Vacation plan

No Fun. Really?

No one’s POV

The collaboration project has begun and it is going very well as planned. Yixing’s uncle is so happy that he has made a great decision to work with Rae’s company ever since the success of their previous projects, which of course include Rae as one who made those work.

It’s the end of the year, and the teams from both companies are given a week off as a reward of their hard works. Chan, Yixing’s best buddy and also one of his company’s employee, has offered himself to plan a group holiday since he doesn’t want to spend time at home alone for the whole one week.


Chan’s POV

I will make sure to persuade everyone to join my planned vacation. Who else gonna come with me if not them? They are my second family!

Wow! This is nice. Everyone is having a mini meeting at the employees’ lounge.


“Hey guys, since I wasn’t invited to your meeting you have to listen to me”


I don’t mean to threaten them, but yes! I do want to! Now they are anticipating what I’m going to say. This is the time!


“Let’s have a group vacation!”

“How does that benefit us?”

“Just say YES and I’ll settle everything and all you have to do is pay and enjoy the holiday.” I said in the most exciting manner to lure them. Hope it works tho.

“I’m in!” Yeonie initiated the ‘Yes’ relay followed by the others.


“Guys! This is why I love all of you! Let’s have a group hug!!!” 


And so they left me alone in the lounge while laughing at my silliness.

Fine! I just hug my own self.


“Yeonie, you can invite your cousin, Jen to join us too.” I gave Yeonie a smirk cause I know she will cringe.


I had a crush on Jen but its over when I discovered she is engaged. JAW DROP EVERYBODY!!!! I ain’t lying! She is someone’s fiancee already.


Rae’s POV

I have way too much of free time recently, but I’m too unproductive. Maybe talking to Jen would kill the time left before its time for home.


“Jen, lets go get ourselves the new flavors available in town this Saturday. You won’t say no, will you?”

“I’m afraid I will” giving me a playful look.

“Come on! I know you’ve been craving to eat your favorite dessert.” 


I try to convince her. It is just weird if she declines my invitation.


“Ok ok…why shoul…..” *phone ringing*

...her phone rings and she picks it up.

“That sounds fun. But I’ll be the weird one there since I don’t belong to that circle”


I don’t know what she’s talking about over the phone call and I am too uninterested to bother one’s privacy.


“I’ll ask her then. Bye!’”


“You want to hang out because you’re damn bored right?”

“For what other reason would it be?Duh...” I asked as a matter of fact, rolling my eyes.

“Let’s go somewhere else then. You know Yeonie right? She asked me to join her team’s vacation.” “Don’t worry. Not the whole team is going. Just a few and I’m sure you’re pretty comfortable with them”


I don’t know either to agree or not.

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k_nana #1
Chapter 7: Ahh, i like ur story, so far so good n it has it's own humour n sarcasm in it that sorta adds the charm to this. Keep it up:) I'll be waiting for more rae n yixing moments :3