A Stiff Expression

Under the Roof of Twenty-Five
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“One month! Ridiculous!” Jimin yells.


She’s been yelling for the past hour, but nobody blames her. Anyone would be pissed to be kicked out of their home with a month’s notice. Yerin and Bambam shut their eyes tightly when they see Jimin is ready to yell again.


“And what, for a stupid perfume house?! They were doing fine in America, what is it with westerners needing to barge their way into OUR country! It’s ing colonization all over again! Unbelievable! Can you believe that the Americans are trying to colonize Korea?! Again?! Not under my watch!”


Bambam wants to point out that America has never colonized Korea before, and that this isn’t very equivalent to colonization either, but Yerin shakes her head to stop him from doing so. You’ll dig your own grave, pal, she tells him with eye contact.


Bambam and Yerin are helping Jimin bring her furniture into a storage house. Jimin was so frustrated with the announcement that she doesn’t even want to live in her apartment for this full month. For now, she’s staying with Bambam (considering a lot of her things are already at his place) until she finds a new place to live in. It doesn’t change much for the two of them, seeing as they basically live with each other once a week anyway.


Yerin hitches her breath to carry the couch in. “What a heavy suggestion, to just ask you to leave-“


“It wasn’t a suggestion, they’re literally telling me to leave!”


The yelling makes Yerin make a face. “Yikes, sorry.”


Jimin’s expression softens when she sees Yerin’s a little hunched over. “Look, I’m sorry guys. I don’t mean to snap at you, but I’m just so frustrated, you know? I feel bad for the people in that building who can’t find a place to stay, I’m-”


“Don’t apologize, it’s fine,” Bambam dismisses as he stacks chairs in the back of the room.


Yerin nods in agreement, and Jimin sighs and lets her shoulders drop. “Thanks so much for being so great, guys. I’m gonna run to the bathroom to freshen up.”


She takes her leave, leaving Yerin and Bambam alone in the storage room. Bambam’s busy ordering the furniture in a way that fits, but Yerin has stopped organizing. “Bambam.”


“What’s up?” he asks, half-absentmindedly.


“I’m asking you that,” Yerin sits back on the couch she was supposed to be dragging to the back. “Something’s on your mind.”


Observant as always, Baek Yerin. Or is Bambam just that transparent? He holds his breath.




The café next to the JYP building is mediocrely busy as always. On the side sits Chaeyoung, next to her friend who had walked in a few minutes before. She sips on her coffee and places the cup down. She turns to him.


“Alright, Bambam-oppa,” she rests her chin on her hands, both of which are clasped together in full attention. “I’m all yours. Tell me what’s wrong.”


When Bambam can’t really find the words to start with, Chaeyoung tries to push a little. “Come on, why are we sitting together if not to talk?”


“I mean, I came here to meet you… Yerin told me that you give good advice, so…”


“So, give me something to give you advice on!”


It’s a little hard to suddenly tell someone who doesn’t know the whole story. He decides it’s too messy to get her in the whole thing, so he speaks a little vaguely. “Okay. So I know someone.”


“Right, you know someone,” Chaeyoung moves her hands in circles to say, go on.


“This someone is in a bit of a problem,” he refers to Jimin, but keeps her name and situation out of it. “For now, I’m helping them as they try to find a solution.”


“Alright, that’s good.”


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Elizabethxnndd #1
Chapter 14: Please update I want to see what happenes between Jimin and Bambam
glo_3631 #2
Chapter 14: PLS UPDATE!!
Chapter 10: SHFHSJFKJNJABDYFHAUCN mmkay Taehyung
Chapter 9: T-T I don't want any heartbreak but I don't know who to ship anymore xD
Chapter 4: Awww lol Jungkook is so cute shipping them together. What a dork~
knockknockonmydoor #6
Chapter 14: pls update this is rly good!!
kjasmin #7
Chapter 14: nice i like this chapter yerin and junkook i see things there love is in the air
Chapter 14: Oh yeah aah
You updated <3
(I read it all, I liked it but my head hurts too much for me to write a good comment, I'm soo sorry)