A Morning Suspicion

Under the Roof of Twenty-Five
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“You go to the station every week. Why don’t you sleep here next week, too?”


This was a question Bambam asked just as Jimin was leaving his apartment the next morning. Jimin was running late as it was; she ended up enjoying the sheets so much that she overslept. While she was already wearing makeup and hurriedly putting on her heels, Bambam was still in his button down pajamas and messy hair. She didn’t have time to think about it.


“Um, I’ll think about it. I gotta go now, my manager’s waiting downstairs. Thanks so much for this,” she rushed and gave him a quick hug before dashing out.


Now she’s sitting in the radio station, just finishing up the radio episode. The guests and the regular hosts bow to her as they exit the room. Jamie lingers in the room before getting yelled at by her manager to hurry up. She’s a little slow this morning, she must have slept too long or too little.


When she gets to her manager, she expects him to be mad for her slow nature this morning. To her surprise, he’s bowing lightly in apology. Jimin is out off and stares at him with crinkled eyebrows.


“Oppa, are you okay? Why are you bowing?” she pats his back.


Her manager smiles and claps his hands together in apology. “Jimin-ah, I’m so sorry. I would drive you back but my wife just called, and… ah, it’s complicated. Do you think you can hitch a ride from one of the hosts?”


“But… Oppa!” She calls after him, but he’s already rushing to the exit.


“Please don’t tell JYP PD-nim!” He yells before disappearing down the staircase.


Jimin is left dumbfounded and frozen. Her car is parked outside Bambam’s apartment, how is she supposed to walk all the way there? It takes ten minutes to get to his place from the station by car, it could take her a good hour to walk there. Where the hell did all the hosts go, anyway? Hitch a ride, my , Jimin thinks as she spins speechlessly around the hall to find anyone.


“,” she utters under her breath.


Seriously, where is everybody? Should she call Bambam? But he already did so much for her by letting her sleep at his place. Yerin lives too far to call for a pickup. God knows Jackson’s way too busy to drive out here.


“,” she says again, a bit louder this time.


Should she just call someone? She scrolls through her phone list. A Yeon? She’s got a schedule right now. Seungyoun? He’s in China. Nathan? His girlfriend would get mad.


“!” She yells, knowing nobody’s in this hallway anyway.


“Quite the tongue you’ve got there,” Jimin jumps when she hears the sound of a male voice behind her. “Who taught you to speak like that?”


Jimin gulps and slowly turns around. She’s met with Taehyung, one of the members of BTS (or as Yerin would say, the Bangtan kids). He’s leaning forward so he meets her at eye level with his hands in his pockets.


“Oh my god, you scared me, Oppa,” she looks to the floor while catching her breath. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to curse so loudly.”


“Hah, no problem,” he grins with his signature square-shaped smile. “What’s got you in the dumps?”


“Um, where’s the rest of your group?” Jimin looks around to find the other six. Taehyung blocks her view by moving his head the same way she does.


“Three of them went to the studio. The other three have a photoshoot, so I was going to go home,” he continues to follow her head and block her view. “Don’t ignore my question, why are you cursing?”


She laughs, knowing the situation is ridiculous on its own. “My manager has some problems with his wife, so he left me here to carpool home with someone.”


“That’s so ty,” Taehyung gulps. Soon after, he pulls his hand out of his pocket, swinging keys around his index finger. “I could drive you, though.”




The two sit in his car silently. The only break of silence is Jimin’s occasional directions, and the faint music playing from his half broken radio. Finally, the elder decides it’s on him to

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Elizabethxnndd #1
Chapter 14: Please update I want to see what happenes between Jimin and Bambam
glo_3631 #2
Chapter 14: PLS UPDATE!!
Chapter 10: SHFHSJFKJNJABDYFHAUCN mmkay Taehyung
Chapter 9: T-T I don't want any heartbreak but I don't know who to ship anymore xD
Chapter 4: Awww lol Jungkook is so cute shipping them together. What a dork~
knockknockonmydoor #6
Chapter 14: pls update this is rly good!!
kjasmin #7
Chapter 14: nice i like this chapter yerin and junkook i see things there love is in the air
Chapter 14: Oh yeah aah
You updated <3
(I read it all, I liked it but my head hurts too much for me to write a good comment, I'm soo sorry)