Part 6: Confusing Feelings

Uni. Oneshot Series



Hakyeon's eyes widened, "Wonshik!," she exclaimed as the younger sat next to her on the floor. "What are you doing here? I thought you would be visiting Jaehwa by now?"


Wonshik looked sheepish for a moment, "About that....I don't think I should visit her so often anymore."


"But she's your friend! You can't just stop hanging out together."


He let out a long sigh, "I know, Noona. I just.......I don't think I can stand being around it anymore. I just need a break from all this until I can properly get back up on my feet again."


There was a long pause.


"How long?" Hakyeon breathed out.


Wonshik shrugged, "Don't know. But I hope it's not too long, I can't even stand being away from her for a minute."


"Then why do you do this to yourself?" It seemed more like advice for herself as her heart clenched painfully in her chest at the sight of his soft smile.


"Because I love her and she loves Taekwoon-hyung. I want to at least be able to control my feelings for her before they get too out of control. I don't want to ruin their relationship by having her know she's hurting my feelings in the process. She's too kind, kind enough to throw away her own happiness for mine but, I don't want that. I want Jaehwa to be happy even if that means distancing myself from her for awhile."


"But....wouldn't Jaehwa become unhappy at that?..You two are best friends"


Wonshik gave her another heart wrenching smile, "Maybe....but with Taekwoon around nowadays she barely notices me. I doubt she'll miss me..."


Hakyeon couldn't deny that she had heard Wonshik's voice crack at the end or the way she noticed the tears gently falling from his eyes. But she said nothing, not wanting to be dragged in anymore. She already hurt enough as it is.


However one person popped into her mind for a second. She wonders how much that person is feeling right now. If he's crying or going about his normal day? Maybe she doesn't want to know. Because it'll only hurt worse.


The door to the practice room creaked open, Hakyeon lifted her eyes to the mirror’s reflection seeing Hongbin walk through the door holding two drinks in his hands. He stopped upon seeing the two of them sitting there.


His gaze met her’s in the reflection, hurt and embarrassment apparent in his eyes. Hakyeon felt conflicted in that moment, Wonshik, her crush, had been talking to her privately and then...the man who has been filling up her thoughts lately showed up with refreshments just for the two of them. Hakyeon hadn’t been expecting Hongbin because of their talk just a few days ago but, she knows Hongbin wasn’t expecting Wonshik to be here either.


Hakyeon didn’t want to push Hongbin out but Wonshik probably wanted to talk privately with her about this. Hongbin backed away slowly, “Ah, I’m sorry. I’ll come back another time.”


Hakyeon stood up about to tell Hongbin to stay when Wonshik reacted first, “Hongbin, you can stay.”


The two looked over to Wonshik, who was smiling. Hakyeon watched Hongbin’s expression. He looked quite troubled, Hongbin knew of Hakyeon’s crush on Wonshik which might be the reason he had wanted to leave. But Hakyeon, she wanted Hongbin to stay, even if it might be awkward because of the confession. Hongbin had gone to the effort to visit her and bring drinks even after the rejection. Hongbin was a reliable friend she didn’t want to lose.


Hongbin looked over at her, as if asking for her permission. She nodded shortly, at that, Hongbin walked in and sat down in front of them, his back to the mirror.


Hakyeon sat down and the atmosphere now felt lighter than before. Hongbin handed a banana milk to her, the light brush of their fingers reminded her how warm it felt to hold his hand. Her cheeks grew warmer knowing Hongbin remember her favorite drink. Somehow she felt warm and giddy inside at this moment, which confused her even more.


“I got this for myself you want it, Wonshik?” Hongbin offered to the other. Hongbin had noticed how down Wonshik has seemed these past few days.


Wonshik shook his head, “No, you can have it.”


Hongbin didn’t like the sad smile and the obvious red eyes of Wonshik’s but he knew it would be rude to pry into the reason why. It had been obvious to him that Wonshik and Hakyeon had been discussing something but, he didn't want to know. He had no right to even be here when Hakyeon had rejected him just a few days ago.


But...he still believed in their friendship and he still hasn’t given up on winning her heart.


Hakyeon shifted a bit, holding the drink gently in her hands. Her mind swarmed with various thoughts and feelings, she didn’t know what to feel or think in this situation. She felt generally worried for Wonshik but also felt a little hopeful now that he was trying to move on. But then...her heart beats so rapidly around Hongbin and she feels so comfortable around him.


She wonders what her true feelings are towards them?



The first part of this was actually written a while back and the second part (around the time Hongbin comes in) was written just a few days ago. It was difficult writing this part because I had written down so many various ideas for this part and also because it was hard writing Hakyeon’s feelings on the situation, and Hongbin’s reaction to it all. I still hoped you all enjoyed reading it despite the way it’s written. I was going to go back and edit some parts but, I really think it’s good like this. This was actually originally supposed to be part 5 but I wanted to add in more story for Wonshik’s decision. I hope this was all okay.


I hoped you all enjoyed reading!


Thank you to everyone who reads, subscribes, and comments!


Comments are always appreciated!


For more side stories of this series, you can always read them at my writing tumblr blog, tales-from-blizzard-the-kat.  


Or you can always follow me at my personal tumblr, starlightkat24.

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KTsuki-chan #1
Chapter 16: It was cute and interesting to see their pov, and to see what happened before they met... I'm going to miss this ;-;
KTsuki-chan #2
Chapter 13: Whaaaaa so cute >_<
Happy ending~~ will miss them ;-;
missing_vixx #3
Chapter 13: The Luck at the end had so much fluff I can't stop myself from smiling... It's too beautiful! T^T Happy endings for everyone!
KTsuki-chan #4
Chapter 11: So sad it's going to end T-T
But happy Raken made up :3
KTsuki-chan #5
Chapter 10: Oooh... final couples~~~ wish them luck to confess~~
missing_vixx #6
Chapter 9: T^T That means Luck, Kenvi and Chabin for the ending? Poor Taekwoon but he did good in knocking sense into Wonshik's thick skull...
KTsuki-chan #7
Chapter 9: Haha, thank you Taekwoon for knowking some sense into Wonshik XD
Even if I started reading Keo before Raken, I still love Raken more x) my precious babieeees~~~
I'll wait for the next chapter~
missing_vixx #8
Chapter 8: @_@ oh my gosh, my heart.... Is this the start of some extremely complicated shift in relationship dynamics?
KTsuki-chan #9
Chapter 8: Aaaaaah time for some Raken now?? :D
Poor Taekwoon ╥﹏╥ I don't really know who I should support, since I love both couples.... (let's not choose I cheer for Wontaek XD //kidding//)
It's been a while by the way, so... welcome back (=^-ω-^=) but everyday, really?? You want my death, don't you?? X)