
The Five

"But gramps! This'll be a waste of time! We could be out there on the field helping the war effort, and you're sending us to school?!" The beauty slammed her hands on her boss' desk, as he stood behind it. Her katana sword was strapped around her back. 
Behind her were her four comrades, fully agreeing with what their leader fought against. 
"This isn't up for discussion, Jaiden." The sixty year old man stated. 
"Sir, please. She has a point. We're at war, and you're benching your best fighters?" One of the boys spoke up. He always had Jaiden's back, no matter what she fought for. He was her other half, he couldn't help it. 
"I said this isn't up for debate! Now leave, or you'll be late." The man demanded. "And if you so much as miss a day, you're out for good." 
Seeing as this is a pointless argument, the boys began walking out, as their leader turned to the door. She looked over her shoulder back at the Commander in Chief. 
"We'll be ready whenever you need us. And you will need us." She spoke, and with that, left the room with her team. 
"I don't believe this," the eldest shook his head. 
"in' bull," the black haired spat. 
"We need to be out there, not behind a ing desk." The red head added. 
"We saved the world for god's sake! We're the strongest Supers in the world. And we're stuck in school." The youngest then exclaimed, mumbling other unpleasantries under his breath. 
"Hey," Jaiden said, and their heads turned to her as they left the Headquarters. "The Boss has to be doing this for a reason. And until we figure out what that is, we'll have to follow orders. End of story." She spoke with gritted teeth. 
Her comrades knew their leader was beyond pissed. All the training they went through, the deadly missions around the world, saving the goddamned world, sacrificing parts of themselves and comrades, for what? For school? 
The black haired, the second in command, draped his arm over the beauty's shoulder. She sighed against his chest. 
The five walked to Jaiden's 2016 Chevrolet Camaro in maroon, it was the one they'd always drive when they went out as a team, and got in. 
"Just don't kill anyone when we get there, okay?" Jaiden grabbed her sword, strapping it around her back before locking her car. 
"No promises," the eldest smirked slightly. Yes, he might be the elder age-wise, but mentally? Hell no. If anything he's the one getting the team into trouble. Though they're all used to it by now. 
Let's just say this school isn't like most. 
Students and teachers flew, teleported, or hovered, into the school. 
Jaiden saw students playing with fire with their bare hands, creating ice from nothing, duplicating themselves, changing the gravity around them, any kind of super power you could think of, it was here. 
Where Supers are trained for one purpose and one purpose only. To join the Force and the war effort. 
The war against the Rebels. 
In this world, there are three sides. The humans, normal as can be, living their lives like normal. Then Supers, an advanced evolution of the human species with several higher capabilities. Abilities, in other words. And lastly, the enemy Supers battle against, the Rebels. Humans and rogue Supers that want to take over all societies using radical means. The Force, the branch of the world government consisting of all Supers, is hoping to put an end to the war against the Rebels. And the powerhouse elite team that can actually make this happen is now entering a measly school for newbie Supers. 
"Back to square one." Sighed the youngest, being the first to leave the car. 
As the five walked toward the school, all eyes couldn't help but be on them. Jaiden walked hand in hand with her black haired lover, while the other three were at their sides. 
No one knew the faces of the team that saved the world a year ago, the Boss had wanted them to stay incognito. Still, their aura couldn't be missed by the normal students. 
"Shoot me now," he whispered in her ear. 
"I know how you feel, trust me." She whispered back as they made it to the doors. And just then the bell rang loudly. 
"Where are we going?" Red head asked. 
"Uh," the youngest pulled out a schedule. They made sure their Boss at least placed them in the same classes. "It says Ability Training." 
"in great." The eldest boy rolled his eyes. 
"C'mon, let's just get this over with." Jaiden told the boys, and they walked to the fighting arena (or in normal terms; the gym). 
They were the last to walk in, so of course they earned the full attention of the fifty or so classmates and teacher (a big man, well built, mid thirties, intense-looking). 
"Well, late on the first day, huh? How lucky." 
Oh yes, so lucky, Jaiden thought with a mental eye roll. 
"Sorry we're late." The black haired spoke, his tone hinting no apology whatsoever. 
"Well, big shots, how about you all go first?" The man asked. 
"Go first for what?" Jaiden took a step forward, demonstrating her leadership to these newbies. 
"Introductions. Name, ability, goal after high school, demonstration. Based on this I'll put you into teams of five, in which you'll be working with all year. But looks like you're already set at that part." The man explained, eyeing us. 
"Easy enough," Jaiden spoke with a small smirk. 
"Jungkook, you could do the honors." Jaiden turned to the youngest, and he shrugged. 
"Alright then," he walked up to the huge arena in the middle of the gym with his hands shoved in his pocket. 
"I'm Jungkook, I'm not allowed to give out my last name so I won't, I work with the Force as a soldier fighting in the current War," he began, and the class' eyes widened. They could only wonder how students from this school could already be working for the Force. Though he forgot to mention exactly what Special Forces Unit he belonged to. "My ability is my bones." The class looked at him as if he were crazy. He sighed, and brought his hand up. 
He held his hand out, and from it, a white solid object came out.  
"I regenerate my bones, use them as weapons." He swung his bone around skillfully between his hands. The arm in which he had taken the bone from had already regenerated another to replace the one he held onto. His skin wasn't fazed at all, much less scathed or bleeding. The second he let go of his bone, it disintegrated. He walked with his hands back in his pockets off the arena.  
"Who's next?" The black haired asked. 
"Yugyeom?" Jaiden turned to her red head. Giving Jaiden a grin, he headed into the arena.  
"Hi, I'm Yugyeom, and I blow up stuff using energy." He spoke. "I also fight with Jungkook." He then turned to a chair in the far distance, probably placed there for a reason similar to this one. 
Yugyeom turned to it, raising his hand. 
A sudden light blinded the students, and the teacher. 
In an instant, a beam of light came from his hand, blasting at the chair, blowing it up instantly. And no second later did the beam die down. The class, once again, stared dumbfounded as he walked back to his friends as if this were nothing. 
"Guess I'll go next." The eldest said, walking up to the arena. 
"I'm Bobby, and I do the same as those idiots," Jungkook and Yugyeom sent Bobby scoffs and glares at the 'idiot' part. "Gyeomie, wanna help me out?" 
"Sure, and you can cut it out with the 'idiot' , hyung." Yugyeom replied, and he raised his hand. Though this time pointing at Bobby. 
No second later did the same beam that blew up a chair hit Bobby completely. The class all gasped and some screamed, though they didn't expect this. 
Bobby was totally in tact. In fact, the eldest glowed. A white aura surrounded him, making him glow. 
He clenched his fists. "I absorb energy, though I don't think you'd want to see what happens when I use it. You'd probably need a new school." 
And that said it all. 
With a few deep breaths, the aura gradually began depleting. And in a few minutes Bobby returned to his usual self. 
He walked off the arena with a smirk, the black haired already walking toward it. 
"Way to give em a show," he said to Bobby. 
"Always," and they fist pumped slyly before 'switching places'. 
"I'm Hanbin, and we don't have plans after this. We focus on our missions in the present," Jaiden's lover spoke. "I used to be able to manipulate metal. But something happened, and well, now I do this." 
He bit into his thumb, drawing blood. But instead of it dripping, the blood hovered over his palm as he held it out. 
And with a flick, and a blink of an eye, the blood droplet shot out at the students, creating a strong wind blowing past them. And a sudden crashing sound startled them all. 
They snapped to the wall behind them, and it looked as if it had been hit with a wrecking ball, not a small bullet-like form of blood!
Jaiden and the boys could only snicker.  
The teacher stared in awe as Hanbin got off the arena, pecked Jaiden on the lips, and continued to his friends. 
The students finally turned back to the arena, looking away from the dent in the wall behind them. 
"I'm Jaiden, leader of team Argos, Captain of the Special Forces Units of the Force." She spoke, and all eyes went wide. Except for her team's, they only smiled proudly at their leader. 
Everyone knew the name Argos. Known as the team that saved their race just one year ago from a lethal Rebel attack. 
The Captain of the entire Special Forces Units in the Force, is an extremely high up position. Even the teacher looked in horror. How could he have spoken to the Captain like that? 
The man gulped. 
"I manipulate electricity, so basically I'm just fast and strong." She spoke, and a spark came from her hand. 
Soon enough her whole body was crackling, as sparks and flickers of electricity surrounded her. 
In a millisecond, she disappeared. The class and teacher all looked around, and at that moment she reappeared right in front of the teacher, practically giving him a heart attack. 
"I would watch your tone when speaking to us, thank you," she smiled innocently, though this was her most intimidating smile. 
With that, the crackling around her died down, and she returned to her team. 
"You're impossible," Hanbin rolled his eyes, though he smirked. 
"Uh, n-next!" The man composed himself, mostly, and the other students did their introductions. 
None of them were worthy enough of the five's attention, and so they spent the rest of the period separated from the class. 
"What should we do after this?" Hanbin asked his lover, whom he had his arm around her shoulders. 
"I was thinking we could spar," she suggested, earning a smirk from the dark haired. 
"Oh, hell yeah." He responded, earning a chuckle from the beauty. 
"Face it, B.I, you'll never beat me," she said, teasing him by calling him by his mission code name.
"Yeah, hyung, better drop it now," Yugyeom patted Hanbin's shoulder. 
"Just wait, it's gonna happen," the boy fought, and the others snickered. 
"You're cute," Jaiden smiled, pecking the boys' cheek. He bent down, his lips hovering above her ear. 
"At least there's one place I can think of where we're on equal terms," she knew he was smirking. 
"Keep it PG in front of us, God!" Jungkook said, and they laughed. 
And suddenly, there was a loud boom sound, making the five look up. 
"What the hell was that?" Asked Jaiden. 
"Alright everyone please head to the bunker!" Yes, this school had a bunker down below in case Supers came to attack, or bomb. 
The five jogged up to the teacher. 
"Is this a drill?" Bobby asked. A drill on the first day, very unlikely. 
"No, I have no idea what's happening," the man replied. 
And yet again another bomb sound came from the entrance, making the school shake. 
"Make sure the students get to the bunker in one piece!" Yelled Jaiden, as she led her team toward the commotion. The man stood there for a moment, but then did as he was told. 
"Alright everyone, hurry!" He yelled to the class, and they jogged following the rest of the student body. 
"Well, at least it's not just a normal day," Yugyeom spoke, earning looks from Jungkook and Hanbin. The red head only shrugged in response as they ran. 
"Watch out!" What looked like a small meteor was about to come crashing down just in front of the five. 
"Grab onto me!" Jaiden yelled, surrounding herself in lightning instantly. 
Hanbin was beside her, so he reached out and touched her shoulder, feeling a slight buzz sensation running through his arm; Jungkook doing the same on her other side. Bobby grabbed onto Jungkook, while Yugyeom reached for Hanbin. 
They were all engulfed in the Captain's lightning, and just as the meteor was about to hit them, they disappeared. The meteor crashed into the school floor, creating a huge dent on the ground and a loud booming sound. 
The five reappeared just before the front doors of the school. 
They could see a figure of a man just outside, and behind him were dozens of soldiers. 
"Get ready." Jaiden ordered her team. And so they let go of her, the crackling dispersing from them, though Jaiden shone brighter than ever. 
"Been a while since I've had a good fight," Jungkook spoke, cracking his knuckles. 
"What a first day, huh?" Yugyeom then added, his hands glowing with energy. 
"Better than most," Bobby replied, getting ready for Yugyeom's energy blast. 
"Try not to blow anything up," Hanbin said, taking out a pocket knife, and pressing it against his wrists. The blood flowed out and hovered around him. He did the same with his other hand. 
"That goes for you too, babe," Jaiden added, and from the wall next to her a plug was sparking. 
She snapped her fingers and the plug blew up, exposing a large amount of electricity toward her. 
"Mind sharing?" Bobby asked. Jaiden just smiled. 
"Of course not," she pointed at Bobby, and the lightning hit him, yet with clenched fists he absorbed it. 
Yugyeom did the same with his energy blast, Bobby taking it all in. 
"Who are you!?" Jaiden yelled at the stranger. 
The man, looking to be rather young in his twenties, only smirked at the group. 
"I guess it is true that the Saviors are back in school, who would've thought? Guess the Boss was right." The man spoke aloud, more to his team, though Jaiden and the boys caught it. 
"Boss?" Jungkook questioned, already pulling out the main bone in his left arm. 
"Who do you work for?" Jaiden demanded in a confident tone. 
"Now, honey, why would I tell you that?" The man replied, and Hanbin glared daggers at the bastard for using a nickname for his lover. 
The man lifted his hand, and no later did small...meteorites? Hover over him. 
"Get ready." Jaiden told her team.
"Hanbin, follow my lead. Gyeom, Bobby, Kookie, cover us, then head in for the small fry." 
"Aye aye," Yugyeom replied. 
"On my signal." Jaiden added. 
"And what exactly is your sig-"
Bobby was interrupted by the man shooting the meteors toward them, and Jaiden disappeared, Hanbin sprinting toward the huge rocks covered in flames. 
"Signal, got it." Bobby mumbled to himself, and he ran to Hanbin's side. 
Jungkook ran for two of the five meteors heading for the school. 
Yugyeom stayed behind, gathering energy in his palms. 
Meanwhile, Jaiden ran for the man, dodging the meteors easily, leaving her team to keep them from destroying the school. 
Bobby jumped in the air, his senses and physical abilities enhanced because of Jaiden's and Yugyeom's charges on him, and tornado kicked the rock, breaking it to pieces. 
Hanbin, from a bit in front of Bobby, had formed blades made of his blood that came from his wrists, and swung them expertly, cutting the gigantic rock heading for him cleanly in half. 
Keep in mind this all happened in mere seconds. 
Yugyeom easily shot at the loose pieces of rock heading for the school, obliterating them instantly with his blasts. 
Jungkook had taken both of his major bones from both arms, and redirected the course of the meteor so it would shoot back at the man and his small army. Let's just say he drinks a lot of milk to keep his bones that strong. 
And then came Jaiden. Practically invisible because of her speed, she had unsheathed her sword, engulfing it in lightning, and went for the man (who hadn't noticed her coming because she couldn't be seen through the eye, that fast she was). 
In that split second she was before the man, her sword at his neck. 
"I wouldn't try anything if I were you," she spoke, and the man's eyes widened in horror. 
He frantically looked around for his soldiers' help, but they were all on the ground, Hanbin, Jungkook, Bobby, and Yugyeom standing above them. They barely broke a sweat. 
"You better go back to whatever hole you came from, and tell this boss of yours that he'll need much more than this to take us down." She spat. 
And in that instant she grabbed him, and disappeared. 
"Where do you think this time?" Yugyeom asked his team. 
"Headquarters in Brazil? Why not?" Bobby shrugged. 
"Nah, she went there last time. Definitely in Spain." Jungkook then fought, kicking the last conscious soldier to the ground. 
"You're all horrible, it's Britain," followed Hanbin. And then Jaiden reappeared, though without the man. Perks of being fast, lightning can actually travel faster than the speed of light. Some call it teleportation. 
They all toned down their abilities, returning to normal. 
"So?!" Yugyeom asked Jaiden. 
"London." She replied, and Jungkook and Bobby groaned, while Hanbin smiled triumphantly. 
"I swear she tells you every time," Bobby fought, shoving Hanbin slightly. 
"I actually don't," replied Jaiden. 
"Lies!" Jungkook exclaimed, and the group laughed. 
"Is it safe?! We don't hear any explosions!" And from the doors of the school came the teachers, cautiously looking out. 
"Yeah, it's safe!" Jaiden yelled back. 
First filed out the teachers, and then the whole student body, around 2,000 students (big school), came outside. 
As they filed out they all looked at the soldiers, and Jaiden and the boys, in awe. 
"Argos? Is that them?" 
"The ones that saved the world a year ago, it has to be!" 
"But they're our age...and why would they be in school?" 
"Who cares? They took down this whole force by themselves!" 
Whispers could be heard, though Jaiden and her team ignored them. 
"Kookie, could you notify the Boss?" Jaiden asked her curly haired. 
"Yeah, I'll be back," he pulled out his phone, and walked away from the crowd now forming. 
"Jaiden Ryder?" The beauty turned and a woman, looking to be in her mid forties, came up to her with a small smile. 
"I'm Mrs. Cooley, principal of the school," they shook hands, Yugyeom, Hanbin, and Bobby standing behind their leader throughout this. 
"I can't thank you enough. I would've done something but I had to make sure the kids were all safe," she spoke, and Jaiden shook her head. 
"Don't worry about it, this is our job, after all." At that the woman gave her a sympathetic look. Looks they were used to. 
They all think Jaiden and the boys are too young to be fighting these battles. Too inexperienced. 
But this is all they've known. How to fight, to survive. And if they hadn't found each other who knows where each of them would be. 
Definitely not school. 
"Jaiden," Jungkook walked back, shoving his phone in his pocket. The beauty smiled to Mrs. Cooley. 
"Excuse us," she said, and turned to Jungkook and the other boys. 
"The Boss is positive this was arranged by the rebels. As a warning to us." Jungkook said. "He's contacting the Britain branch to get more information out of the man you brought there, Jai." 
"But why? What warning?" Jaiden cut in. 
"Let's talk about this at home, yeah? I'm starting to feel it." Hanbin rubbed his temples. 
"What have we told you about using too much blood, hyung?" Yugyeom scolded. 
"Yeah well," the black haired shrugged. 
"Unbelievable," Bobby shook his head. 
"Dumb hyung." Jungkook added. 
Though the angriest are always the silent ones. Jaiden started towards her car. 
There wasn't going to be a school day after all this, obviously, and unlike the other students, Jaiden's team had work to do. 
The boys followed her to the car. 
Judging by the silent car ride, Hanbin knew he was in for a long talk once they got home from Jaiden. 
He sighed, what a day. 


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NoeLna #1
Chapter 3: OMG.. cant wait for the next chapter.. :D great story autornim..