
A love triangle

At the dorm.

~After School members were eating their lunch.Just then,the doorbell rang.Uee went to get the door and she was surprised that it was Son Dambi as Dambi normally was busy with her performances or other schedules.

U:"Look who's here?!"


U:"It's Dambi unnie!!!"

Everybody rushed to the door and hugged Dambi.They were like fans that loves to stick to their idol.

K:"What makes you come here,Dambi?"

D:"I got something to tell you."

K:"Me only?"


Everybody sighed and walked back to their seats.

D:"We can chat for a litte while before I talk with Kahi unnie."

Everybody ran back to Dambi again.

J:"Yah!!!Stop running about!Come here and finish your lunch first!"

Everybody turned their heads to Jung ah.Jung ah never sounded so angry and frustated before.Everybody was frightened so they quickly run back to their seats and eat their lunch.Jung ah tried to eat more but she did not have the appetite anymore,so she stood up and went back to her room.Kahi felt weird of her behaviour so she signalled to them that she will go check on Jung ah.

Kahi opened the door and saw Jung ah sitting at the corner of the bed.Jung ah looked up and just turned away from her.Kahi walked towards Jung ah and sat on her bed.

K:"What is wrong?"

K:"Did I do anything wrong?"

K:"Why are you so quiet?"

K:"Jung ah,can you just give me a response?"


K:"Jung ah!Look at me!"

Jung ah looked at her but Kahi did not know what to say after seeing Jung ah's eyes.Those eyes were teary and full of frustated feelings.Kahi was lost for words.She did not know what Jung ah is thinking.She leaned forward and tried to hug Jung ah but Jung ah avoid it.Kahi did not know what to do,just as she want to leaned forward to kiss Jung ah,Dambi opened the door.

D:"Sorry,if I have distrupt you two.But I really need to talk to Kahi unnie and I have a schedule at a later time."


Kahi stand up and walked out.Before she closed the door,she look at Jung ah for the very last time.Jung ah looks more hurt than ever but she don't know what to do.She could only just follow Dambi and leave Jung ah alone.Dambi and Kahi went in Kahi's room.Dambi started speaking.

D:"I just wanted to ask you.Erm....Do you love Jung ah very much?"

K:"Yes,of course.I love her from the very start."



D:"Don't be startled by what I say,okay?"


D:"Actually,I have a big crush on you the moment we met for the first time.As time goes by,I notice more good points about you.You are a perfect person that everyone wants.I wanted to tell you that I love you very much but when you said that you love Jung ah,I stop myself.I only wanted you to be happy so I helped you to get Jung ah no matter how tough it is.I came to confess today because I really can't take it anymore.I realise that if I don't have you,I can't live.I don't want to break you and Jung ah's relationship but I really want to be with you.Tell me what to do,Kahi unnie...Tell me..."

K:"......Dambi.........I...thought you treated me more like a friend..."

D:"I wanted you to be happy since I know you love Jung ah."

K:"Okay Dambi.You calm down first.We can't settle this right now so can you just give me time to think it over."

D:"Of course."

Kahi hugged Dambi tightly in her arms.She did not know that Dambi love her too.Dambi always helped her like a normal friend and never says anything about her loving someone.Kahi felt confused with her feelings.She did not want to hurt both Dambi and Jung ah.She just patted Dambi's head to calm her down.

At night.Kahi's pov.

~I was lying on my bed thinking who to give up.If I give up Jung ah,she will have nobody to lean on.If I give up Dambi,I would lose my best friend and our gap may even widen.Aish....What to do??I thought through the reasons and came to a decision.I close my eyes and just wish that tomorrow will be a better day.

The next day.

~After School members were in the practice room rehearsing.They did the dance perfectly and had a longer break.When they was in the middle of it,Kahi stood up.Dambi came in just nice when Kahi stood up.


K:"Come,Dambi.I got something to announce.It regards what you said to me yesterday."

Dambi settled down and everyone was staring at Kahi with curious eyes.

K:"I just want to announce my....."

Everybody waited and waited and Kahi finally plucked up her courage and decided to just say it.

K:"My break-up with Jung ah."

Everyone went silent.Not a single noise was heard.Jung ah's eyes soon became watery,she tried to hide her tears but eventually it still fell.

N:"Unnie,why the sudden decision?"

K:"After I break up with Jung ah,I would be with Dambi."

Everyone stared at Dambi.Jung ah swallowed her tears and wipe her falling tears off.She calmed herself down and just sit there.

Joo:"Unnie,I am totally speechless..."

Everyone looked at Kahi and then Dambi.They shake their heads and jsut went to Jung ah's side to calm her down.Jung ah could not control herslef anymore,she stood up and ran away.Some try to catch up with her but she ran way too fast and was gone in the blink of an eye.Everyone stared coldly at Kahi and Dambi.

Dambi's pov.

I felt confused now.Half of me is happy that Kahi choose me over Jung ah.The other half of me felt regretful.I lost everyone's trust and lost one of my best friend,Jung ah.I did not know what to do when Jung ah ran away.I did not want to hurt her in any way but I really want Kahi to be mine.What should I do to earn back everyone's trust?

After three days.

~Jung ah was still not back.She had not come back for three days two nights.Everyone was worried for her as they are worried that Jung ah will do something foolish.Their manager had already started looking and searching around their area,but to no avail.Kahi immediately regretted her decision.They looked for her everywhere but there was no sign of her.Just as they wanted to give up,they saw a commotion just few blocks away.They ran there and looked up and they saw Jung ah!All Jung ah's fans were confused about her behaviour and tried to stop her from coming down.They quickly ran up the stairs while the younger ones stayed downstairs.They reached the rooftop and saw that Jung ah was going to jump down already.

K:"Jung ah,don't!!"

J:"Kahi unnie,why?I am not the person that loves you so much but why am I feeling so hurt right now and refused to forget you..."

M:"Jung ah,don't get so emotional and agitated."

J:"How can I not feel emotional when the person that confessed to me want to leave me now..."

K:"Jung ah....Can't you just let it go..."

J:"Do you think I can let go?If you think I can then I will let you suffer the pain that I also suffer right now!"

Jung ah jumped off.Everyone was staring at her wide-mouthed.Just as she was about to land on the ground,she can feel something grab her waist.She opened her eyes and saw that it was Kahi.Kahi did the same thing she did when she fell off.She decided to try her luck again eventhough she know it will be a risk.Kahi quickly grabbed a pole and pulled herself up.Jung ah tried to make her let go but Kahi wrapped her waist tightly without leaving any space.Kahi ask Jung ah to open the window and Jung ah gave in and followed her instructions.They went in and Kahi immediately hug Jung ah.

K:"How can you just leave me alone like that?"

K:"I still need you to fulfill my dreams,babo yah..."

K:"Promise that you won't do such a thing again.And promise me that you won't leave me ever again."

J:"I promise."

Kahi hugged Jung ah tighter and cried harder.For a moment up there,she thought she was going to lose Jung ah forever.The other members went in and saw a sweet and romantic moment between them so they decided not to disturb.They closed back the door and leave the two alone for some quality time together.Kahi release her grip and stared at Jung ah.She leaned in and kiss Jung ah's soft lips.She really miss kissing Jung ah's lips.Slowly,it became a passionate one.They stop for awhile to breathe and went back to kissing again.

Would Dambi give up?

Or would Jung ah give up?

Or would my story end soon?

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michipikachu256 #1
Chapter 7: Damn! This story is very intresting! :D Keep up,author-ssi!
Chapter 17: Thank u for the beautiful story to share with us....please do care to make another great stories ;)
ASPlaygirl #3
Aww poor Jooyeon being a loner :(
devil_fairy_o3o:I'm sorry hehe...
devil_fairy_o3o #5
I'm just in chapter 10 because I am really scared of reading this fanfic..
DarkestAngel #6
yeay... appa and omma at last..
ASPlaygirl #7
Woah I just read all 14 chapters in one go. This is very interesting and I look forward to reading more chapters. I hope you include more JooEe moments <3
So is Jung ah falling in love with Kahi? : OH YES BABE!!!<br />
<br />
Is my story going to end soon? : MAKE IT LONGER PLEASE<br />
<br />
Would something or someone just appear out of nowhere and stop their relationship? : HELL NO!! I WON'T LET THAT HAPPEN<br />
HAHAHA<br />
SuperLin #9
I swear, your author notes always scare me u know??? -.-<br />
Please, let them have some peace lol
bento19 #10
Finally JungAh knew Kahi love her. love your story. Please keep writing.