
The Five

"Taemin, we made it we're in the lobby," I spoke with my friend on the phone as we casually popped into an empty elevator from where we were in Korea to this luxurious hotel in Hong Kong.

"I'm on my way down," he spoke and I hung up soon after. I then turned to my boys," if you see anyone suspicious let me know."

"Right," Jungkook nodded.

We stood by the elevator, and once we heard the 'ding' sound, we readied ourselves.

The doors opened, and with speed able to rival my own I was jumped on.

"Jai!" He exclaimed, squeezing me in a hug. "It's been so long!"

"Taemin...can't...breathe..." I tapped his shoulder, hoping he'd loosen his grip.

"Oh! Ha, sorry. I get excited," he jumped off of me, scratching the back of his head.

His hair was once again a bleach blonde, and he wore a navy suit.

"Hey, Hyung," Hanbin greeted with a smile.

"Hey guys, how's everything going? Is it true you're stuck in school?" He questioned, as we now walked toward the front of the hotel where his car waited.

"Don't even bring that up," Bobby said with an eye roll.

"You wouldn't believe our week, Hyung," Yugyeom added.

"That bad, huh?" The blonde questioned.

"Pretty much. But anyways, what's with this stalker guy following you around," I cut in.

"I really don't know, once I started my solo promotions I felt something weird. Ever since then I've been followed and threatened." Taemin told us with worry, as we made it to his van.

We greeted the driver and quickly filed in, Taemin keeping his head low so no one would recognize him.

"Don't worry, we'll have your back. You just focus on looking good for the cameras," Hanbin placed a reassuring hand on the man's shoulder.

"Thanks," the blonde replied.

The drive itself wasn't long to the venue, though traffic made it almost impossible to move quickly.

"So, what awards are these anyways?" Yugyeom asked the idol.

"MAMA awards, it's the biggest award show in Hong Kong."

"Damn," the younger whistled.

"Alright, let's do this. Stay alert." I told them as we pulled up to the red carpet surrounded by cameras and fans.

"Yes, ma'am," Yugyeom saluted half jokingly, as Bobby swung open the car door.

Instantly we were bombarded by cameras and microphones were shoved almost up our throats.

We all surrounded Taemin to lead him toward the red carpet and away from this chaos.

The blonde smiled widely and greeted the cameras politely.

I'd never be able to do this, I thought at that moment.

"This way," Bobby motioned toward the carpet as we made way.

It took longer than I thought to get out of the cameras and onto the VIP section where all the stars walked on.

"Does that happen often?" Hanbin couldn't help but ask as we all now walked in peace.

"Pretty much all the time," The idol replied, waving at the fans that were barricaded at both sides of the carpet.

"Hell no," my partner shook his head, almost scoffing at the thought of having that happen everyday.

"You get used to it," Taemin shrugged.

"Jai, everything's normal so far," Jungkook, arguably the only one of us actually focusing on the mission, told me.

"Alright, keep me updated," I told the boy, and he nodded.

I scanned our surroundings and indeed everything seemed normal. Reporters interviewing idols, stars waving at the cameras or interacting with fans.

Taemin himself was pulled over for an interview, and we all casually hovered around him, trying to make it less obvious that we were his bodyguards. We didn't look it, too, so that helped.

"Ha, yeah, no we're not idols, it's just...uh," I heard Bobby from behind me. I turned and saw him and Hanbin being interviewed!

I almost sprinted to them but I controlled my pace and instantly cut in.

"We're just here to support Taemin, we're close friends," I spoke politely to the microphone being pointed at my idiots.

"Ah, I see. Well we all hope he performs well tonight!" The reporter spoke, panning the camera back to her.

Once we were out of the frame I dragged the two back toward Taemin, who was done with his interview and looked at us in confusion.

Bobby couldn't help his smirk.

"What the hell are you smiling about?" I asked him, ticked off.

"I knew I was handsome enough to be an idol," he slid a hand through his hair.

"Keep an eye on him please, and avoid cameras," I told Hanbin, completely ignoring the other idiot.


"Everything okay?" Taemin came up to us. "I saw you guys talking to the reporter."

"Don't worry about it," I waved it off with a sigh. "Can we head inside? The less we're in the spotlight the better."

"Yeah, this way," Taemin led us toward the doors of the venue.

"Guys some of the fans wanted pictures with me," Yugyeom told us.

Of the five of us, the two that really don't need an ego boost got huge ones.

"This is huge," Bobby gawked as we went in.

I'll agree with him for once, this place was insane.

"And you perform here?" Yugyeom questioned again, not believing the sight before him.

The seats were beginning to fill up as people started entering.

"Well yeah," Taemin chuckled, and we followed him down to, I kid you not, front and center of the dome. His seat was at the very front!

I knew he was popular, but damn.

"I think you guys are behind me," he told us.

"Great, and don't worry. We have your back." I gave him a confident nod.

"Thanks, Jai," he smiled.

We all sat, Bobby and the two youngest at the end of the isle, while Hanbin was to my left and my right was empty.

Hanbin took my hand, giving me a reassuring smile since he saw me looking around cautiously. I relaxed a bit at his look, returning his smile.

After a few minutes other idols came up to Taemin and greeted him with hugs. He seemed to be close with them, since they sat beside him and chatted non stop with grins.

He did mention he was in a group, maybe these were the other members. It was five of them in total.

"I'd never be able to work in this business," Hanbin whispered in my ear. "Too stressful."

I rose a brow at the ridiculous reasoning.

"Says the one that fights for his life almost daily," I whispered back, earning a chuckle.

"Um, hello," I turned my head a full 180 to meet a giant looking down at me. Though his face looked more so like a puppy.

"Hi," I replied, slightly bowing my head. He took a seat beside me, other members filling the rest of the seats in the line to his other side.

"Looks like we'll be sitting next to each other, I'm Chanyeol," his cheeky grin could rival Bobby's.

"I'm Jaiden," I spoke with a smile.

"So what brings you here? Unless you're part of a new group and I've been living under a rock," he spoke, his friends beside him looking over at the man making conversation with strangers sitting normally where stars would sit at.

"No, we're here to support Taemin, we're close friends," I told him, loud enough so his friends could hear. Hanbin surprisingly kept his composure throughout this. The other three stooges were too busy looking around to pay attention to the conversation.

"Ah, Taemin-sshi, he's been doing well, I'll have to congratulate him afterward," the idol smiled down at Taemin, who chatted happily with his fellow members.

Not long after the short conversation the lights dimmed, and the show began.

With one last smile, Chanyeol turned to face the stage.

The first hour or so of the show went smoothly. Idols performed, won awards, gave speeches, the whole deal.

I chatted happily with both my boys and Taemin in front, as well as Chanyeol beside me. For a famous idol, he was surprisingly very down to earth. And hilarious, to top it off. Hanbin had his hand on mine at all times, I swear he's the most jealous in the world.

Our conversation about the idol's rise to fame was cut short, however, when stage crew men came over to Taemin, telling him it was his time to head backstage and prep for his performance.

Instantly we all perked up, and I looked to Jungkook and Yugyeom who were at the end.

I gave them a single look and they immediately understood, giving me nods.

They stood with Taemin, following him backstage.

"Is everything okay?" Chanyeol asked from my other side.

"Yeah, those two are just really excited, they wanna be with Taemin the whole night," I told him lightheartedly, waving him off. He seemed to buy the story, which I appreciated.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Hanbin whispered in my ear. I turned to him.

"I know, me too. Just be ready for anything." I told him, and he showed a smile, so those around wouldn't question our serious looks. He then brushed a piece of my hair out of my face, pecking my cheek.

Cheering from the crowd made us turn to the stage, where a man we didn't recognize took the stage to present Taemin.

I nudged Chanyeol with a questioning look, and he seemed to understand.

"That's Song Yoong Ki, he's a really famous actor," he told me, and I made an 'ah' expression.

"I'm here to present an idol that's been on the rise ever since his debut, his new solo comeback topped the charts for a few weeks. Please welcome Taemin from SHINee!"

The fans behind us roared, and the stage darkened.

The tune for Press My Number began to play, and a single spotlight appeared.

As opposed to the crowd which smiled happily at the start of his performance, Hanbin and I focused solely on any threats that could appear.

Half of his performance had gone without a hitch, everything was fine. The crowd was surely enjoying it.

"Hey, do you see that?" Hanbin pointed to the side of the stage toward the back, where the entrance for backstage was.

Suddenly Jungkook flew from there, as if he were blocking some kind of attack, with his bones at hand.

This was all behind Taemin and the dancers where it was dark, no one noticed.

Hanbin, Bobby, and I instantly shot up, and Yugyeom was sent flying from where Jungkook appeared from, crashing onto the other end of the stage.

At this Taemin and his dancers stopped, and the crowd grew silent at the unexpected action.

"Get out of here!" We heard Jungkook scream, just as a hooded figure charged for him, sending him flying to where Yugyeom had crashed.

"Jai!" Bobby yelled, looking at the helpless crowd.

"I know, be careful. Go." I told them, they already knew what to do.

Hanbin acted first, leading all the dancers toward the crowd, off the stage.

Bobby ran for Yugyeom, who was getting up shaking off the blow.

"What's going on?" I heard Chanyeol say from beside me.

"Sorry about this," I spoke sincerely, leaving my seat and jumping on the stage.

Just as the last dancer joined the crowd, my eyes began to glow, and electricity crackled from all over my body.

The lights from the stage flickered, and I maneuvered the electricity so that it would cascade over the whole crowd, resembling a magnetic force field to protect them from whatever was behind me.

"Taemin, stay behind me!" I heard Hanbin say from close by, as I finished up the force field.

I then turned and saw about ten figures cornering my boys.

Jungkook and Yugyeom had gotten up, their heads bleeding slightly but nothing too serious, and Hanbin protected Taemin with his body, keeping the idol behind himself. Bobby held Yugyeom's arm, absorbing energy.

I could hear the crowd gasping and yelling from behind us.

"Who are you?" I was the first to speak, stepping forward cautiously.

"Give us the kid and no one will get hurt," one of them spoke, clearly sounding older than all of us.

"He's the one that's been following me! I know it," Taemin cut in, stepping aside from Hanbin's protective grip.

"We can't do that," I told them. "Who do you work for?"

"Who do you think?" Another of them retorted. "Give us the kid, last chance."

I turned to my team, giving them an all too familiar look. They all nodded.

Jungkook gripped two of his large bones in hand, and from his chest came out a few of his ribs, as a protective armor over his stomach and lower chest.

Yugyeom was now glowing, his fists clenched and ready to shoot out his beams.

Bobby had let him go, and he also glowed, he was a bit fidgety due to the amounts of energy surging through his body.

Hanbin had bit into his thumbs, and several small orbs of his blood circled over his palms.

Taemin stood behind all of us, though his eyes did glow in case he had to unleash his power.

"They're all Supers..." Jungkook mumbled to us, never parting his gaze with the enemy.

"Why are you after him?" I continued to question. We had to get answers somehow!

Instead of speaking they inched closer to us.

From afar we could hear sirens. I mentally sighed. Someone from the crowd called. The police wouldn't stand a chance.

"Yugyeom, go outside and take care of the police, tell them we're here." I told the red head.

"You're not going anywhere!" Yelled one of the men in front of us.

"On your signal," Hanbin mumbled to me.

We had all frozen for the next few moments. Even the thousands behind us stayed silent, anticipating our next move.

I gave one last glance to Yugyeom, who was ready to pounce at any time, and nodded.

Just as I turned forward to face the men, Yugyeom dashed off toward the exits.

That's when all hell broke loose.

Three men went after Yugyeom, but Bobby blocked their way by emitting a large energy blast from himself, sending them flying backward, and faced them ready to fight.

Another three came at Jungkook, who stood ready for them.

The rest went for Taemin, but Hanbin made sure to block their paths. I went to stand beside Hanbin.

"I've missed this," he told me with a smirk.

"You're insane," I shook my head, though I couldn't hide my own smirk.

"You asked for it!" One of the four men before us yelled, his skin suddenly changing, now looking metallic like steel.

The one beside him hovered over the ground. While the other two held hands and were soon morphing into one giant dude.

None of this surprised us, of course, they are Supers. I could hear the crowd behind us gasping, however.

I held both of my hands out, lightning forming in bunches on both of them.

Hanbin was ready to shoot his small pellets of blood like bullets.

I glanced over toward Jungkook, and he was already taking on the three men before him, who's abilities looked to be enhanced physical strength, from the way they didn't falter when Jungkook hit them with his steel-like bones.

I was snapped back toward my own battle when the metal guy came after me. In my eyes he looked like a snail because of how slow he moved, so it was easy for me to evade his attacks.

I instantly vanished from before him, my speed increasing, and I reappeared behind the man, and simply placed my lightning covered hands on him.

The sparks flew and a screeching noise echoed from the contact as the man started shaking uncontrollably, I could even hear his teeth clattering.

And I had only used about a thousand volts.

I took my hands off of him after a few seconds, and he fell to the floor not long after.

I then scanned my surroundings. Bobby was having trouble against the three of his own, his energy running out.

"Bobby!" I yelled, concentrating a few thousand volts onto my hands, and the instant he turned I shot the lightning bolt at him, which shocked the crowd (I had forgot about them).

"Thanks, Jai!" He yelled, as he glowed with energy once again, and instantly charged at the men with his newfound adrenaline.

We were dominating this fight, and Taemin didn't even have to move from his spot behind Hanbin, my partner didn't let anyone get close to him.

That was when Yugyeom appeared back from the outside.

"Everything's under control, they're leaving it to us." He came over and told me.

"Good, go help out Kookie." I told him, and with a nod he went over casually toward Jungkook as the boy fought off the three super humans, and shot at them without warning with his beams.

"Could you warn a guy before you do that!?" Jungkook yelled, having to avoid the blast since it headed for him as well.

"Hey, you're fine. That's all that matters." The red head shrugged.

How they could joke around at a time like this was beyond me. I guess that's how some cope with the job.

"Enough!" The loud scream snapped all of us toward the center back of the stage, and all the jokes were thrown out the window.

One of the men, the one that could levitate, held a stage crew worker by her neck, and she whimpered softly.

"These bastards," Bobby mumbled, as the five of us moved together.

"Don't move! Or I snap her neck." The man growled, and we had no choice but to freeze.

The ten men regrouped before us, some more beat up than others, but nevertheless were mostly unscathed.

"Hand over the kid, for the last time." Another almost growled. I clicked my tongue in frustration. If he had any other grip on the woman I'd be able to swoop in and get her out in milliseconds. But his grip was too strong, I could end up hurting her.

"Jai..." Hanbin mumbled, and I noticed he dug his nail into his palm, drawing a tiny drop of blood. He'd shoot it at the man on my signal.

I shook my head slowly, it's too risky. The others would take her before we could.

"It's fine. I'll go." We all turned as Taemin stepped up, walking forward.

From the crowd I could see from the corner of my eye Minho and Onew banging on the force field.

"Taemin, don't-" he sent me a look I hadn't seen in forever. I would never forget his eyes, filled with so much sorrow, right before he'd activate his ability.

He walked forward, ever so slowly.

The man hadn't let go of the poor woman.

The men relaxed a bit as their target moved toward them, and I held my hand to the side, signaling for my team to not move.

Suddenly Taemin stopped about halfway, raising his hand.

"Hey! Don't try anything!" The man yelled, tightening his grip around the woman.

"You're never gonna win this war." Taemin spoke, and began closing his fist slowly.

"Why you-"

I began to think about the people behind us. Civilians, completely normal people, having to witness this.

Their screams of agony echoed throughout the arena, as the ten men fell to the floor in unbearable pain.

His ability truly was terrifying. Being able to inflict excruciating pain on others. No wonder he never uses it. I don't even think I would.

Well, maybe.

The woman that was now out of the grip dashed over to us, and Jungkook put on his nicest face so she wouldn't panic (any more than she already had), and he led her to the force field, where she passed right through. A second later I made the field impenetrable once again.

The screams stopped, and the men groaned on the floor, holding their heads.

Taemin had his head lowered, and he dropped his arm.

It's over.

I walked over to my friend, placing a hand on his shoulder. At the touch he flinched, though relaxed once he turned to see it was me.

"I'm sorry," was the first thing I said to him.

"Don't be. It was my decision." He replied, a hint of sadness in his voice.

"How are we gonna play this?" Bobby asked all of us, turning toward the thousands in the barrier.

"Leave it to me, you take care of them." Taemin surprisingly said, turning to the men on the floor.

"You sure?" Hanbin had to question.

"Yeah, better for you to leave asap. You've been in the spotlight way too long." He responded.

"It's true, we should leave." Yugyeom added, showing concern.

I turned to the people, fear never leaving their eyes. I could see Chanyeol to one side, his eyes filled with surprise more than anything else. I turned away.

"Let's take them to the main base, get them to talk." I spoke, once again lighting up with electricity. "I'll take down the barrier, make sure no one runs wild. Got it?"

"No problem," Bobby cracked his knuckles, the adrenaline starting to run out and I could see his shoulders slumping from exhaustion.

"Be careful," Hanbin said, and I gave him a nod.

I took two by their collars, and vanished, my destination a country away.

In mere seconds I had dropped the ten men off in our main facility, where the Boss was at. Now that'd be a pleasant surprise for him. We'd let the interrogators get the information we needed out of them, and then discuss it with the Boss. Though I'm not so sure things will go as smoothly this time.

"Thanks, Jai." I now stood with Taemin, as we oversaw my boys leading the mass group of people out of the building.

"For what? We only made things worse," I had to say.

"You got them off my back. Who knows what would've happened if they attacked without you guys here. There'd be a lot more people in hospital beds." He said. "I know you're gonna take a lot of heat for this, so I wanted to thank you."

"Please, we're both gonna get hell for this." I scoffed, and he chuckled for the first time tonight.

"Now go." He sent a nod toward my boys, who finished rounding up the people.

"Watch your back, Taemin." I told him seriously. "If they're coming after you that means they're running out of peaceful options."

"Yeah, you too. And promise me one thing, as friends." He gave me a stern look.

"Of course."

"Don't do anything like that mission again. Promise me."

I avoided his gaze.

"Promise me, Jai." He stated again. I then turned to look at him.

"I promise."

"Good, take care of yourself." He finally smiled. "And them." He looked at my boys.

"Yeah," I flashed him a half smile, and turned to my team.

"Why don't we stay for the after party?" Bobby joked.

"Oh, we're gonna have one hell of a party back in Headquarters." Yugyeom scoffed.

I lit up again, and they all knew the drill.

Grabbing onto each other, I took Hanbin's hand and we all crackled.

With one last look at Taemin, we vanished.

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NoeLna #1
Chapter 3: OMG.. cant wait for the next chapter.. :D great story autornim..