Wish I wasn't there!


Life sure loved to throw drama when people least expected.

Hoseok watched the lithe figure on stage danced along the y tune, brain partly following the familiar movement. Jimin always looked his best dancing. They had been practicing together too many times he somehow could predict his next move. That slow, snake-like stretch was something they composed together. Then the slow drop and hip - Jimin's signature move. The customers were literally thirsting when he did that. After that, the little sultry smile. It never ceased to enchant paying customer. He didn't have to show much skin to keep them coming. The devil's trap alone was enough to feed the place alive.

'Hyung, are you ok?'

Then, along came the golden maknae. This place had been soaring even higher ever since he started performing.

Hoseok smiled at the young man that was hanging to his neck. Jungkook always acted like a brat around him, which was a plus point since he liked bratty kid. He was Jimin's precious student. A bit of a crybaby; again, cute as hell. The kind he liked to fool around with.

'I am,' he ruffled the messy head. 'Are you performing tonight?'

Jungkook nodded, tilting his head slightly aside as he stared at Hoseok's face.

'You don't look fine, hyung. Just saying,' he placed his chin on his shoulder, peeking up cutely. 'You know you can tell me if something troubling you.'

It was tempting. Hoseok chuckled.

'What are you talking about? Worry about yourself more. Are you studying well?'

Junkook pursed his bottom lip out.

'He did,' the answer pulled both of their attention away. Jimin pulled a chair and sat beside his friend, glancing at Jungkook. 'Get ready Kookie. You next.'

The boy ruffled Hoseok's hair before leaving, laughter trailing along his steps at the disapproval sound the man made.

'You need to teach him manner,' Hoseok complained. Jimin laughed at that.

'Teaching manner to that? Forget it,' he gave the bartender a usual sign, pointing at Hoseok at the same time. Noticing the silent interaction, Hoseok immediately intefered.

'I've had enough. No more.'

Jimin gave him a weird look.

'You barely drinking that. What are you talking about?'

'I've drank my weight yesterday,' he shuddered. 'I'm still digesting that now.'

Jimin gave his friend a wide eyes stare. Hoseok rarely rejected free drink. On ocassion that he did, something big usually happened.

'Did something happen?'

Was he that transparent?

Hoseok sighed, lifting his glass up.

'Just meeting up someone I wished I hadn't.'

Sounds like a good story. Jimin scooted closer. He always loved listening to other's trouble. It was some kind of addiction.

'Who was it? Your ex?'

Hoseok stared at the empty stage. The customers were still waiting for Jungkook to perform.

If only it was really his ex.


Why did meeting Min Yoongi gave him such a hard time? What are you keeping from us, Hoseok?

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44 streak #1
Love this one ?!!
beokeo24 #2
Chapter 8: I really love your story ♥♥♥please keep writing ,fighte~♥
peggyw #3
Chapter 7: So curious!