10. Lotus

In Search of Unrequited Love
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"Taehyung may be broken, but someone has the chance to fix him."

Yin and Yang are opposite in nature, but they are apart of nature because without one another they cannot exist. They rely on each other.

         In the mirror, Taehyung stares at the lotus flower tattoo covering his surgery scar. The design has a deep meaning to him. The lotus not only represents beauty, but it also reflects on a spiritual meaning: the flower may grow in muddy water, yet symbolizes purity and harmony.

         Taehyung may be broken, but someone has the chance to fix him.


•3 Years Ago from Present•


         The smell of smoke and ink filled his nose. It was not a new area for him, it was just not the best atmosphere in the world.

         Everything seemed to be in place with his friends acting they like they always did. Namjoon continued drawing sketches in his notebook, Jin was talking on the phone(probably ordering food), Yoongi laid on a rusty couch while flipping through channels, and Hoseok was in the process of his monthly shoes cleaning.

         Namjoon was the first to notice Taehyung and said, “You’ve arrived. I've been waiting for you since the call last night.”

         “Woah!” Hoseok exclaimed. “What call?”

         Taehyung shrugs.

         “Boy just wants to cover up his battlescar,” Namjoon re

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hiii!! it’s been a long time since i’ve posted anything because i don’t really write anymore, but i’m surprised that people are still reading this. thank you<3


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1214 streak #1
Where have you been all my life... I'm just glad I found this and just by reading the descriptions and intro of each characters I got hook... I'm gonna read it later so I won't be disturbed by my workmates and boss 😁
Chapter 29: Oh my god, this fic was amazing and I loved every bit of it.
naaq1 #3
Chapter 28: Thank u soo much for this great story!!!!
U did a really good job author!!
Chapter 28: OMG! I'm hooked. Thank you authornim.
solitudaries #5
Chapter 1: i just start reading this but it i'm already hook! you really did a good job authornim
mikazukiaugust #6
Chapter 29: Omg, i just found this beautiful story now, rather late than never right, and i found out i read the thru drought and famine first on wattpad and didnt know both stories had the same writer, but i love both of the story, still wait for your last chapt for thru drought and famine, lots of love for you author nim ❤️
chickliens #7
Chapter 28: such a simple yet deep and sweet story; totally fits kind of story that ive been looking for. thank you for all the efforts you put into this heartwarming works:)♥️
jenjengru #9
Chapter 28: LMAO TAE. YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO DO BETTER THAN THIS. i’m glad at how this ended off though. Thanks author! You’re awesome.