A Heart's Change

Under the Roof of Twenty-Five
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With that, Jimin and Taehyung begin dating. Not much has changed—it’s their relationship from before, just with kissing and more awareness. Complete comfort and infatuation with one another. Something about it feels like they’ve been dating from the start (Or maybe that’s just a stretch on Jimin’s end, since she’s had a crush on him since before).


Maybe the head tousling is one of the things she likes best about him. She’s someone who gets swooned by actions rather than words, and that’s a small one that gets her every time. The way his face looks so satisfied with himself when he does it is too much for her poor heart to handle.


As for Taehyung, her general charm enticed him from the start. She’s always been energetic and he’s enjoyed that about her since she was young. The actual feelings of romanticism came in when he realized she’s kept that energy while maturing in personality and getting prettier, too. They matched, to say the least. He’s glad she felt that way too.


The spark doesn’t sizzle, and soon enough three weeks pass of them dating. By then their whole circle had found out that they’re together, either through coincidence or teasing. The first person who had found out was Bambam, who saw Jimin right after she came home that day.


“Well, you look happy,” Bambam had commented that day.


The shorter had just arrived home at that point with an enormous grin on her face. “I don’t know, do I?”


Bambam leaned back on his couch, smiling at her weirdly giddy attitude. “What happened to you? Did you get a comeback announcement, or what?”


This only fueled her smile more, and she bit her lip while swinging back and forth from her toes to her heels and back.


“You know… you know how I’ve been hanging out with Taehyung these days?”


“…Yeah…” Bambam squinted, getting a hint on where this might be going.


It was after that that Jimin curled her fingers up and quietly squeezed out the sentence, we kissed. Naturally, Bambam’s first reaction was a girlish squeal in pride for his best friend, to which Jimin only blushed further. His second reaction was the thought of, wow, it’s happening.


His third reaction happens over the course of these two first weeks of Jimin and Taehyung dating. This third reaction is a blank stare ahead, wondering What now? He doesn’t even know what he means when he thinks what now. The few times Jimin would come home from a date, his thought is what now.


What an odd thought.




“What… now?” Yugyeom repeats, making sure that he has the phrase right. Even though he’s positive he said it right, he shakes his head. “I don’t understand.”


“You think I do? That’s why I’m asking you,” Bambam huffs and falls backwards onto Yugyeom’s bed.


The two are in Yugyeom’s room in the dorm; Bambam lies on his same-aged friend’s bed while Yugyeom slumps in the bean bag. It took Bambam lots of hesitation to actually ask Yugyeom what in the world this thought means—after all, despite being a goofball, he’s not the type to show his emotions much.


“But what I understand even less than your thought of ‘What now’ is…” Yugyeom leans forward in his neon seat, eyeing his friend suspiciously, “Is why you’re so bothered by the thought.”


“What do you mean?”


The taller of the two plays with the yoyo laced between his fingers, still looking Bambam in the eyes. “Surely you’re so used to Jimin being around, being your roommate and a best friend and all. If she gets a boyfriend, she has less time for you. Suddenly you’re not the person she looks forward to every day, because she has a romantic interest now.”


Bambam scoffs, throwing his head to the side. “Since when are you a psychologist? You’re in too deep.”


“Hey, you asked for my thoughts. And my thoughts…” Yugyeom throws the yo-yo forward, almost hitting Bambam in the face, but stops it with the string before it can cause any pain. Yugyeom smirks. “… are that you’re not only disappointed by the lack of attention, but also the fact that there’s no way she likes you now. Because she’s dating Tae.”


Instead of scoffing, Bambam sits upright on the bed now. He gives Yugyeom a look. “Now there’s a real reach. I don’t like Jimin that way, why should I care if she likes me?”


Yugyeom shrugs. “I dunno, I just assumed since you’re overthinking this so much. If she’s dating Taehyung, she’s dating Taehyung. It’s not now what, it’s just… that. Overthinking will just make it weird between you two.”


Hard to word it out loud, but Yugyeom does speak with a sense of logic. He’s matured a lot since debut, hell, he’s already halfway through fifty. When Yugyeom sees that Bambam is hesitating to find words to answer, he opens his mouth slightly.


“Wait… are things already weird between you two?”


Another hesitation confirms it. Before Yugyeom can accuse Bambam of anything stupid, Bam speaks first. "Okay, I don’t know. There’s tension. I admit I make some tension, and I don’t know why. I d

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Elizabethxnndd #1
Chapter 14: Please update I want to see what happenes between Jimin and Bambam
glo_3631 #2
Chapter 14: PLS UPDATE!!
Chapter 10: SHFHSJFKJNJABDYFHAUCN mmkay Taehyung
Chapter 9: T-T I don't want any heartbreak but I don't know who to ship anymore xD
Chapter 4: Awww lol Jungkook is so cute shipping them together. What a dork~
knockknockonmydoor #6
Chapter 14: pls update this is rly good!!
kjasmin #7
Chapter 14: nice i like this chapter yerin and junkook i see things there love is in the air
Chapter 14: Oh yeah aah
You updated <3
(I read it all, I liked it but my head hurts too much for me to write a good comment, I'm soo sorry)