Tonight Belongs To Us

Baby, Let's Cruise

The gifs are supposed to relate to the stories, but I don't think I'm doing a very good job with that.

There's no prompt for this one, but the backstory for it is that they're working on the same show and they're filming on location so the cast and crew are staying at a hotel. I couldn't figure out where to write that into the story so I'll just put it up here. It starts off from Sungyeol's perspective and then suddenly switches to Myungsoo's because I forgot about consistency. This is on the shorter side, but I still feel like I got carried away.



The smile drops from Sungyeol's face as soon as the door to the hotel room opens. His eyes shift to the numbers on the door behind the man-who-is-definitely-not-Myungsoo's head to make sure he has the right room. This isn't something he'd planned for. He's supposed to sweep his boyfriend off of his feet with a spontaneous and romantic night. Not embarrass himself in front of some stranger.

"Can I help you," the man asks. If he recognizes Sungyeol he doesn't show it. (Sungyeol is admittedly a little disappointed.)

The more Sungyeol looks at him (gapes, really), the more familiar his face gets. He's seen him before somewhere. "Is this your room?" He feels as stupid as his question sounds. Of course, this is his room; why else would he be standing in it?

The man cracks a small smile. "Yeah, sort of. You must be looking for Myungsoo." Sungyeol nods shyly, hoping the blush dusting his cheeks isn't too noticeable. He starts a bit when the man cranes his neck back into the room and calls out to Myungsoo. Is he always that loud?

Myungsoo's answer comes muffled presumably by the bathroom door. After a couple more seconds the man himself appears. He's uselessly adjusting his still-damp bangs, a hand towel draped across his neck. He freezes at the sight of Sungyeol and lets out a weird half-croak half-squeak. In any other situation the way Myungsoo nearly trips over his own feet as he hurries across the room would be hilarious, but in this particular situation Sungyeol's too stunned to do anything besides stare. Pulling the towel from around his neck, Myungsoo tosses it to his (apparent) roommate before pushing him back and stepping out of the room. He waits to say anything until he's sure the door is completely shut.

"What the hell are you doing here," he hisses, glancing down either end of the hallway for possible witnesses.

Sungyeol had had a seductive response to that question prepped, but a realization comes to him before he can try to remember it. "Was that your boss?"

Myungsoo's eyes double in size as he makes another strangled sound. "Oh my God, that was my boss. I just shoved my boss. I'm so fired." He covers his face with both hands and groans. The comforting hand Sungyeol rubs on his back isn't very comforting.

"Just out of curiosity, what was your boss doing in your room this late at night?"

With a sigh, Myungsoo drops his hands and stares dejectedly at the floor. "There was a mix-up when they were booking the rooms and they ended up giving us the same room. They didn't have any other rooms available so..." He shrugs, finally bringing his eyes up to meet Sungyeol's. "I wasn't expecting you to show up."

"Well, I didn't want to know which room you were in just because," Sungyeol replies cheekily. He catches Myungsoo's hand when he swats at him and smiles down at him. "You could always stay with me tonight."

"You're not worried about what people might say?"

Sungyeol shrugs, taking both of Myungsoo's hands in his own. "They can say whatever they want."

The offer is tempting. Even though they're working together it's not like they get to spend a lot of time with each other. There's always at least one person in the way. Myungsoo would like nothing more than to wrap himself around Sungyeol as they lay in bed together and slowly drift off to sleep. It's not like they're trying to hide their relationship; if no one asks then they don’t say anything either way. But this isn't a vacation. They're still technically working and Myungsoo still wants to at least pretend like he’s keeping his work and his personal life separate.

"I don't know if—" As if he had already been expecting the rejection, Sungyeol cuts Myungsoo off with a press of his lips. Any thoughts of where they are or who could see them are very far away from Myungsoo's brain. Even though it’s only been a couple days, it feels like they haven’t done this in weeks. Somehow while working together they’ve managed to spend less time with each other than before. All he can think is that Sungyeol is kissing him and he doesn't want him to stop. But the other does just that as Myungsoo moves to pull him closer. "You're not playing fair," he huffs. He’s too frustrated to be embarrassed by his whiny tone.

Sungyeol leans in to kiss him again in response, a smile pulling up the corners of his mouth. “Stay with me tonight,” he says next to Myungsoo’s ear. It’s hard to tell if it’s a question or a plea; it sounds about the same.

Myungsoo doesn’t think the third kiss is necessary. He has every intention of saying yes, but he lets Sungyeol kiss him anyway. He pulls away first, bringing a hand up to Sungyeol’s neck to keep him close. “I don’t think I could say no if I wanted to.”

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miyuyeol #1
Chapter 14: Great for a first try! Can they handle a video-chat? ㅋㅋ
Chapter 13: Awww its so sweet
Chapter 13: soooo sweettttt!
myung-yeollipop #4
Chapter 13: awwhh.. Myungsoo, why u so sweet? <3
Chapter 11: Sappy af and I'M LOVING IT!!!
dontworryandcomeback #6
Chapter 11: this is so cute... ^^
Chapter 11: A cute story
wintersugar #8
Chapter 10: I'm squealing just imagining Myungyeol in a domestic setting. I needed the fluff. Thank you for this! :D
Chapter 10: SO CUTE!

I absolutely adore this!