbelief, at the monster with Jaiden’s hand through his chest.

She pulled her hand out, blood gushing, and the man stumbled back, his face frozen in shock.

“Go to hell, you monster,” Jaiden spat, her eyes drooping and she swayed back and forth slightly. He didn’t speak as he fell to the ground. “It’s over…” Jaiden sighed, falling backwards onto her back.

Hanbin’s whole body shook as he saw Jaiden fall. It took every ounce of his energy to start crawling toward her. His mind was utterly blank as he inched closer and closer. As if it wasn’t him living through this, like this was all a dream.

He stopped only once. When the man rose his finger, pointing right at him. Hanbin’s eyes were wide as a tiny shard of crystals from his dissipating wing flew at him, stabbing his upper shoulder, and engraining itself into his skin.

He started screaming in agony a few moments later as his veins began to pulse. But all he thought of as he writhed on the ground was Jaiden, just a few feet away, limp. His eyes spun, until his entire vision of his lover went black.

 Hanbin woke in the same position. On the rubble, facing Jaiden, who still lay on the ground. How long had he been out? What had the monster done to him? His shoulder throbbed, but he proceeded to crawl over to Jaiden without a thought.

“Jai?” His voice had never trembled so much. He held her in his arms now, the cracks on her face now clearly visible. Her nose bled.

“Is he dead?” She croaked out.

“Yeah, yeah, he’s dead, Jai. You did it.” Hanbin didn’t know if the man had died, he hadn’t looked at him once. His shoulder burned, but he was numb to everything in this moment.

“I’m sorry, Hanbin…” She reached up to touch his face, she cupped his cheek, her hand bloody and broken. He immediately took it in his own. “I didn’t mean for it to come to this.” She felt more and more tired with every word she spoke. Her heart was beginning to beat less.

The skies had cleared, the night sky decorated in stars.

“Hey, it’s fine. Soon Kellan and the others will bring reinforcements and medics and you’ll be just fine. We’ll go back home and-“

“Hanbin-ah, don’t.” Her eyes filled with sorrow at the sight of her lover in such desperation. “I need you to take care of the boys. Bobby, Kookie, and Gyeom. Even Kellan and Alec. You have to stay together, all of you. Promise me.”

“Jaiden no, don’t say things like that!” His voice cracked. “we need you, I need you. This can’t happen.” Her breathing was slowing. She smiled.

“I love you.” Jaiden whispered. Hanbin was at the brick of tears. “how lucky am I, to have someone I love so much that I can’t bear to say goodbye.”

“Jaiden, stop! Please, just stop!” He’d never felt pain like this. He’d take being tortured a thousand times over this. “I’ll do anything, Jai, tell me what to do!?” His tears now fell on Jaiden’s cheek. 

“I love you, Hanbin, so much…”

Her hand fell, only to be caught by Hanbin’s.

“Jai? Hey, Jai…”

You're okay. Breathe. Just Breathe. Open your eyes. It's okay. It's over now. You're okay. Come back. You're okay. Wake up. Please wake up. Don't do this to me. Don't do this to me. Don't do this to me. I love you so much. I can't live without you.


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NoeLna #1
Chapter 3: OMG.. cant wait for the next chapter.. :D great story autornim..