
The Marathon I Ran for You

Jonghyun’s POV

“Hyung, I will tell you later. I will go get the rest first,” I handed Jin Hae over to Onew and left. I walked briskly towards the car park to retrieve my car and informed Key and Minho to get back to the dorm first. I sat on the driver’s seat and thought for a moment. Where the hell could Taemin be? Urgh, come one Jonghyun, think! Think harder. I buried my head in my hands, forcing myself to think. “Damn it! Jonghyun you are that dumb are you? You pabo! Aren’t you one of Taemin’s closest friends? Where the hell could…  That’s it! That place! He must be there! Well done, Jonghyun! ” I was cursing myself for being such an idiot but then it hit me. Taemin used to go there each time he was troubled.

[Seoul Park]

Jonghyun’s POV

The Seoul Park was a very deserted place. Many people knew about this park but only a few of them came here. The scenery here was splendid. One could enjoy the sun set and sun rise here without any disturbance. This was the perfect place to relax and straighten out your thoughts after a hectic day of activities. I parked my vehicle at the basement car park 50 meters away from the park. The moment I entered the park, I spotted Taemin immediately. No one in the right mind would come to a park at 8 pm without a jacket on. It was really windy in the park once the sky turns dark. He was sitting on a wooden bench, fidgeting with his phone. I walked over and sat next to him.

“What was that for?” I confronted.

“What?” Taemin asked, as if he knew nothing at all.

“The lecture you gave Jin Hae just now. The one about Jin Hae saying nasty stuff to Shin Hye. Although I know nothing about this, I don’t believe that Jin Hae would threaten Shin Hye. Shouldn’t you listen to both sides of the story before first before confronting the wrong party?” I hated people who came to conclusions without even getting the facts right.

“How do you know that Jin Hae would not threaten Shin Hye? How well do you know her? Today is only your first meeting with Jin Hae!” Taemin retorted.

“Fine. Let’s just say that Jin Hae really did so, shouldn’t you give her a chance to let her explain? What if Shin Hye was the one who threatened Jin Hae instead?” I did not want to pick up a fight with Taemin but I had this feeling that Shin Hye seemed more like the one that would push Jin Hae around.

“Hyung, I don’t want to start a fight. Why don’t you return to the dorm first?” Taemin sighed and buried his face in his palms. I gave him a light pat on his shoulder and left. He needed some time to calm himself down.

Taemin’s POV

I did not ask Jonghyun Hyung to leave because he was annoying or that I was angry with him for accusing Shin Hye. It was because he hit the nail on the head. I was also suspecting Shin Hye for pushing Jin Hae around instead. I knew that I should have absolute trust in my girlfriend but ever since I got hold of the news last week, I realized that I was unable to trust her anymore.

[Last week after swimming lessons]

Taemin’s POV

The boys were in the shower room after swimming lessons that day. I was in one of the cubicles taking a quick shower when I overheard a conversation between two of my close friends, Kyuhyun and Donghae.

“Hey Kyu, have you heard? Shin Hye is using money to stop some of the really crazy fan girls from getting too close to Taemin!” I wasn’t sure if it was Donghae’s voice but it should be since he said “Hey Kyu!” at the start of the conversation.

“Yeah I heard about that too. But it seems like Taemin is kept in the dark about this matter,” Kyuhyun replied.

Shin Hye used money to stop fan girls from getting too close to me? Why did I not know about this? I quickly dried myself up, put on my uniform and stepped out of the cubicle. Donghae and Kyuhyun were still there.

“Donghae, Kyuhyun! Can you tell me more in details, please?” I begged with puppy eyes.

Shin Hye had spotted some fan girls that were crazily in love with me and she was unhappy about it. So she made use of her wealth and gave these fan girls a huge sum of money and threatened them to leave me alone. If someone else told me about this, I would probably slap that person. But Donghae and Kyuhyun were my close friends and we had been through thick and thin together since young. I would even trust them with my life. I chose to believe them and decided to talk to Shin Hye about it.

[After school]

Both of us were having a whale of a time in Sogurt after school when I decided to pop the question.

“So, erm, Shin Hye. I heard that you used money to…”

Before I could finish asking my question, Shin Hye interrupted, “Hey,er Taemin. I forgot that I had to run some errands for my mother today. I shall leave first. Bye, dear! I’ll call you tonight!” She gave me a peck on my lips and left. She was lying to me. She was doing all these stupid things behind my back. But I still loved her. It’s just that I could no longer trust her. Why did you have to lie to me, Shin Hye? You knew that I hated liars.

Shin Hye’s POV

“So, erm, Shin Hye. I heard that you used money to…” Taemin asked. . If he knew that I had been doing all those cheap stuff behind his back, he would definitely leave me.

Before he could finish asking the question, I interrupted, “Hey,er Taemin. I forgot that I had to run some errands for my mother today. I shall leave first. Bye, dear! I’ll call you tonight!” I gave him a small peck on his lips and left hastily. I am sorry, Taemin. I wanted you to be mine and only mine. Please do not hate me. Please do not leave me.




Next chapter up! Yay! =^^= Not a very good one though... :( Anyway, please remember to subscribe and comment! :D Thank you! <3  Comments and subscriptions are well-loved by me! :)

P.S. Sogurt is actually a shop in Singapore that sells yogurt. Sogurt rocks! <3

P.S.S. I hope that Taemin would leave Shin Hye hopefully by the next or next 2 chapters! :)

P.S.S.S Should I add another character into the story? Hmm...

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Aww. Taemin is mean...
Taemin is a fking here. I never thought i'd say tht O.O
lol, me? threaten you? i'm way too NAISE to threaten you ok! *cough cough* wah, finally updated~~~~ good job on this one but digressing for a minute, why is everyone writing about heartbreak? O.O anyway, Jin Hae ah, stop being stupid neh? Lee Taemin doesn't deserve you!!! There's still Jonghyun oppa~ (if it was me, i would pick Jjong over Taemin! i'm being very biased right? xD) update soon~
Gahhhh!!! Finally updated!!!!!! :DDD yay(: happy~
ohmyyoungbae #5
OHMYGOSH. YOU UPDATED:D HAHAHAH^^ but jinhae is really a poor thing. :x where's jonghyun all this whilllleee? :( update soon okayokay! :D
dububu #6
Finally, you're back *jump...jump* lol<br />
i've been waiting for aa years...kekeke<br />
more update please.<br />
jin hae you should move on and try to love jonghyun ~~
Jin Hae needs to do something to forget abt Taemin... Aww onew is so sweet to comfort her:)
UkissMEkevin #8
tunaworld #9
Ah... Jonghyun got rejected so quickly!!! ... :( JONGHYUNNIE~~~!!! Haha but JinHae's really rather awesome :DDDDDDDD AHHHH POOR JINHAE. Gah... :) Update soon :)