Chapter 4 || nerve

lost in stereo || high school applyfic || chapter 30 is up! TT.TT

chapter four

━ { nerve

"Sleeping Beauty~ You are going to be late to school if you don't wake up." Shin, Nell's oldest brother said poking the younger girls head as it was rested on the dining table where they were suppose to be eating.

"She must be exhausted. She came back later than normal last night." Their mother said, rubbing the teenagers back. Shin shrugged and headed out to work, as Nell raised her head and squinted at the clock on the wall in front of her and gasped running out the door realising she was running late for school. Her mother shook her head and cleaned up the dishes as the teen ran out the door towards the school.

"Neko-ah." A raspy voice called out as he walked into the kitchen seeing Yumi finishing making breakfast or her brothers and mother. Her oldest brother, Jiseok setting the table up as the younger sister began putting food on dishes.

"Oppa, can you wake mom and Jiho oppa?" Yuma asked as she mixed up coffee for the three a her brother went to their rooms.

"Oh, Yumi-ah. Jiho and I are going to the studio today, you going to come and hang out?" Jiseok asked as they started eating their food, her older brothers were insanely popular in the underground scene as producers and rappers. They were strangely friends with Namjoon or Rap Monster of BTS, which is how she got to know the boys of BTS.

"No. I can't, we are practicing after school today as well as the morning. Speaking of which I should head out." Yumi said standing up and grabbing her backpack and duffel bag which had her uniform in it, and waved at the picture of her dad before heading out the door.

Areum released a sigh at another note decorating the fridge, her father had got called in to cover another nurses shift leaving Areum money for breakfast. Which she didn't mind she grabbed her bags and slipped her shoes on, then left the lonely apartment heading to the bus stop. Getting to the bus stop she stopped Jaehyuk which spread a smile across her face, she sat next to her best friend whom normally come to her part of Seoul.

"Any specific reason you are here? Giving me money? Fight some people? Do my homework? Oh, I know hit on my neighbor who is a year 2?" Are um asked raising an eyebrow at her tall friend whom chuckled and shook his head then looked at her.

"You have neighbors? I thought you murdered them?" Areum smiled at him and punched his shoulder.

"How's practice?" He asked as the bus pulled up the two getting on.

"It's good. Still tense but, I think we are pretty good." Areum said as they looked for seats.

"And your little sessions with what's his face?" Jaehyuk asked as she took the last empty seat and he stood next to her seat, Areum ignored his last question looking out the window.

Eunjeong had just gotten off the subway when she received a message from Danbi.

Danbi: You won't guess who is Twice's PD.

Eunjeong raised an eyebrow and typed a reply.

Who is Twice, again?

Eunjeong walked up the stairs walking onto the streets of Seoul when Danbi replied.

Danbi: Image

Twice is the group Yumi left last year.

Eunjeong clicked on the image and scoffed noticing the Seoul Arts uniform and recognizing the students face.


Eunjeong released a huff and continued walking to the school praying that she won't run into him or Twice.

Lauren opened the box in the living room as her mom finished making breakfast. Ashley had sent another package with a letter saying she has more sketches if Lauren needs more clothes. Lauren opened the brown flaps and smiled, closing it back up and setting it with her backpack and duffel bag.

After Lauren ate she said bye to her mother and headed down to the bus stop, she was walking downstairs when she saw Mark standing on the 2nd floor landing. He smiledid at Lauren and took the box from her, which made lauren raise an eyebrow at him.

"It looked heavy. And you have a lot of stuff already." Mark said scratching the back of his neck, as they walked to the bus stop. Once at the bus stop Jackson came running up to Mark.

"Yo Mark! Man, you are still on this early streak. Must be that girl you like. You know the one- oh." Mark hit Jackson on the arm and looked at Lauren whom was looking at the ground. "Oh. Well this is awkward. Good thing she probably doesn't understand that much English." Jackson said, to which lauren looked at him and smiled.

"I was born in Australia." She said as the bus pulled up, entering the bus Mark hit Jackson again before catching up with the shorter.

Jinhee stretched and looked around the practice room, and sighed just as Yumi walked in with Nell right behind her. Eunjeong walked close to the glass wall before opening the door, getting looks from the other three she waved them off and started stretching. Areum walked in while eating and sat on the bench to finish eating, Yumi felt bad the the other always bought food before practice for breakfast. Lauren walked to the door and waited for Mark to give her the box back but he opened the door and walked in first. The five girls stared at the two in shock and confusion as to how Lauren could even talk to him. Mark bowed and looked around awkwardly.

"Did I do something?" Mark asked before Lauren could push him out the door, the girls slowly nodded Mark left quietly. Which made all of the girl look at lauren whom awkwardly smiled and coughed.

"Anyways, my older sister sent me the costumes, she said she got our names stitched into it the shirts. The shorts and the skirts have a piece of paper pinned to it with our names." Lauren said, and began giving them their clothes.


The six girls got off the bus that got them to Gangnam, wrapped up in their jackets as it was getting colder. They looked around as Yumi looked at the address that was sent to them, Ms. Lee and Jung PD walked to them. They all sighed in relief seeing the two.

"Ready?" Jung PD said, just as Jinhee ran to a trash bin and removed whatever was in her stomach, Areum was shaking with nerves, Yumi kept going over the dance in her head, as Eunjeong read over he lyrics and Nell did vocal warm ups. Lauren just looked around and spotted Mark walking to a DJ station that was set up another group of girls walking there. Once the group got to the location they bowed to the other group none of them recognizing them, bowing to each other more people, students, families and bystanders.

"For all of those that don't know what is occurring right now, this a battle to win the final showcase. There is several battles that occur that get you closer to the Top 2. Anyone can vote on a winner you just have to download Final showcase on your device and vote. We will be live streaming all of the battles from our Admin account and so if you aren't there for a battle you can still vote. A battle will occur and you can vote once a day for a week then a winner will be annonced. You can also follow certain groups on the app and see if they are doing meet ups or something. Well anyways. I'm Mark from GOT7, whom took 1st last year. And this is the first battle. We have Fiestar from Seoul Arts, and-" Mark leaned over to Yumi whom was closet to him. "What's your group name? You guys never put one down. It just said TBA." He whispered in her ear, YumI looked at Ms. Lee whom shrugged.

"Meraki." Eunjeong said, Mark nodded and brought the mic back to where people could hear him.

"Meraki of Hallyu! Fiestar you are first." Mark said as he backed Meraki back to the crowd as Fiestar removed their jackets and grabbed mics. They got in their formation waiting for the music to start.

The six girls clapped in shock, Jinhee took a deep breath as the others bowed and put on their jackets. Mark went back up to the small stage with a smile.

"Wow. That was Fiestar. Now for Meraki."

The audience had grown since Fiestar started, Areum looked out at the crowd as she removed her jacket spotting Jaehyuk smiling at her, Nell noticed Jaehee smilling and cheering as well. Eunjeong spotting Danbi being at dork in the front while doing some lame dance moves,Yumi spotted Seungkwan with Namjoon, and Joohyun whom was smiling and cheering with others in the crowd. Lauren avoided looking at Mark and spotted Jae taking pictures on his DSL, Jinhee kept her eyes on the ground. The six finished grabbing their mics and got in formation.

"Fighting!" Was yelled from Jung PD spreading smiled on their faces as the music started.

Nell-> Umji Yumi-> Sowon Areum-> Yerin. Eunjeong-> Eunha. Lauren-> Sin.B. Jinhee-> Yuju

Ms. Lee smiled as Jinhee hit the high note and held it, it seemed all of their nerves melted away as they performed. Looking at the crowd most of them were moving along with the music, clapping along. Jung PD had fatherly smile as the song came to an end, the girls bowed and put their jackets as Mark closed the battle and the crowd dispersed. The girls went to the teachers whom wore smiles, which scared theme at first.

"Anyone hungry?" Ms. Lee said, the girls cheered at the sound of food, the group headed to a restruant.


(author's note) SO this our geek!!!


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Moozie #1
Chapter 41: I know I haven't really commented before but I was always waiting for your updates. Your story was amazing and I'm so sad about it ending. I really enjoyed reading all the chapters and I wish you best of luck on your other fics
Chapter 40: Wow, I can't believe this journey is almost over. Last chapter was hilarious, who knew Nell had such a creative imagination. And this chapter, was very intense. We got to see how the girls have grown as individuals and as a group.
I can't believe Nayeon would do that, how low. And Jinyoung being an awsome older brother. As well as Meraki standing up for their leader, how sweet. I like how u incorporated a few love interests moments here and there.
Once again my compliments for the song choices. Not just for Meraki, but the playlist was awsome. And ending at a cliffhanger, wow.
Anyways...I'll look forward to the last chapter. I can't believe i just typed that. But yes the last chapter. I excited to see how u wrap things up for the girls of Meraki. FIGHTING!
Chapter 40: Time flies sooo fast and im soo sadd that this awesome story is ending ㅠㅠ
Chapter 40: ack i want to apologize for being a silent reader, but i always find myself reading these late at night and then falling asleep at the end of every chapter. ;(( that and i've been packed these past few months ,,, but i asure you, i've been reading everything from start to end !!
ugh this story's come a long way and i'm lowkey tearing up bc it's already the end ;'( honestly, i've loved each chapter, no matter the length, and i've loved how the girls grew as both individuals and a whole group. <3
ahh i wish i could comment more, but i don't know how to put my words together asdfhh !!! but i truly want to say you did great with this story, and i'm proud that you were able to be apart of this story with eunjeong. :'))
gl and i can't wait for the final chapter !! <3
Im sooo sorry for not commenting >< school and exams duhh making me more focused on them more than reading your beautiful story.. i'm going to read it and keep up the good work author nim! You know we love you right =)
Chapter 38: I am soooo, very very sorry! i've completely forgotten to comment, sorry... Ivhave read them all like day after u posted them, but i just forgot to comment. So let me comment no since i have time.
First off, I cant believe IKON believed what Nayeon said. I mean didn't the two groups exchange contacts. And fingertip was performed, I honestly enjoy that song when it first came out.
Next chapter, I really love the interation between the girls of Meraki and the boys of BTS. I never hand intentions of them bonding this much when making Yumi, but I really love it. And the fact that the students know not to disturb them is amazing. i still don't get the relationship between Mark and Lauren. I mean great hes developing some sort of feelings towards her, but why until now??? Ugh, maybe im just overthinking...yeah ill just shut up. Still Laurens reactions when they are by themselves is very adorable. Dang almost all of Meraki is dating by this point.
Moving on. Wow! A TOP 3 battle for the Final! Honestly I couldn't decide who I wanted Meraki to go up against. Twice is their obvious rival, but BTS is their friend and totally deserves the win. So when reading that chap I was pleased with the results. But now Im worried how thats gonna work out. I mean its gonna be kinda hard for Nayeon to try and cheat right, so this might be an actual fair battle. I hope. And we finally see Taeyong show up infront on the girls. Someone has some explaining to do, I smell a sleep over happening, no?
ANd th last chapter was sweet. Especially with Yumi finding her brothers signatures on the same wall. I cant believe this story is almost over. Im so looking foward to your choice in songs for the final for all three groups. As well as how youll incorporate all the girls family and friends who might show up for the final. SO until then Ill wait for the next chapter and hopefully ill be able to comment earlier than now. Sorry about that and see you!
Chapter 34: No worries. Take all the time u need. I know I've been busy lately as well. I'll be here waiting for the chapies when u post them.
Chapter 33: Two new chapters, yay! Wow, poor Jinhee. The girls and Hansol must have been very shocked. At least Ms Lee managed to calm down her parents and convince them to let her stay. How funny, Kihyun ditched Twice to go on a date with Eunjeong. Poor Jooheon, at least he'll get a meal.

OMG! Yoongi planned his confession out with the guys. I like how Yumi was getting kinda irritated at BTS for just handing her roses without explaining. My favorite pat was Nell stopping Yoongi midway his confession just so the girls could all be there to listen. Poor guy, the pressure he have if he had written a song for her, wow. At least the two are together now.

That 'Of Course' game was fun but intense. Poor Lauren, dont wirry youll get back at her someday. Next battle is a rematch between IKON and Meraki. The groups will probably be all smiles and friendly despite going at it again. The Twice vs BTS battle will be very interesting to see. And the most worrisome. A rematch with Twice would leave vlosure, but a match with BTS would be interesting especially since both groups are close friends.

I can't believe this story is close to its end. It's been great reading it and I'll jeep reading til u finsh. My favorite concept...hmmm. As of right now, all of what Monsta X (Shownu specially) has done is my favorite. Plus BTS, blood,sweat,and tears. Min Yoongi and Jimin had me spazing for days.
Chapter 31: Ooh~ love interest time. Eunjeong and Kihyun...hmmm, that seems like an interesting reationship. If twice were to find out, I wonder how they'd take it. And Nell and Taeyong have been a thing for a month now? WOW...well at least well find out thru flash backs. So much going on with the love interest, u could say half the girls are now in a relationship. Now for the other half to get things going too...soon...hopefully...

OMG! I like no kidding actually imagined the girls performing STAY like this. I legit almost screamed when reading that part, I couldn't since I'm on the bus and surrounded by ppl. Haha, well I look foward to what's to come. I can't believe it's almost top 4, the getting closer and closer.
Chapter 31: Oh my god! It had been a hectic week for me and you're verrryyy generousss with all the updates! So many things happen to the girls and I'm so excited to know whats next!! Great job author nim!!