(Mixed emotional ~°~♡ )

Deep love ❤
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" I mean in friendly way haha ..." Yongguk mattered and rubbed the back off his neck before he smile to the younger ..

" Thank you yongguk-shi for saying this ..No lie how yomi talk about you all day . You're her hero after all ." Daehyun brightly said that while holding his injured spot only to whimpers slightly and bite his lips . He looked sadly at his hands and clutched the bed sheet .

" i-i'm sorry ...i'm cuzing you so much trouble...you don't have to take care of useless wife like me ..." Daehyun sobbed clutching his hands harder on the white blanket. 

Yongguk was about to say something but not when yomi struggled and jumped off his lap to run towards her mother . He stood up as will and went by the crying angel's side ..he tried to talk or say any thing but he decided to let the little girl have her moment with her mother being not able to talk to her mother almost all the day .

" U-Umma ..yomi missed you ."  Daehyun immediately wiped his tears and hugged his daughter tightly while caressing her beautiful brown hair . Yongguk standing there with soft sad smile .

" I'll be heading down store to buy snack ."  He turned around to leave when suddenly daehyun gripped his hand . The two kept quiet for a while as daehyun hesitates to tell the man something but he pulled up his courage and spite out .

" W-Why are you helping me so much ?".  

Yongguk turned around to fully face the younger wife .

" Is helping you something bad ?".  Daehyun flushed as he squeezed yongguk's bigger hand and the man held himself back from squeezing it back and touching it being so smooth and beautiful feminine like hand . But when he saw the ring in his finger . Yongguk drift his sight away with cold experssion. 

" I'll be going ." Daehyun release his hand and bite his lips feeling his eyes get watery again . Yomi looking at her umma with pouts as she reached over and wiped his tears before pecking his eyes .

" Is umma crying because of ajusshi ? But ajusshi is good guy ...he won't let umma cry ."  She told . Her eyes show

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demokmemey #1
Chapter 33: Omg this story is so beautiful..i love it
MarceELF #2
Chapter 33: AAAAHHHH ASDFGHJK HAPPY ENDING!!! YAY!!! \o/ and omg ZELO!! I loved it!! I loved this story so much!! One of my favorites!! Thank you so much authornim! I can't wait for your next stories. Fighting!!
MarceELF #3
Chapter 32: Asdfghjk soooo cuteeee~~~~ I can't believe is already ending! Omg!! I loved every single one of the chapters! Thank you authornim!!
LeeMinhyun #4
I can't deal, I'm sobbing with happiness!!!
dandychan91 #5
Chapter 33: Awww I can't believe it, I truly loved this story so much that I've been waiting everyday for an update and now it's done, thank you so much authornim, I love you and will always support you till the end :) *-*
dandychan91 #6
Chapter 32: Awwww so cute and adorable, congrats to the couple haha,thanks for the update *-*
MarceELF #7
Chapter 31: Aaahhh asdfghjk this is so fluffy!!! I love it!!! I love happy endings! Thank you authornim!!
dandychan91 #8
Chapter 31: Wow I can't really believe this story is gonna end soon, when it's done imma read it again, woaaahhh another bangdae can't wait!!!, oh I love me some naughty dae thanks for the update sweetie
Chapter 30: Why am I crying during a scene? Maybe I am just so happy for them finally sharing their love.

You did very well...thanks for this chapter. Later
MarceELF #10
Chapter 30: O. H. M . Y . G . O. D. *claps*
Authornim! You did it very well! Was incredible! I can't wait for a little yongguk! Hehehe
Thank you!!