No More Words

More Than Words


Kevin didn’t believe what Dara said, she knew that everything she said was a lie.

“Yaa Park Sandara, look at to eyes and say that you don’t love me” Kevin pulled Dara in his embrace.

Dara couldn’t say that words.

“See, you lied to me” Kevin whispered.

“Anniyo, maybe the reason is a lie, but i’m serious with out separation” Dara pulled Kevin away.

“Waeyo?” Kevin’s tears started falling.

Dara couldn’t keep her feelings again, so she told the truth.

“I’ll tell this once so please listen it, i’m your father’s murderer” Dara said with trembling voice and her tears fell down from her eyes. Kevin was shocked, he step a back.

“How do you know that?” Kevin asked.

“I’ve read your form, and the man who save my live has a same name as your father, you’ve known the truth so just leave me, i know you’ll hate me” said Dara while went into the taxi.

Kevin hugged her from behind. Dara tried to pulled Kevin away but he kept hugging her even tightly.

“Noona, i know that but i kept it in secret, i’ve known that from the began before i’m agree to help you, i searched your profile in the internet but not only your profile, i also found an article about your accident, i was shocked, for the first time i think that i’ll hate you but motae, motaeso, if you asked me why, mollayo, i kept it in secret because i’m afraid that you’ll do this to me, i had a lot of suffers, i don’t have anyone but you, only you, so please stay by myside, if you felt gulity the only thing that you could do just stay by my side and never leave me or ran away from me” Kevin explained.

“M-Mianhae Sung Hyun-ah” Dara sob. She turned her body and hugged Kevin. They both cried.

“Park Sandara, please promise me don’t ever do it again, understand?” Kevin stared down to Dara.

“Ne, arasho, you too” Dara said in trembling voice. Kevin nodded while kissed Dara’s head.


Finally Dara had finished her thesis, next day she would attend her final session for  her thesis. She was afraid. She kept reading her thesis over and over the time.

“Are you nervous?” Kevin touched her fingers with his curved fingers then hold it warmly. Dara didn’t say anything but nodded at him like a lost child.

“Gwenchana, you can do it, understand?” Kevin hugged her tried to decrease her nervousness.

“Ne” answered Dara in a word.


Dara went to her campuss, she already brought her thesis, she waited in waiting room, a moment later was her turn.

“Park Sandara” her lecturer asked her to get in the room. When she entered the room she was shocked because it was an open session so there’re so many people who would watched her presented her thesis. She took a deep breath then step up to take the rostrum.

She started presenting her thesis. She told the audience about her research, but she kept secret about the identity of her research object. She told that she had done the research about a man personality, but those man isn’t ordinary man, because he could act like a woman well or you could say that he had 2 personality from the outside.

“Although from the outside we could think that he is a gay but actually he wasn’t at all, he did it for a reason” said Dara then told the audiance the reason of the man.

She told everything, she told that the man did it to take care of his step mother salon, not only that he wanted to make the costumers smile like a bright star when out from his salon because he really wanted to make his mom and his sister smiled but it was late, they already passed away. The man had a lot of suffers because his father had passed away when he was 2 years old, no longer after that his mom and his sister also passed away even his step mother also left him alone.

The other hurt things that he had to pass that his father died because he wanted to help his friend, although he felt hurt so much but he didn’t hate his friends,he even forgived his friend. From a lot of suffers that he had passed, he learnt from it and never let people around him feel the same, he tried to help anyone who need his help or need a listener for their problem.

“Although he just said a simple words but everybody know that his caring more than the words he said” Dara ended her presented. Everybody in the session room stared at her with amazement then their claps for the awesome presented of Dara. Dara bowed and smiled, from afar she saw a tall gay waved his hand secretly. “Sung Hyun-ah” she whispered to herself then smiled to Sung Hyun.


After the final sesssion Dara had been graduated, she got great scores for her thesis even she got the best scored. She thanked a lot to his gorgeous boyfriend. “Gomawoyo Sung Hyun-ah” Dara kissed Kevin’s cheek. Kevin was shocked, his face blushed, he just nodded shyly.  


Annyeong my readers, sorry for very late update, i'm doing my other fics, and i'll back with 2 fics ^^

One of them is one shot~~

I hope you'll like the story and  love it as "More Than Words" *^^*

Actually it's secret but i'll tell you, the next chapter will be the end of the story so keep reading :)

Please keep reading and leave me some comments, so i know what's my weakness :)

Thank you for keep reading, sarangahe my readers 

This is my second fic --->

This is my first one shot -->

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That was sooo sad yet good!
I loved it.. Specially thunder's appearance here!
ukirokiro #2
@ukissdaravin thanks a lot for your support, hope you'll like the end of the story :)
ukissdaravin #3
DAEBAK ! I really like this story ! I'm a shipper of DaraVin ! @ukirokiro ~ Good job chingu ^^
Aish Dara!! BABO!!! sheesh!! love can find a way, now get back to him!!! LOLOLOL
ukirokiro #5
@shobero95 @CMRhaine thank you for keep reading my fics, for other readers, i also thank you all but if you can please leave me some comments or suggestions cause it cheer me up and make know that i have to do to make the story more interesting~ saranghae my readers ♥
Awww...Kevin,,))): Dara i think he'll understand..LOVE is all that matters!! Hahahaha!! i'm spazzing even if its a sad moment..hahaha
@ukirokiro [A]...I should be the one thanking you for giving us something like makes us happy reading this fanfic.
ukirokiro #8
@shobero95 @CMRhaine thanks a lot for keep reading and leave some comment for me.. it's near the end, i'm sorry if i give short and late update.. hope you guys will wait til the end of the story... Thank you *^^*
what was the big revelation?! hahaha.. new reader here!! *raises hand* can't wait for the update!!! DaVin!~~spazzing!!