A Comfortable Space

Under the Roof of Twenty-Five
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As much as Jimin hates Jungkook for teasing her, having Taehyung’s number did help the two get closer. With Bangtan’s schedule being messy and tight (though not nearly as busy as five years ago), it’s hard to keep in contact. It’s Monday, and Taehyung called Jimin up some hours ago to hang out. Being a social butterfly herself, it’s not a rarity that people would call her out of the blue. She assumes Taehyung is social enough for that to be the case with him, too.


They meet up outside the JYP building and decide to walk around a bit. He’s a bit more dressed than she is—not saying he’s dressed fancy, rather he’s covered up. A mask covers his mouth and nose, and he’s wearing a baseball cap that makes his eyes hard to meet with, too. Jimin, on the other hand, is dressed freely. Makes sense, as a big star he doesn’t want to be interrupted while hanging out with friends.


“You know you look more suspicious that way, right?” Jimin laughs.


“Well, I’d rather be suspicious than identified,” he shrugs.


The two continue to walk and talk, with interesting dialogue. Both are known as the oddballs of their respective groups, so it’s no surprise that their conversations have no dull moments. They look like a comedy duo, nobody would guess that they sing for a living.


They start to talk about other idols as they pass by some entertainment company buildings, wondering about rumors and how people reacted to situations that weren’t how they seemed. The topic seems hauntingly fitting as Taehyung takes the chance to bring up what’s been on his mind for the past weeks.


“Actually, speaking of all that,” Taehyung begins, sipping on some juice they bought in passing.




“I was actually wondering something,” he sips again, then raises his hand defensively. “And you can tell me if this is totally out of line of me!”


“Yeah, go ahead, I’m an open book,” Jimin shrugs.


“Alright,” another pause before he drops the question, and all the pauses begin to make Jimin nervous. “How come your car was parked outside Bambam’s place a few weeks ago?”


The tension in her chest drops, and she sighs of relief. “Gosh, I thought you were going to tell me about a rumor or something. What a relief. Anyway, yeah, I slept at his place that week.”


Wow, she really is an open book. No shame in saying it whatsoever. “And that’s why you… were wearing the same clothes…?”


Suddenly her eyes widen in shock and she hits herself lightly on the cheek. “Oh my god, don’t get the wrong idea. No, I’m not dating him, I didn’t sleep with him or anything. Jesus. I slept in his guest room to avoid driving a long way the next morning.”


Taehyung looks down at her, then lets out a sigh and a laugh himself. “Oh, that was it? I’m so dumb to jump to conclusions. Forget it, sorry.”


His relief makes her chuckle. Taehyung shoves her lightly. “What, why are you laughing?”


“It’s kind of funny.”


“Shut uuuuup,” he groans, “It’s embarrassing I thought of that immediately.”


“You must be a ert,” she teases again and he shoves her a bit harder this time. “Um, ow?”


She shoves him back, and the banter only ends with more laughter.




It’s five, and Jimin goes to Bambam’s apartment after hanging out with Tae. When she opens the door, she’s surprised to see Jackson there, too. He’s playing a game of tennis with the wall and a bouncy ball; obviously he’s bored. Seems like Bam isn’t home, either. Jackson is surprised to see her, too.


“Oh, hey, Jamie. Here early, huh?” he asks, still bouncing the ball back and forth.


She glances at the clock. “Um, not really. I’m on time. Bambam’s not home?”


“Nope, he’s—NOT!” Jackson yells when he misses the ball. After recollecting himself, he explains. “He’s buying a new lightbulb for the bathroom.”


“Gotcha,” she puts her bag down on the floor and falls backwards onto the couch. After realizing the couch feels different, she touches its covers with confusion.


“Jackson, how come there’s pillows and sheets on the couch?”


He continues to play his game with the wall. “I slept here last night.”



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Elizabethxnndd #1
Chapter 14: Please update I want to see what happenes between Jimin and Bambam
glo_3631 #2
Chapter 14: PLS UPDATE!!
Chapter 10: SHFHSJFKJNJABDYFHAUCN mmkay Taehyung
Chapter 9: T-T I don't want any heartbreak but I don't know who to ship anymore xD
Chapter 4: Awww lol Jungkook is so cute shipping them together. What a dork~
knockknockonmydoor #6
Chapter 14: pls update this is rly good!!
kjasmin #7
Chapter 14: nice i like this chapter yerin and junkook i see things there love is in the air
Chapter 14: Oh yeah aah
You updated <3
(I read it all, I liked it but my head hurts too much for me to write a good comment, I'm soo sorry)