Falling for Mr.Annoying[HIATUS]

“Yes you’re my only girl ,neoneun naege choego…”

Taehyung is strolling down the street towards his favourite café, while humming happily along to the song that is blasting through his earphones. After his morning exercises and jogging at the park nearby, it is always his routine to go for a cup of iced caramel latte at that cafe. He smiled as the café came to his sight. He pushed the door and a ‘ding’ rang in the air. He took in the pleasant smell coming from the pastries and the freshly brewed coffee.

“Good morning Taehyung-sshi, welcome,” the friendly cashier greets him with a sweet smile. Since, he’s a regular at this café, the staff are already familiar with him.

“Good morning back Maru-sshi” Taehyung replied back with an equal smile plastered on his handsome face.

“The same?” Maru asked Taehyung. His left eyebrow tugged upward and there’s a hint of playfulness in his voice.

“Yes, the same. Iced caramel macchiato please~” Taehyung replied and grinned, showing his pearly white teeth.

“Ok, that’s $4,” Maru said and Taehyung paid the coffee.

“Please wait till I call your name okay”, Maru said again while handing Taehyung the receipt and Taehyung just nod his head.

Taehyung made his way to a table at the corner of the shop, his favourite spot in this cafe as he can watch the scenery outside. He took his seat and look out of the window, admiring the crisp copper leaves falling off the trees that sway gently in the Autumn wind, the Sun hung low in the sky, it's rays shining through the last few hanging leaves, illuminating the auburn, yellow and orange veins that ran through them.

What a lovely day. What could go wrong on this beautiful day?” He thought to himself, closing his eyes, savouring the moment. Taehyung was drowning in his own world until Maru called his name with cheerful voice

“Kim Tae”

Taehyung smiled and immediately went to the counter to retrieve his drink. Thanking the friendly cashier, he walks out the café happily.

But, just as he thought that nothing bad will happen to him today, the fate decided to betray him. Just as he’s about to open the door, turn out that there’s someone outside who’s trying to open the door. Taehyung, being the oblivious guy he is, pushed the door, walked out of the café and unfortunately knocked over the person.

“Ah!” Taehyung shrieked as he fell on that person. Sadly, his drink is already dumped on the floor.

“Ouch! What the hell!” The person groaned as he fell on his back.

Taehyung opened his eyes slowly and heat immediately rushed to his cheeks when he realised their position. Taehyung is literally clutching on that person like a koala and he can feel the other’s heartbeat. He got up straightaway, coughing awkwardly.

The other person tried to get up but failed, maybe he still feels the dizziness. He rubs the back of his head and groaned.

“Argh! It hurts!”

Taehyung bit his lips nervously and helped that person.

“I’m so sorry! I’m so sorry! I was not looking! Sorry for bumping unto you! I’m truly sorry! SORRY!” Taehyung bowed numerous times while chanting the ‘sorry’ word.

What could go wrong?

  1. He just knocked someone over.
  2. He just spilled his iced caramel macchiato
  3. …..

Taehyung glanced at the other person and he’s really surprised when he saw coffee stain on that person’s shirt. The worst part is that person is wearing a plain white t-shirt and the coffee stain is just ….

“OH MY GOD!” Taehyung exclaimed.

      3.  He just left a coffee stain on someone’s plain white t-shirt.

“Your shirt is.. I’m ..” Without having the chance to finish his sentence, the person grabbed his wrist and brought him somewhere else.

“Yah! You! Where are, you bringing me to? Yah” Taehyung squirmed in that person’s hold. But, he just ignored him and continue to drag him to his car?

At last, they stopped in front of a black Lamborghini. Taehyung looked at that person and he’s motioning him to get into his car.

“Wait! You! Mister! Are trying to kidnap me? Please don’t, I’m sorry”

“Please don’t kidnap me, I’m not married yet, I’m still y free and single I’m ready to bingo”

“I’m not a bad person, please don’t kidnap me”

“Please, I have a hungry friend at home and I have to feed him, I need to water my plants in the evening, I still have a drama to finish, bla bla…” Taehyung keeps babbling until he didn’t realise that, the person is carrying him on his shoulder and placed him in the car’s front seat, beside the driver’s seat.

“Can you just please shut up for a while. You’re so loud!” The guy said monotonously. Hearing the guy’s voice effectively caused Taehyung to shut up and sit still like a rock.

Taehyung gulped when the guy sat at the driver’s seat and starts the car’s engine.

Taehyung is trembling and sweating.

“And, can you please wear your seatbelt?” The guy said again in a rather monotous tone without looking at him. He complied to the guy and with little courage, he asked him,

“W-where a-are we going?”

“You’ll know soon”

Taehyung swears that he can see that person smirks and he is ready to die.

  1. He is abducted by a handsome stranger? And he’s going to kill him and sell his organs meaning that Taehyung will die.

Taehyung took a deep shaky breath and closed his eyes, trying to calm himself. The man seems to notice his condition and he let out an evil laugh. Hearing his laughter, Taehyung is sure that he’s not safe.

“Appa,eomma I love you! Jimin jimothy, although we always bicker but I love you bestie! I’m sorry I didn’t cook breakfast for you today” Taehyung silently cried.

After what seems like a year, the black Lamborghini finally came to a stop.

“We’re here” The guy said.

“Maybe if I pretend that I’m passed out, he’s not going to kill me” Taehyung thought to himself and continue to close his eyes. I’m passed out. Yes, I’m passed out.

“I know you’re not sleeping or passed out or died”

Taehyung gulped nervously.

“I’m passed out can’t you see” Taehyung said in a demanding voice, his eyes still closed. The guy laughed.

“Passed out my , do you think I don’t know that you’re pretending. What the hell? Passed out person isn’t supposed to talk you pabo. Now come, before I carry you”

The guys covered his stained white t-shirt with a jacket before making his way to the shop.

Taehyung immediately get up and he’s silently scolding himself for talking just now. He followed the guy into the clothes shop. Clothes shop?

“um, hey you mister stranger. Why are we here? Why are we not at a scary looking lab with all those bloody knives?” Taehyung asked the man.


“um, why are we at here? Are you going to kill me by strangling me using the clothes and put me inside a sack?”

“ugh..Do you actually think that I’m a murder?”

“um yes?”

“No I’m not a murder! I’m too good-looking to be a murder! Do you really want to be killed? Gosh! And you seriously watched too much movies. We’re here to buy a new t-shirt you pabo. Just stop your nonsense talking and follow me inside” The man said and grabbed Taehyung’ wrist once again, dragging him inside the store.

“Did I really watch too much movies?” Taehyung is questioning himself.


 As they entered the shop, the sales girls greet them with a too sweet voice(Taehyung thought) and flashed them a bright smile. The guy just gave them a small smile and walked to one particular section. Taehyung glanced at the girls and he saw that they are squealing happily. He scoffed, silently judging them.

“I’m buying this,” the man suddenly said while holding a black and white ‘thisisneverthat’ t-shirt.

“Since when did he search for that? (Taehyung forgot that he was too busy judging the girls that he didn’t pay attention to the guy) And does he only wear black and white only?”

 Taehyung is judging the guy this time.

A salesgirl quickly came, plastering a wide smile on her face.

“Yes sir. Let me help you with that,” she said in a too sweet tone (Taehyung is judging her again) and lead the guy to the counter.

 Since the guy is still holding Taehyung’s wrist, he is forcefully walked behind him. After the guy made the payment and witnessed the salesgirl giving him a sweet smile and wink, Taehyung thought that they’re going back but he’s wrong. 

Instead of going back to the car, the guy lead both of them to the fitting room. The guy locked the door from inside, trapping Taehyung in between the body-length mirror and the door.

“um..h-hey, w-what are we doing here?” Taehyung asked nervously avoiding the guy’s eyes.

“What do you think we’re doing here hmm?” The guy said in a seductive voice and took a step forward.

“Y-yah! Don’t do anything funny!”

“Let’s see, you and me, inside this confined space, no CCTV cameras. What do you think I’m going to do to you honey bunch~” The guy took one step towards Taehyung. Taehyung gulped anxiously and took one step backward causing his back to bump with the mirror.

“I-I have a black belt in taekwondo! Y-you try anything funny, you’ll get it from me,” Taehyung said in a threatening voice. Actually, more like a cute puppy trying to protect itself.

“or I’ll..I’ll scream” He said again, this time he stand in what looks like a defense position.


With that Taehyung opened his mouth to scream but the guy immediately s his arm around Taehyung’s waist pulling him closer and buried his face on his chest. Taehyung is too stunned to respond. The guy let out a laugh.

“I’m not going to do anything to you honey bunch. I just want to change to this newly bought t-shirt. Why are you so worked up?” The guy said and released the blushing Taehyung from his embrace.

“I..You..You” Taehyung stuttered, face flushed in embarassment.

“I what hmm? Turn around”


“I said turn around or do you want to see me change?”

Taehyung shook his head and immediately turned to the other side, burying his face in his palm covering himself from the sinful view. His heartbeat rate is currently soaring and his legs suddenly feel weak.

“Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh, my god!”

“I’m done”

Taehyung hesitate a bit before turning around facing the guy. The guy gave him the stained shirt.

“Wash this cleanly! No coffee stain! This is my favourite t-shirt and you just ruined it! I want it back this Wednesday! Make sure that there’s no coffee stain!” The guy said in a cold tone.

Taehyung who is shocked by the sudden change is afraid to said a thing, just nod his head.

“Your phone?”


“Give me your phone”


Taehyung slipped his hand in his pocket and gave the guy his iPhone 7 Plus. A moment later, a ringtone rang in the fitting room. The guy’s phone.

“That’s it. Make sure to wash my t-shirt. I’ll text you the details for our meet up later” The guy said while handing Taehyung back his iPhone.

“um, sorry but your name is?”

“Jeon Jungkook”

With that the Jeon guy left Taehyung alone in the fitting room.

“What the hell? He actually left me alone here. How am I supposed to go back home?”

Taehyung grunts and make his way out of the fitting room, gaining weird looks from the salesgirls. Well, he literally just got out from a freaking fitting room that he occupied with another guy and he’s holding a stained white t-shirt and not to mention, his face is flushed red causing suspicions among the sales girls. He grumbles and grits his teeth.

“That Jeon Jerk!”

 Taehyung huffs and stepped out of the shop just on time as the black Lamborghini leaves the parking lot, gliding proudly in front of him.

“Ugh! Jerk! How dare he left me alone here? Shouldn’t he be responsible? That guy is so gonna get it from me, I will strangle him with this clothes and put him inside a sack, then throw him in the sharks’ pit, bla bla..” Taehyung keeps on scheming 101 ways to kill the Jeon guy until he forgot that he’s still far away from his home.

In the end, he called his best friend, Jimin to pick him up.


I dont think this chapter is good =(

But, I'll try my best for the next chapters =)

Thanks for reading <3

(not edited)





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(29/3/18) Hello everyone I'm sorry to tell you that I'll put this story on hiatus for now. Im busy with college and I dont have the time to write :'( I'll continue but I dont know when. I hope for ur understanding. Thank u n till we meet again. Have a nice day everyone.


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Chapter 17: Just write whenever you can and don't stress over this to much <333
Chapter 17: OMG!!! You're back!! XD
I'm still very willing to read your story and am perfectly fine with mpreg <33
Chapter 7: lol
I wont pay for your food
were friends
babytaekookforever #5
Chapter 17: Yeah.. i love mpreg.. no worries, just continue if you comfortable writing. Cant wait!!!
Chapter 17: Please write the way you want it. Welcome back
irsalinaidzm #7
Chapter 17: Welcome back author nim!! Yess, I cant wait for your update!! Fighting~
Krystal190 #8
Chapter 3: Next chapter please
Kil1411 #9
Update please author-nim
Chapter 16: Please update, will u not update anymore, waiting fr d next chap .... amazing story