Part 5: Giving Up My Love For You

Uni. Oneshot Series

Wonshik softly smiles at the cheerful atmosphere pouring off of Jaehwa as she chatters on. His heart swells with joy knowing Jaehwa is more confident and independent now, not like the quiet and shy kid she was back then.


Her smiles had become more radiant and she glows like an angel underneath the sunlight. Wonshik only wished he was able to voice his feelings out loud and not have to hide them.


“How did you meet Taekwoon?” Wonshik asked, he hated to even bring up his name when it was his and Jaehwa’s bonding time but, he was quite curious. How did Jaehwa fall for a man other than him? What was so different about Taekwoon that she found comfort and love in him? Jaehwa, who has a hard time trusting others, had trusted Taekwoon with her heart. Why? Why wasn’t it him, who had been with Jaehwa almost her whole life? He had thought Jaehwa had trusted him but, he wasn’t so sure anymore.


“Taekwoon…” Jaehwa took a bite of her cake, the wind blowing her short hair gently. “Hakyeon is my roommate and I met him through her.” Jaehwa grinned happily at him, “At first, I wasn’t sure about him. He seemed cold...but once I got to know him and he opened his heart to me. I realized he understood me better than anyone else.”


“Better than me?”


It wasn’t meant to be said, the thoughts lingering in his head. But it was too late, he couldn’t take it back.


Wonshik bit his lip, watching carefully as Jaehwa’s expression turned apologetic. “Wonshik..” She placed the fork down on her now empty plate. The sun hid behind the clouds making everything seem heavier. “...I didn’t mean it that way. It’s just me and Taekwoon can relate to each other in ways you and I can’t. But that doesn’t mean you’re not important to me too. You’re my best friend, Wonshik, we’ve been through almost everything together. You’re both special people in my life. So please don’t take it the wrong way.”


Wonshik let out a forced laugh and smile to reassure her, “I’m just...happy for you, Jaehwa. You’re finally able to overcome your fears without me by your side. Taekwoon is a nice guy and I hope you two can become happy.”


Jaehwa thanked him with a wide grin not knowing the pain and effort it had taken him just to say those words. Just to speak without bursting into tears. Jaehwa didn’t need to know his feelings. What she needed now was her best friend to cheer her on and let her be happy. He was just glad Jaehwa had found someone she could trust that wasn’t him.


Jaehwa had spent her whole young life faking her smiles and happiness, depending on him to be there when she broke down. She couldn’t bring herself to trust anyone, not even the family who took her in. The only one she had trusted was Wonshik, her faithful friend who had been with her through all the hard times.


When Taekwoon had entered her life, she found something more than what Wonshik could give her. Taekwoon understood her feelings, where Wonshik could never understand. And she was glad Wonshik supported her now in her first love. Because she loves Taekwoon so much, that she wouldn't know what to do without him.  


“Thank you, Wonshik.”


His heart broke from the words. If it means Jaehwa will be happy then maybe he should give up his feelings. It’ll hard but it’ll be worth it in the end to see Jaehwa’s genuine smile. That’s why...he should take a break for awhile from her. To overcome his feelings for her.



I finally finished reading/studying this very long chapter for my art history class today, and I had finished writing this part a day or two ago, so I thought I would upload this today. Part 5 was originally supposed to be the now Part 6. I ended up adding in this scene for part 5 instead since I realized I don’t have much scenes with these two in it and wanted to show more of their friendship. The next part should be up shortly since I finished part 6 on the same day.


I hoped you all enjoyed reading!


Thank you to everyone who reads, subscribes, and comments!


Comments are always appreciated!


For more side stories of this series, you can always read them at my writing tumblr blog, tales-from-blizzard-the-kat.  

Or you can always follow me at my personal tumblr, starlightkat24.

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KTsuki-chan #1
Chapter 16: It was cute and interesting to see their pov, and to see what happened before they met... I'm going to miss this ;-;
KTsuki-chan #2
Chapter 13: Whaaaaa so cute >_<
Happy ending~~ will miss them ;-;
missing_vixx #3
Chapter 13: The Luck at the end had so much fluff I can't stop myself from smiling... It's too beautiful! T^T Happy endings for everyone!
KTsuki-chan #4
Chapter 11: So sad it's going to end T-T
But happy Raken made up :3
KTsuki-chan #5
Chapter 10: Oooh... final couples~~~ wish them luck to confess~~
missing_vixx #6
Chapter 9: T^T That means Luck, Kenvi and Chabin for the ending? Poor Taekwoon but he did good in knocking sense into Wonshik's thick skull...
KTsuki-chan #7
Chapter 9: Haha, thank you Taekwoon for knowking some sense into Wonshik XD
Even if I started reading Keo before Raken, I still love Raken more x) my precious babieeees~~~
I'll wait for the next chapter~
missing_vixx #8
Chapter 8: @_@ oh my gosh, my heart.... Is this the start of some extremely complicated shift in relationship dynamics?
KTsuki-chan #9
Chapter 8: Aaaaaah time for some Raken now?? :D
Poor Taekwoon ╥﹏╥ I don't really know who I should support, since I love both couples.... (let's not choose I cheer for Wontaek XD //kidding//)
It's been a while by the way, so... welcome back (=^-ω-^=) but everyday, really?? You want my death, don't you?? X)