Episode 3

We Got Married (Kyuhyun & Yuri special)

The newly weds got to know each other while they stroll around the place.

Not from afar, Yuri saw a big sign hanging that says "Karaoke Korea." At first she was shy to ask but then, she had the courage to invite her hubby to play.

"Shall we sing?" Yuri said.

"Ani, I don't want" Kyuhyun replied.

"What? But you have a cool voice" Yuri pleaded.

"Ani, I don't want" Kyuhyun shook his head and waved his hands.

Yuri still pleaded, she pulled Kyuhyun's hands but Kyuhyun fought back, Yuri stopped pulling him and left their hands still holding each other.

"Please?" Yuri said.

"Ani" Kyuhyun mouthed.


(Hosts' POV)

"First skinship of this seaon" Eunhyuk said.

"Hahahaha, I know right" Sooyoung answered.

"SKINSHIP!" Taeyeon shouted.

Then everyone laughed at Taeyeon's reaction.

(End of POV)


(Kyuhyun's POV)

"Why? Don't you want to sing?" 

"Ahh, because I'm shy, Yuri-sshi might not like it" 

"But she's your wife" 

"I know, but I don't know, I'm shy" 

(End of POV)


Yuri did not stop pleading to Kyuhyun, in fact she held his arms to add more aegyo to it. 

"Fine! A while ago we made a bet right? Just think of this as the prize for the winner" Yuri said.

Kyuhyun suddenly got struck in the heart, he's a professional gamer so he had to continue the bet.

"Arasso, let's sing" Kyuhyun said.

Yuri jumped of happiness, she excitedly pulled Kyuhyun inside. Then they sang. Kyuhyun was watching Yuri sing their song Mr. Taxi, thw wifey pulled him up and made him dance along.

After the song, Yuri had gone tired and decided to give Kyuhyun the microphone. 

"Choose your song, gosh I'm tired" Yuri said.

Kyuhyun gave her water and tissue, Yuri thanked him and drank the water he gave. 

"What shall I sing?" Kyuhyun asked.

"I always wanted that song of Yesung-sshi, the theme song of Cinderella's Sister?" Yuri said.

"Oh It has to be you?" Kyuhyun asked.

"Neh" Yuri nodded.

They both looked at the song book with their heads sticking with each other.


(Hosts' POV)

"Ohh, they're gonna sing my song, I'm so touched" Yesung joked.

Eunhyuk suddenly  hit him with a pillow.

"But look at their heads, SKINSHIP!" Taeyeon said.

"Taeyeon-ah stop it, you're starting to look like Mi Sun-sshi" Yesung said.

"Aissshhhh" Taeyeon fought back.

(End of POV)


Then Yuri found the song and played it.


Yuri was listening very carefully to Kyuhyun, she was smiling everytime Kyuhyun was closing his eyes and feeling the song.

After the song Yuri clapped her hands and looked like she's satisfied because she's lucky to have Kyuhyun singing for her, alone. 

"Gosh I think I fell for your voice" Yuri joked.

Then Kyuhyun smiled and slightly laughed. 

"Kyuhyun-sshi, you're so charismatic when singing" Yuri said.

Kyuhyun leaned his head at the back of the couch and blushed.

"Thank you Yuri-sshi" he said.


(Kyuhyun's POV)

"Did you blushed when Ms. Yuri compliment you?" 

"Honestly, I did, I don't know what to say, I mean SNSD's Black Pearl just complimented me? But I know many others say that my voice is cool and I am sooo handsome when performing *slightly laughed* but it's different, I felt different when it came from Yuri-sshi" 

(End of POV)


(Yuri's POV)

"Did you know Kyuhyun-sshi blushed when you complimented him?" 


"You're the first one to make him blushed" 

"No joke? I mean for real? Well I just told him the truth, honestly he really looks charistmatic when singing maybe that's why many girls fell for him" 

"Are you jealous?"

"Just this little" 

I smiled and showed them how big I am jealous.

(End of POV)


After a while they walked out of the karaoke bar and realized it's already lunch time. 

"Shall we eat lunch?" he said looking at his watch.

"Uh deh" Yuri nodded.




At a restaurant, Kyuhyun gently opened the door for Yuri. He also pulled out a chair for her.

"Thank you" Yuri said.

The husband finally sat in front of his wifey and aske for the menu.

"Should we eat meat?" he asked.


(Hosts' POV)

"Whoaa this guy is rich" Taeyeon said.

"He has purposed on buying meat, let's just see what is it" Sungmin said.

"Don't be such a negative, look he pulled out a chair for her, in our Chunji days you never pull out a chair for me" Sunny said.

(End of POV)


"Why do you want to eat meat?" Yuri said.

"I want my hyungs to get envy" Kyuhyun said.

Yuri just smiled and slightly laughed.

"Fine then, I'll make my unnies more jealous" Yuri said.


(Hosts' POV)

"I knew it, see, I knew it" Sungmin said.

"Noooo, he is influencing our Yuri, someone needs to stop him" Sooyoung said.

Then everyone laughed

(End of POV)


In a flash, their order came. Kyuhyun paid for it already so they can enjoy eating. You can only hear the sounds of their forks and knives rubbing at the plate. It was really a quiet meal until Yuri broke it.

"What's your favorite food Kyuhyun-sshi?" she asked.

"Uhmm, seafoods and meat" he replied.

"Oh chincha? I can cook one seafood dish but I don't know if it tastes good" Yuri chuckled.

"Jeongmal? Can you cook one for me?" 

"Ani, I 'm not sure if the taste is fine" 

"Please?" Kyuhyun pleaded.

"Arasso, I'll cook for you once" Yuri laughed.




The two continued to walk and to look around the place until they stopped by a gaming store.

"Waahhhh this is sooo cuuutteee" Yuri excitingly said.

"You want one?" Kyuhyun said.

Yuri nodded. Kyuhyun grabbed his coin and inserted it in the quantum game. Yuri was watching Kyuhyun carefully, she even dugged her face into the glass.

After a lot of concentration Kyuhyun got one and rejoiced just like a kid who got a candy.

"Whoaaa, you're really great" Yuri bowed like a princess.

"Thank you Yuri-sshi" Kyuhyun bowed like a prince.


(Hosts' POV)

"Soooooo cuuuutttteeeee" Sunny giggled.

"Kyuhyun is really unfair, he's like that to Yuri-sshi but to us, he's different" Eunhyuk said.

"He's a monster not a prince" Yesung said.

Then everyone laughed.

"Of course, Yuri is his wife so he's good to her, he needs to be good to her" Taeyeon said.

(End of POV)


The couple, after winning a stuff toy from the quantum game move on to their next destination. But on their way, Yuri received a text message from her manager.

"Eh? I got a message" Yuri said bringing out her phone.

Kyuhyun looked at the phone with their heads stuck together.

From: Manager-sshi

Yuri-ah we got a photoshoot for your album, I'll ask the van to pick you up, where are you?

"Ahhh, we got a photoshoot" 

"Can I come?" Kyuhyun said.

"Bwo? You will come?" Yuri said in shock that she stopped her texting.

"Why not?" Kyuhyun said.

"Ani, I'm shy, eottokhae?" Yuri continued her texting.

"I'll just watch you" Kyuhyun said.

"Ani, it's near dark, go home now" Yuri nagged.

"But I want to watch you" Kyuhyun pleaded.

"No, Kyuhyun-sshi go home now, Leeteuk oppa is looking for you" she pushed.

"I can take care of hyung" Kyuhyun insisted.

"No, it's bad to answer back your leader" Yuri said pushing Kyuhyun's back.


(Hosts' POV)

"That's Yuri, she's not yet influenced by Kyuhyun" Taeyeon said.

"Yuri-sshi is right Kyuhyun-ah, you should follow your wife" Eunhyuk said.

(End of POV)


Then the van came.

"I'll just wait 'till you stepped into the van" Kyuhyun said.

"Arasso" Yuri said then bowed.

Yuri entered the van, Kyuhyun waved at her as the van moved forward. 


(Kyuhyun's POV)

"I was really planning on still visiting her even though she said no, I always wanted to take a peek on their photoshoot but I wasn't able because I was busy with the promotions for our albums and such, since I am working on two groups, no three, Super Junior-M, Super Junior and Super Junior-KRY" 

(End of POV)


Kyuhyun walked home first and looked for Ryeowook.

"Hyung" he called.

Then all of Super Junior members looked at him, he smiled because his hyungs looked in unison.

"Why are you laughing?" Shindong asked.

"You look cute, all of you looking at the same time" Kyuhyun wouldn't stop laughing.

Then all his hyung continued on what they're doing.

"How's your date?" Leeteuk asked.

"It's fine" Kyuhyun answered.

Kyuhyun walked to the kitchen where Ryeowook was, cooking dinner.

"Ryeowook hyung, can I ask you a favor?" he said.

His hyung's eyes grew bigger, Kyuhyun doesn't ask for favors.

"Anything Kyu, just don't get me into a game I hate the most" Ryeowook said.

Kyuhyun slightly laughed and placed his arms on Ryeowook's shoulder.

"Can you cook for uhhmmm, 20 people or more?" Kyuhyun asked.

"Bwo 20 people? What do you think of me? Fast food cook?" Ryeowook said slicing the onions fast.

"Arasso, then let's make a bet" Kyuhyun said.

"Arasso, I'll cook now" Ryeowook said.

"What? But I'm just gonna say the game" Kyuhyun replied.

"I know, but I also know that I'm going to lose no matter how hard I try" 

Then Kyuhyun smiled. He watched Ryeowook cook and noticed that Ryeowook's sweat was dripping on his head, so he grabbed a handkerchief and wiped Ryeowook's sweat.

"Yah" Ryeowook said.

"The food, your sweat will fall into the food" Kyuhyun joked.




Yuri's make-up artists were already fixing her up. They put some make-up on her and after a while the dress she will wear came, she saw it and was surprised. 

"Whoaaaaa" she said.

The staff helped her wear the red y-looking dress. As they prepare for their photoshoot, a special guest arrived at the set.


(Yuri's POV)

"Are you surprised that someone special visited you?"

"Hh deh, I didn't expect that he would really come although I told him not to come but it's still sweet and childish, I like it" 

(End of POV)


"Yuri-ah we got a visitor" Jessica happily reported to Yuri.

Yuri looked to her back and was shocked to see somebody at the door.

"WHOAAAAAA" Yuri shouted.

It was her husband Kyuhyun, together with Ryeowook and they are holding a picnik basket.

"Annyeong" Kyuhyun shyly greeted.

"Annyeonghaseyo, sorry for crashing in" Ryeowook said.

"Oppa ganchana" Yoona said.

"What's that?" Tiffany tried to look inside the basket.

"Dinner" Ryeowook said.

"Great, we'll never get hungry" Taeyeon said.

Then Ryeowook helped Taeyeon to serve the food, while Kyuhyun was behind the camera,  watching Yuri's photoshoot.

Yuri although a little uncomfortable, did her best still, because she wanted to be professional. She can see Kyuhyun at the back of the photographer smiling at her. 




At the photoshoot, Kyuhyun was supporting his wife by clapping his hands and welcoming her.

"Wow, you're so great" Kyuhyun said.

Yuri and Kyuhyun looked at the result of the pictures, and both of them were surprised because it looked good. She admitted to herself that she was distracted by Kyuhyun's coming but still thankful that she succeded.



[Result of her Photoshoot]


After seeing the picture, Kyuhyun and Yuri did the "high five" with their two hands. 

The busy day ended and everyone went back to their dorms and homes to rest.


(Kyuhyun's POV)

"How was your first day?" 

"It's so fun, I mean it's my first time to ask Ryeowook hyung to cook for others because all the time I asked him to cook for me, and it's my first time to visit SNSD's Photoshoot so it was really fun watching our hoobaes work hard. And my favorite part of our first day is that I got her a bear using my own skills, and I got to watch her photoshoot" 

(End of POV)


(Yuri's POV)

"How was your first day?" 

"Fun, and Kyuhyun-sshi is soo childish to bring food to the set, I mean he even bother Ryeowook oppa just to cook food, and I'm so happy cause he got me a bear" 

I show off the bear to the camera, the bear Kyuhyun got me in the quantum game.

"Yeah, I realized Kyuhyun-sshi is so naughty and unstoppable" 

(End of POV)


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[WGM-KYURI] Guys, I need ideas~ I've been thinking about what to write, but I couldn't any ideas? Heeeeellllllpppppp meeeeeeee!!! XD


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Chapter 1: please update soon
yongseo14 #2
I want more kyuri moments!!! on the other shows like running man, invinsible youth and others!!!
heeyeonhwang #3
Chapter 1: I love~ this couple. Kyuhyun is my bias from SJ. So does Yuri.
I love Kyuri couple.
I'm wild orchid (Kyuri fans' name)
Kris-C25 #4
Chapter 27: it ended already </3 WAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

HADSIOJDOPAI-DIA9DO- <3 I'm going to read the chapters I haven't read since I've been away ;; lololol
Chapter 27: Cute little special episode :)
Chapter 27: Aww! Soo sad it ends here... Hope you'll make another fic about them. Kamsamhamnida too for making this couple alive! It's very hard to and very rare to find a KyuRi fic... ya'know SeoKyu's... but i dont hate them ^___^ more powers in your stories and soon to be stories...... 0^◇^0)/
Chapter 27: Awww~~ I really love this fic!! There isn't a lot of kyuri fanfics which make me sad so when I came across this it made me really happy!!! Thank you so much!! I hope you write a sequel or maybe a new kyuri fanfic!! Thank you so much ><
Chapter 27: Huwaaa!! Please make another KyuRi fanfic. Pleaseee. I beg you. ;)
Chapter 25: Sequel!!! Pretty Please!
Chapter 25: End already? I'LL surely miss this Fic T_T