Princess and Servant

Why Don't You Figure My Heart?
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Hey, everyone. Usagi is back! Okay first, i just want to say my apologies for the delay of this chapter. One is that i'm busy helping my mum, visiting houses, serving the guests at our houses, taking care of kids, spending time with cousins(mostly boys), then to visiting the village, going to the practical driving thingy. . .Basically its really exausting so i didnt have a clear mind to write. Writting something needs a lot things to picture like a film running in your head. I try my best to fill in my time to write this piece. The next chapter, i'll probbaly post later or tomorrow. Sorry for the delay again. And  krystal1023 thanks for waiting!


Anyway, thanks to the new voter who votes for the story!19 votes already! Yeah!! Oh and also the subscribers and viewers, thanks for reading the story! Please give more comment everyone and vote on this story! or else (point gun) hahaha just kidding. Enjoy!


Usagi OUT! 




Amber PoV


It's dark and I'm standing in the admist of the dark hole.


“Where am I?” I question myself, starting to walk aimless around the dark road. I keep on walking until my legs wear out to continue my walk. I squat there for a moment to ease the strain on the muscles on my legs.


All of a sudden a figure approach me not from afar with such radiance of lights.


“Oh. There's someone here. Thank god.” I sighed in relief as I continued on, “Hey! Do you know the way out from here?”


The figure said nothing but approach me in a swift movement, its hands aiming at my heart. I don't know why but I couldn't help but to react with my instincts, sensing my life is in peril.


I can barely manage to avoid the attack by jumping away from the at taker as I could feel the sting on my right arm. My eyes then trail to find the figure but I couldn't sense its presence until I roll backwards when I felt an incoming impact from the front.


I run and run to endless road in the dark compartment of space. Why is it chasing me?




My feet deliberately stop when a voice call out for my name.


But when I turn to find the source of the voice, there is no avail. “W-who are you?” I shouted.


I find a soft chuckle echoing in response.


“Your space time.” The voice answers.


“What?” I ask while furrowing my eyebrows, indicating to the voice that in ain't compromise it's words.


“It's where you train in your subconscious mind.”


“Train? My Subconscious mind?” I ask in wonder.


“You're quite dumb for not knowing the most basic things of ancient history.” The voice said in sarcastic remarks.


The voice causes me to twitch my eyes in irritation, though it has stimulated my curiosity and how I endeavoured to break through the reticence which the voice showed on all that concerned itself.


“Hmn. Comeback when you understand the concept. Bye bye.” I could sense the voice has finally disappear.


I raised my eyebrow. As I was in the train of my thoughts, suddenly I felt a loud thud coming from behind.


I felt blood spurting out from my mouth. I steadily look down, only to find something sharp is penetrating my chest. I turn to see the bright figure without features on its face has finally stab onto my chest.


“Shoot.” I curse as I collapse down with my eyes fluttering and my mind feeling dizzy.







I gasp, widening my eyes while darting up with my heart escalating quickly. That's was quite a weird dream. It's very puzzling with the dream that i had earlier, becasue its too real for me. Space time? History of ancestors??? I scoff. Who am i kidding. It's just a dream anyway.





Author PoV

It's already the golden week where everyone will just sit and lay down on their bed comfortably to carry on their sleeping hours till noon for they are incurably lazy to see the daylight.


But not for Amber. She had still much more work in mind and her plans in putting them in motion is impeccable. With the special slimy gel that Hyuna got from the black market, it helps to heal Amber wounds in just a few days time; though it's out Amber’s knowledge.


She never felt better. Yesterday, the doctor told her that she has the permission to go back to school. There were things she had to refrain from doing like, raising her hands to grab onto something that's not within her reach or not holding anything heavy in particular but running a little bit wouldn't hurt though.


Momo and Sana kept in check that she doesn't do anything that harms her health; otherwise they won't be spare by Krystal, making sure she eats the most bitter medicine too; much to Amber's dismay.


Now, she intends to wake up bright and early today to make breakfast. The birds are obviously nestling in their nest, not ready to rise from their slumber to chirp and serenade a song for the morning. It's quiet, the still air surrounding her makes her calm and focus on her goal that she had in mind.


Yesterday she asked the maids for Krystal's busy schedule and apparently, Krystal need to be to work at 10 sharp. The maids keep on persuading her to cook a few hours earlier because waking Krystal up is a hectic job, much to her wonder as she finds it strange since the Krystal that always crashes at her place doesn't seem to have problem in waking up.


Her plans in cooking today is pot-au-feu and ratatouille; authentic, classic and simple dishes for the morning. After all, working with Eric as a chef in his restaurant is something she would like to give credit to herself.


It's 4 pm in the morning and she randomly wears white tank top and shorts before heading to the kitchen.


Her eyes are burning in fire as she does her cooking skills in the kitchen; cutting, mincing , slicing and dicing all the ingredients laid before her.


After her quick knifing technique, she begins placing all the vegetables in a medium size black pan, finally putting a parch paper on the top as the final touch and popping the ratatouille into the oven.


Her happy feet is bringing her from one station to the other. She starts to set the timer to cook the rice and another pot imbued with water boiling the marrow of the beef.


Once that's done, she unwraps the paper and set the marbling mellow meat onto the cutting board for her to remove the lower fats. She fries the meat with butter just to brown it up before setting into the oven, leaving an aromatic smell lingering in the kitchen.


Soon, she puts carrots, celeries and potatoes back into the pot with beef marrow soup along with the wrapped herbs; Rosemary, oregano, thyme and bay leaves.


After the meat is cook, her swift delicate hands that handles the meat is as if she is playing a sweet piano music; putting the pressure indicator to check on the meat since she desires the precision on the temperature of the meat.


As for the finale, she sets all the food on the dining table setting the garnish on top of the food.


It's already 6:30 in the morning.


As for the lunch break, she prepares egg rolls, the remaining meat that she cooked earlier,salad with ‘kewpie’ dressing and fried rice with a little twist into the container for two people. Although it wasn't a luxury lunch break as the lunch box that Krystal brings along with her, Krystal wasn't a picky person so as long the food is edible in her tastebuds.


And that's a wrap. During the process of cooking, the sweltering heat starts to engulf her body, causing her sweats to clamp onto her body slobberily, making her look like her clothes was soaked wet, letting her tone muscles to become rather vivid in one’s eyes. She wipes off her sweat with a clean handkerchief and keeps in check with the time.


Satisfied with the handiwork she had done, she walks to her room and takes a quick shower and set off to the kitchen again.

It's 8 am sharp in the morning and she wears black and white strips long sleeve shirt without collar and grey pants to go along with.


By this time, she spots the two maids are already sitting at the dining table.

“Momo. Sana. Why Krystal isn't up yet?”


Momo and Sana give a look that she can't comprehend and by the way they exchange their glances to one another, she couldn't help but to feel wary with their intentions shown on their faces.


“Amber. . .we have something urgent coming up. One of our relatives had passed away. We’ll be attending their funeral.” Momo said sadly as Amber could see her marbling eyes gazing at her with such sadness.


This causes her to become soften up. “Oh. When is the funeral?”


“It'll . . . sniff start at. . . sniff in thirty minutes later.”


"Then, shouldn't you go now?” Amber said worriedly.


“But we can't.” Sana cries.


Amber scrunched her eyebrows while bitting her lips. “Is there anything I can do for you two?”


The two maids glance at one another before looking at Amber.


“Amber, can you do us a favour? Please take care of lady Krystal since we’re having shortage of maids today.” Sana pleaded while patting onto Momo’s back while sobbing but the other hand of hers is certainly shaking hands with Momo’s hidden left hand; mission success.


"What? Why me? I know I did say I can help but I'm sure there are plenty of more experience maids in the house than someone like me.” Amber said in an unease manner.


“We need time to call for the other maids and you're out only hope. ..or otherwise I can't see my relative for the last time. If we prolong the time, I'll never get. .. to see her anymore.” Momo cries.


For her caring nature, Amber scratches her nape while re-calculating over her activities for the day. Despite the trouble that'll come, she can't simply let Momo and Sana who have been taking care of her when she was sick, not seeing her relative for the last time.


For a minute, sympathy took over her and with a blunt answer, she said, "Okay." The very word itself is something she can't take back because what's said should be done.


“Thanks Amber. I owe you one.” Momo mumbles as she hugs Amber before exiting from the kitchen with Sana.


Amber waves her hands and bade them farewell. However, it dawn to her of what should she do for Krystal. She runs out to chase the maids but they have vanish like the air.


She sighs. For now, she'll just wake Krystal up.





Slowly she makes no noise as she finally reaches the front door of Krystal bedroom. She knocks the door but there's no response. Amber repeats on knocking the door but there is no avail.


Steadily, she unlock the handles of the door and creeps into Krystal’s room.


Her feet bring her whole self to where Krystal sleeps soundly, being defenceless and not giving a single care to the world.

“Krystal.” She calls out softly, shaking her arms gently.


With unreasonable petulance to mankind, Krystal give a curt intimation that she feels unpleasant with her touching so casually with her. “Don't touch me!” She muffles.


Amber holds her hands up high but she keeps on persuading. “Okay. Okay. But you need to wake up now. It's . . . 8: 05 a.m.”


"5 more minutes. . ."she slowly opens her eyelids slightly but closes them back again with the lights blinding her view and said lazily, covering her face up with a blanket as she brings herself to curl into a foetus position.


Amber sighs. It's unusual that Krystal reacts like this.


Soon a sudden idea pops in her brain as if she stumbles onto a new discovery she'll shout Eureka.


She decides to wake her up in another way around just like how Eric would do for her if she's too sleepy to get her lazy up.


Her hands buried down to the soft cushy bed; her right hand is just behind Krystal’s petite back and her left hand works it’s way to the back of her knee.


She chants the countdown, before lifting Krystal’s body up from the bed.


This time Krystal widens her eyes, shouting with the sudden way of her maids would wake her up.


“What? Woah. . .!!!!!” On fearing she'll drop, she tighten her grip onto Amber

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Everyone im on a histatus right now. Lots of stuff going on at school so I'll have to pause for a while. I'll be more active at the end of the year! I promise I'll update more by then!


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Kryber2017 #1
Chapter 29: Author-nim an update please ….
1245 streak #2
Chapter 29: Still waiting for the update
Chapter 29: update please
Jayzxn #4
Chapter 29: Waiting for updateeee
Zerozz #5
Chapter 29: Usagi where are you??
Update more..
I want to know next chapter
Brownfox #6
Really like this story please keep updating
unknown_kx #7
Chapter 1: “Noona”??? But Amber’s a girl... isn’t it supposed to be “unnie”? And why did she called her that right away if she doesn’t know her nor her age? xD
randrew1215 #8
Chapter 29: Lf>update
Chapter 29: Ohh this is very exciting.....