Chase 9: Bonus Chapter

Chasing Taebreeze
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"Flight from Jeju to Seoul will depart in ten minutes. Please make your way to Gate C with your boarding passes. Thank you."

Taeyong stood up from his seat as he faced his parents, his dad giving him a reassuring smile while his mom is close to tears. It made Taeyong's heart clenched and he suddenly thought to himself if going over all the way to Seoul to chase his dreams is a bad idea. He had been accepted to one of the universities in Seoul and it made Taeyong extremely happy because that meant he's one step closer on achieving his dreams. But the thought of leaving his parents for quite a long time makes him have second thoughts. 

"Son, take care of yourself, your mom and I won't be there with you," Mr Lee, Taeyong's dad said as he patted Taeyong's shoulder. "Don't forget to come home and visit from time to time."

Taeyong nodded, smiling. "Yes, dad." He then turned his attention to his mother who quickly embrached him in her arms. "M-mom...I can't b-breathe..."

Mrs. Lee chuckled as she weakly let go of Taeyong, wiping her teary eyes. "Yah, don't you forget to call us when you get to Seoul," His mom reminded. "...and always eat in time and study hard! Always call home if you're having a hard time and we'll..." Mrs. Lee let out a quiet sob. "...we'll work it out, okay?"

Taeyong tried his hard not to break down in tears with his mother's words. He felt like he doesn't want to leave anymore but when he saw his parents sad, yet proud looks, it gave him a boost of confidence. "Mom, stop crying. It's not like I'm gonna be gone for a year. I'll visit you guys during Christmas break, I promise."

Mrs. Lee nodded, ruffling Taeyong's hair softly. "We'll miss you, honey. Your father and I loves you very much."

Embracing his mother in his arms tightly, he mumbled, "I love you guys more."


"Seat 21...Seat 21..." Taeyong successfully entered the plane, his small bag hanging on his side as he tried finding where his designated plane seat are. He walked over to the seats in the middle of the plane, finally finding his seat.

"Seat 21! Ah, finally." Smiling to himself, he quickly placed his bag on the storage cabin, closing it quietly. As he sat, he noticed another person sitting right beside his seat, headphones in his ears. Taeyong took notice of how the guy seems to fidget in his seat with the way he's gripping his phone. With just one look, Taeyong could tell that the guy is handsome, with a gray sweater covering his pale skin and brown hair that suits his face.

Curious, Taeyong tapped the guy's shoulder. "Hey man, you okay?"

The guy took one earphone out as he spared Taeyong a look. "Mind your own business." the guy said in a cold voice, catching Taeyong off guard. 

Clearing his throat awkwardly, Taeyong leaned back in his seat. "Tss, such a waste. You're hot but such an ." Taeyong mumbled to himself. 

Taeyong was surprised when the guy turned his head towards him, glaring. "Yah, I heard that." His face suddenly turned into a sly smirk, surprising Taeyong. "You think I'm hot, huh?" 

Taeyong flushed.  "No, I meant it's hot in here!" He fanned himself with his hands. "Don't be delusional!"

The guy smirked once again. "Okay, sure. We both know better, though."

"Flight Attendants, please prepare for gate departure. Flight from Jeju to Seoul will take off in a few minutes. Thank you." The voice on the intercom announced with a soft voice.

With the announcement,  Taeyong stood up from his seat and quickly took something out of his bag. When he sat down again, Taeyong noticed how the guy seems to be throwing him weird looks.

"What?" Taeyong tilted his head to the side, eyeing the guy. "I'm going to sit here for hours, better be comfortable while I'm at it, right?" Taeyong reasoned as he wrapped his soft Mickey Mouse blanket around him. 

The guy shrugged. "I get the blanket...but Mickey Mouse?" He let out a teasing laugh. "What are you? Eight years old?" 

Taeyong glared. "Yah, stop judging my blanket! So what if it's Mickey Mouse?" He rolled his eyes. "What happened to 'mind your own business', huh?"

The guy raised his arms in surrender but Taeyong could tell that he's trying not to laugh. "Point taken," the guy said, putting his earphone back in. "Hope your comfy with...that."



Taeyong tried his absolute best to ignore the person beside him but the sight of the other struggling with himself made Taeyong worry. For the nth time in those ten minutes the plane took off, Taeyong once again spared the guy beside him a look who has his hands gripping tightly on the handle of his seat as he mumbled to himself quietly, sweat visible on his forehead. 

Taeyong bit his lip, debating on whether to comfort the person beside him. 

God damn it, whatever. Just cause I'm feeling nice today.

Taeyong tapped the other's shoulder, visibly cringing when the guy looked at him wildly. Swallowing the lump in his throat, he managed to say, "Hey I know it's not my business but are you okay?" 

The guy seems to be taken aback by the sincereness in Taeyong's voice and his eyes immediately softened at the other's soft voice. "Y-yeah, I'm fine it's just...I have fear of heights and being here freaks me out."

Taeyong nodded in understanding. "Is there anything I can help you with? To make you feel better?" Taeyong gripped the blanket that's wrapped around his shoulders. "Do you maybe want to borrow my blanket? I know it's a bit childish of me to bring this here but the only reason I brought it is because it was given to me by my mom and having it here comforts me considering I won't see her much."

The guy let out a soft smile. "That's really sweet of you, I'm sorry if I made fun of you about it..." 

"It's fine, come on I know I only met you today but I'm not used to you speaking so nice to me," Taeyong chuckled. "Just a while ago you were giving me the cold shoulder and telling me off."

The guy smiled apologetically. "Sorry, I guess I was too nervous about riding the plane," He ran his fingers through his black hair as he looked at Taeyong in wonder. "Come to think of it, we don't even know each other's name."

"Sorry, I'm Lee Taeyong. And you?"

The guy softly smiled as he let out a hand which Taeyong immediately accepted.

"Jaehyun." He grinned, his eyes crinkling. "My name's Jung Jaehyun." 


 It was almost eight in the evening and Taeyong feels himself going more exhausted as he tried finding where he's supposed to stay at during his stay in Seoul. According to his mother, the dorm is near the university where Taeyong would be going to and his mother also informed him that most the students who are going to the university is staying there. Taeyong can only mentally thank his mother for doing this for him. 

The cab stopped in front of a big building and Taeyong knew this will be the place he'll be staying at until he finishes college. At first sight, Taeyong was in awe at how the dorm looks quite new, with its own parking lot in front. 

 After paying the cab driver, Taeyong got off the cab, his luggage in his hand. He can feel himself growing excited at each step he takes because this feels all surreal for him. In one week, Taeyong would be going to one of the biggest universities in Seoul and that thought made his heart beat even more in excitement. The thought of experiencing new things, meeting new faces and having the chance to have the future he wants for his family through studying hard just makes it worth while. 

After talking to the person in charge of the dorm, Taeyong walked to the first floor as his eyes scanned for Room 8. It didn't take long to find the room and Taeyong was glad that he can finally have a rest after a tiring day. 

Placing the key inside the knob, Taeyong entered the room and was welcomed with simple decorations hanging on the wall, a small decorative table sitting at the small living room with a three seat sofa, and a television. Even though it's small, Taeyong felt comfortable at the way the room was designed. 

Closing the door quietly, he took his shoes off and spotted another pair of black Converse shoes neatly put away on the side. 

Hm, so I have a roommate. Mom told me about having one. 

"Hi there, I'm guessing you're my roommate?" 

Taeyong raised his head up at the source of the voice, startled. In front of him stood a guy wearing a cheerful smile and Taeyong can tell that they're probably around the same age. The guy was wearing a black sweatshirt, the word Beat to the music written on the middle, paired with grey sweats. His hair was almost up to his eyes, and Taeyong almost suggested for the guy to get a haircut for once in his life. 

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Chapter 18: Im still waiting...
Chapter 18: Woah you are back!!! It's been long... Missed this story! Thank you for update❤️❤️
Zkdlsan #3
Chapter 18: OMG you're backkkkk...ㅠㅠㅠㅠi was somehow hopeless.. I thought this story would be open ended and so how about yutae!!!!! So happyyyy
Looking forward to the rest and yutae being together again
Blurqueenvic #4
Chapter 18: Yay you are back !!! I hope that yutae ends up tgt in the end !!!
Chapter 18: omg yay welcome back!! :D i'm glad to see you didn't abandon this story and it's still continuing, i really wanna see yutae together again
Chapter 18: You finally update ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 18: Boi it's been so long lol
aishakhaled21 #8
Chapter 1: live
aishakhaled21 #9
Chapter 8: love it