It's Just Like.......The Old Times : 2

We Love You, Miss Sunshine!
Italics - Flashbacks

*Italics and a little Star* - Thoughts

"Alright then....." Sunny replied. Eli smiled at her "Thanks Sunny-ah....I won't let you down like last time...." *Saranghaeyo Sunny-ah....* Eli thought.

Sunny went upstairs to her room to get dressed, she came downstairs wearing a pinkish dress. "You look gorgeous my Sunshine..." Eli smiled, "Don't push it..." Sunny snapped. Eli laughed awkwardly and led Sunny to his car.

Eli drove Sunny to a fancy restaurant, he fixed his suit and went out the car opening the door for Sunny - like a gentleman. *This seems so......expensive....* Sunny thought as she stepped out of the car. "Nice isn't it?" Eli asked Sunny smiling at her shocked expression. Sunny nodded at walked to the entrance of the restaurant, she opened the door and was greeted by a member of staff. "Annyeonghaesyo. Welcome to Absolute Perfect Restaurant. Please come this way..." the welcomer said guiding Sunny and Eli to a table-for-two.

"Eli....this is beautiful...Thanks for taking me out.." Sunny smiled at Eli.

"Eli....this is beautiful....Thank you..." a girl smiled at Eli.

"Call me oppa Sunny..." Eli said.

"It's oppa to you Sunny-ah~" Eli said to the girl.

"Eli...oppa..." Sunny shyly smiled.

"Aigoo...Eli oppa!" the girl giggled shyly.

"It's like the old times isn't it Sunny-ah..." Eli said, Sunny nodded. "Annyeonghaseyo. I'm your waiter for today. What would you like to order?" a familiar BLONDE HAIRED boy asked Sunny. *Is that....oppa? ANIYO! It CAN'T be! Oppa went to USA!* Sunny mentally cursed herself, "I would like to order kimchi stew. How about you, Sunny?" Eli asked. "Urm...the same please..." Sunny smiled at the BLONDE HAIRED waiter, the BLONDE HAIRED waiter smiled back. "Okay then, is their anything else? If not, what drinks would you like to order?" the BLONDE HAIRED waiter asked. "Water please.." Sunny smiled. "The same please..." Eli said plainly - he was getting jealous that the waiter was smiling at Sunny so much. *Do they know eachother? On second thought....he does look like-ANIYO! He went to USA...* Eli thought.

After eating, the BLONDE HAIRED waiter came back and collected Eli's as Sunny's dishes, then the 'couple' payed for the meal they had. "Kamsahamnida! Please come and eat again at Absolute Perfect Restaurant..." the waiter bid his goodbye to Sunny and Eli and closed the door.

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Annyeong Readers! I have NO IDEA why to put next for my fanfic!


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Chapter 44: 30 October 2015 and still comeback here reread the fics. I really miss WooSun fanfic!
jeonsunhan #2
Chapter 18: Annyeonghaseyo to you too author ^^ I love your story so much i am happy that woosun were married ^.^
rookie_prta #3
Chapter 44: can you make the sequel ?:'(
i really want it
rookie_prta #4
Chapter 44: i love it
rookie_prta #5
Chapter 23: ohh someone realise his feeling now :D
rookie_prta #6
Chapter 18: wow that's great !!:D
i always smiling when i read this story ^^
Chapter 44: i really love this story, hope u can make woosun fanfic again^^
and where is the sequel author-nim?? hehe
Chapter 20: OMG~~~~
I very love this story
Update please XD
Sunshineer12 #9
Chapter 44: oh my gosssshh!
i love this story so much..
for sequel?! of course yess..
its okay if you just made three shot.
because i'm so consious what they wedding life..
Chapter 44: As long as there is a sequel. I agree :)