Just Wait, Ph!

"Key, I'm sorry. I have loved Him for the last four years of my life, what happened between us.. It was a mistake." I bit my bottom lip waiting for him, but all he did was take a step closer to me. I stood up from the couch to back away from him, with a hurt look on his face must of gotten the hint. He ran his fingers through the front of his hair, exhaling his breath. He sat back down on the couch and leaned his head on the couch.

"Mistake, gotchya.. but there has to be a reason you're taking all these pills.."

I thought about it for a bit, trying to build up the courage. "I've been getting notes.."

"Notes?" Key lifted his head to look at me.

"Ones about being careful and watching my back. Terrible photos too.."

"From whom? Where are they?"

"From the attacker, they were in my purse- that is why I dumped it out! Their gone now, I don't know where they went- Wait there is one in my car!" I rose from my seat and rushed to the door slipping my slippers off and putting on my shoes.

I flung the door open and ran to the elevator I could hear Key holler at me from behind, but I needed truth. I wasn't abusing, it was happening right in front of me. I pressed the button, the door closing before Key could reach the elevator. I fiddled with the hem of my shirt and watched the numbers shrink until I reached the car park.

I scooted out of the elevator with my car keys and walked cautiously towards my vehicle. It was a few feet away when I heard Key call out for me again. "It's in there! I swear!" I jogged over to my car and stuck the key into the back lock and opened the door, I bent down and began to look all over the floor for it. It wasn't until I looked in between the front seats I found a sticky note with the words 'Looking for Something'.

"No way.. how did he get in my car.."

"Who?" Key stood behind me with his arms crossed. I showed him the sticky note, he was surprised to see such feminine writing on the paper. "I don't think it was a he.."


[Kayos Building; Office.]

I don't know how long I've been awake, keeping myself awake on iced coffee and energy shots. It's only been a few days since the last note from my car was found, and things are back to awkward with Key. I have been feeling ill and all sorts of gross since then, I even went to the doctors with Taemin the other day for support. I've been taken off of my Ptsd medications due to 'abuse', I'm sure Key had something to do with it. I always felt on edge, and worried now, and I hated it.

I let out a sign and rested my face against the desk, off in dream land; where I was beautiful again and it was just Taemin and I. Short lived fantasies were interrupted by my hand phone receiving a call. "Hello, This is Yee-soo.."

"Ms. Phoebe, this is the General clinic. We have a few questions about your blood work, is that okay?"

"Yes it is."

"When was your last period?"

I found that question odd. "Two months ago, but the medication I was prescribed made it irregular."

"Have you gained any weight in the last while that you can't explain?"

"Kind of? I chalk it all up to stress though."

"Ms.. We have signs of pregnancy in your blood and urine work."


"Please come back down when you have free time, to give you a definite answer."

I just hung up and felt all the blood in my body drain; was I pregnant? I pushed lightly on my stomach and it seemed a little stiff. I hadn't had morning sickness or even cravings, I had no side effects. I took a deep breath and decided to head home, I slipped my coat on and picked up my bag heading for the elevator.


[Home; 2 days later.]

I had slept for a whole day, I felt like I needed it. I sat up on the couch and began to play with my phone a bit, of course my boys were in the Japan headlines right now. i hadn't seen Taemin in days and I was also afraid of him, what if I was pregnant? After just one right with him, it isn't possible.. No one gets pregnant from the first time.. Do they?

I got up from the couch and began to get ready for the doctors, I needed to confirm this. I showered and pulled on some loose jeans and a sweater and went to my car. I checked the entire outside of my car for notes and got into the drivers seat and drove off.

[Clinic waiting room, noon-thirty]

"Ms. Yee-soo?" A voice pulled me out of my thoughts and I made eye contacts with a smiling nurse, I stood up.

We walked through a few hall ways and ended up in a room with another specialist. I bowed politely and sat into a chair across from them.

"We went through your tests , including the one this morning. We don't know where to congratulate you or not."

"Congrats? For what?"

"You're Pregnant, two and a half months."

All the blood drained from my head, next thing I knew; black.

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