Chapter 7

At The End of This Road, You Must Love Me

Kikwang sighed in frustration as his eyes automatically followed her as she made her way through the crowd. Even though there was a massive amount of people around, his eyes never lost sight of her. He felt his hands ball up into fists and forced himself to look away. When he was sure she was most likely gone, he allowed himself to look over at the path she used. She walked down that path every day, as far as he could tell. He had been watching her like this for a week and he felt disgusted. He glanced at his watched and sighed once again. His leg started to shake as he waited for the person he was supposed to be here for. He felt a small tap on his shoulder and looked up, seeing Min standing over him. Kikwang stood up and before she could say anything, he had already grabbed her hand and was dragging her off towards the school entrance.

“Kikwang-ah what’s wrong?” she asked as she tried to get Kikwang to loosen his grip.

“Nothing” he replied and quickened his pace.

Kikwang continued to keep her close as possible as they walked to the bus stop. This had become a habit for the past couple days but today he was even more desperate to escape the campus. He felt as though he was losing touch with reality. All he thought about was Hyosung. He saw her every day and even though he told himself not to come to the campus, he could never stay away. It was as though he lived just for the thrill of seeing her. He was in a complete trance when it came to Hyosung.

“Kikwang-ah, it’s our stop.”

He snapped his head up and saw Min pulling him out of the bus seat. He didn’t even realize he was even on a bus. He followed her out and grabbed her hand once more. She tried to pull away but he only tightened his grip and made his way towards their apartment. Once inside, she pulled away from him and dropped her things on the coffee table, making her way towards the kitchen. Kikwang followed behind her, his breathing quickening. He wrapped his arms around her but she merely pushed him away. He didn’t back off and just trapped her against the counter.

“Kikwang-ah…not today” she said in an annoyed voice.

Kikwang didn’t listen and slipped his hand down her shorts. She sighed as her shorts were pulled down. She placed her hands on the counter to support their weight as Kikwang leaned more onto her body. She felt her underwear slip down to her knees and in an instant, he was already pumping inside her. She swallowed the moan that wanted to escape . She gripped the counter and closed her eyes. She didn’t want to enjoy it. He had done this every day for the past week and every time he seemed desperate. She had grown tired of it. It was as though he was trying to use her to escape something, though she didn’t know what.


“Something wrong?”

Kikwang looked up and was surprised to see Joon looking down at him. Kikwang sat up from his laying position on the stage.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just a little tired” he replied.

Joon sat down next to him and watched as their feet dangled above the ground.

“You seem worried about something. Things okay with you and your girlfriend?”

Kikwang nodded.


Kikwang looked at Joon but all that flashed in his mind was that Joon had Hyosung. Kikwang clenched his teeth as he looked away. He hated thinking of her. He just couldn’t understand why she haunted him.

“I want to ask a favor Kikwang-ah.”

Kikwang looked over to Joon.

“What is it hyung?”

Joon rubbed the back of his neck.

“The boss said I’m working as the main bouncer tonight, which means I will be outside. Hyosung-ah is supposed to be coming tonight. I’d appreciate it if you looked out for her while she is inside. She tends to attract a lot of guys.”

Kikwang swore his heart beat could be heard by everyone around them. He hid his emotions and merely nodded.

“No problem hyung.”

Joon smiled.

“Thanks Kikwang-ah.”


If Kikwang didn’t hate her enough, she had just increased his hatred for her by 100%. He had been watching the entrance all night to see if he spotted her and when Hyosung finally walked in, he almost lost it. He hated to admit it but she looked stunning with her hair curled and her little golden dress. She had walked in with another girl and smiled widely as she was pulled towards the dance floor by her friend. He watched her intently from his spot at the bar. She danced with a smile even though she moved her body in a y way. He felt his fist clench up once more and forced himself to tear his eyes away from her. He focused on his work. He chatted with the guys and flirted with the girls just to keep his mind occupied.  He was doing fine until he looked up and saw the girl who had walked in with Hyosung. She smiled at him.

“Let me get a margarita!” she yelled out.

Kikwang nodded.

“Anything else?” he asked as he took out the tequila.

She turned to look behind and Kikwang watched as she pulled Hyosung out from the crowd and pushed her towards the bar. He froze as he saw her up close. She looked at him and smiled from the surprise.

“Kikwang-ah” she said and waved at him.

He wanted to smile but instead just nodded and looked seriously at her.

“Anything to drink?”

She pouted as she thought and then nodded.

“A Cass beer.”

Kikwang quickly served them their drinks and they thanked him. Hyosung waved goodbye to him and that caused him to stare at her once more. She was driving him insane. He watched as they both made their way towards an empty table and chatted. He handed a guy a beer and then looked back over to the table, stopping when he saw Hyosung sitting alone but he caught her looking at him and quickly turning away when he looked at her. He smirked against his will and watched her avoid looking at him. He scanned the dance floor and saw her friend dancing with a guy. He looked back at Hyosung and saw her drink her beer. He found it cute as she sipped her beer and smacked her lips after every drink.  Minutes passed and when he finally looked at her again, she was gone and he panicked. He looked over to the dance floor but he didn’t see her. He looked back to the table but saw nothing. Just when he was about to look for her, he spotted her making her way towards him. She pushed her way through the crowd and finally arrived at the bar. He stared at her in amusement. She avoided his eyes as she stared at the alcohol behind him.

“Want another beer?” he asked.

“A bottle of soju.”

He looked at her in surprise before he handed her the bottle. She sat down on a stool and began to drink. He noticed she didn’t look at him and just stared at the dance floor. He went back to work.



Kikwang looked up and saw the girl who came in with Hyosung.

“I’m Hyuna” she said before she pointed over to Hyosung who was currently dancing with a guy. Kikwang resisted the urge to narrow his eyes.

“I have to go but Hyosung-unnie doesn’t want to leave yet. Please make sure she goes home with Joon-oppa.”

Then just like that, she left and he had a bitter taste in his mouth.

‘Please make sure she goes home with Joon-oppa.’

He felt his jaw clench at the thought of Joon and Hyosung spending the night together. He quickly looked to the left as he heard a giggle. He saw Hyosung straighten her dress before she sat down on a stool.

“Having fun?” he asked with a bitter tone.

She smiled widely and smiled before she looked around.

“Your friend just left. Joon-hyung will take you home.”

“Do you know…you’re very handsome?”

Kikwang paused in his actions and looked at her with a serious face. She was blushing now and was biting her lip in embarrassment.

“You’re drunk” he simply said and turned to talk to the other bartender.

“My shift is over. I’m taking off.”

Kikwang walked out from behind the bar and up to Hyosung. He grabbed her by her arm, ignoring the spark of electricity that rushed through his body when he touched her skin. He pulled her along through the crowds of people. He ignored the stares they got, especially from the guys who were staring at Hyosung. He tightened his grip on her arm and finally made it to the entrance. He searched for Joon and sighed in relief when he didn’t see him. He pulled Hyosung out of the club and quickly walked down the street. Hyosung stopped walking, tugging her arm from his grasp. He stopped and looked at her. She looked around at the empty street before she finally looked at him and it seemed that this little interaction had sobered her up.

Their eyes locked an intense gaze.

“I-I should go back to Joonie” she said and started to walk back.

Kikwang didn’t know what had come over him. Maybe it was because she was so beautiful, maybe it was her smile, or maybe it was because ever since she walked into his life, he couldn’t stop thinking about her, but at that very moment, he reached out and yanked her back to him. She gasped as he pulled her further away from the club and down the street.

“Kikwang-ah! What are you doing? Please let go.”

She pulled and pulled but he only continued to drag her along.

“Where do you live?” he asked, completely ignoring her.

She continued to object to him but it wasn’t until she finally placed her hand over his that he finally reacted. The sudden contact sent another surge of electricity through his body. He stopped and turned to her. He tugged her arm but she refused to move. He suddenly picked her up in his arms and continued to walk.

“Kikwang-ah, please put me down! You can’t just do something like this! Yah!!”

He continued to ignore her and she continued to struggle against his touch, which even though he didn’t know it, sent shivers throughout her body. He finally reached the bus stop and put her down. She refused to look at him and he refused to look away from her. He hated her right now, more than he thought he could ever hate anyone in his life. She waltzed into his life and corrupted his mind and poisoned his heart. He no longer thought of Min and whenever he was with her, he thought of the woman in front of him. He was completely baffled at how she managed to claw into his thoughts and mind, making him into someone like this. It didn’t make sense in his mind. He wasn’t supposed to feel like this, not for someone who wasn’t Min and definitely not for someone he hardly knew. He had been so set on having Min and being happy with her. Yet, he was confused whenever he looked at either one of them. He saw both of them within the same person and sometimes he wasn’t even sure which one he was talking to.


She finally looked up at him with her bright eyes and a little piece of him died because those eyes caused a reaction in him that even Min had never caused. Regardless of what he felt, he smirked at her and she looked away.

“What? Am I making you uncomfortable?” he asked as he leaned down to catch her eyes.

She avoided his eyes.

“Yes” she answered and moved away from him.

He smirked a little more and stepped closer to her.

“You should smile. You look even more beautiful when you smile.”

That caught her off guard and she turned to stare at him.

“W-what?...You shouldn’t say those kinds of things.”

He reached out his hand and was about to touch her but he pulled back at the last moment. She seemed to want to speak but couldn’t find the words. She looked troubled but her eyes told a different story.

“You know, I think you liked what I just said.”

She frowned at him.

“No I didn’t” she replied and crossed her arms.


He reached out and grabbed her arms, pushing her back against the bus stop stall. She reacted by grabbing his arms, tightening her grip when she hit the stall. He leaned down, close to her face and took in her scent and the way she was looking at him. She wasn’t afraid or even angry. It seemed that she was just waiting.

“You have made my life a living hell. When I first saw you, I couldn’t take my eyes off you and I enjoyed your presence.”

He paused to take in her expression and he was pleased to see a little bit of surprise spread across her face.

“Then…you started to invade my thoughts. I can’t stop thinking about you.”

“Stop saying nonsense” she replied as she challenged him with a stare.

Kikwang ignored her.

“When I touch Min, I touch you. When I kiss her, I kiss you…and when I’m inside her, I’m inside you” he whispered out, raising his hand to touch her face.

She pushed him away forcefully.

“You have no idea what you’re talking about! Just leave now and I will forget this ever happened. Joonie won’t have to find out.”

Kikwang frowned as she mentioned him. He clenched his jaw and stepped up to her, trapping her in a corner of the stall.

“Does Joon-hyung know that you like me?”

Hyosung gasped, and her heart raced against her will.

“What are you talking about?! I like Joonie. I’m his girlfriend and he is my boyfriend!”

Kikwang wanted to laugh. He wanted nothing more than to joke but he couldn’t. He didn’t know what had just come over him but he grabbed Hyosung, forcing her to look at him.

“Back at the club, you looked at me with a different spark in your eyes than you have ever used to look at Joon-hyung. You even said I was handsome. Look me in the eyes and tell me truthfully that you don’t feel anything for me, not even in the least. Tell me.”

They stared at each other and she was breathing heavily. She wanted to tell him off and to say that he was wrong but as she looked him his eyes, she couldn’t help her soaring heartbeat.  They both stayed silent, not moving and not looking away. Kikwang chuckled very softly and finally let her go. She hugged her arms around herself, looking away from him in shame.

“If only I could hold you” he said and lifted up her chin so she would look at him.

She watched him with expectant eyes but he merely stared at her. They seemed to be doing nothing but that. He sincerely smiled at her for the first time that night.

“Why are you restricting yourself so suddenly?” she asked.

He touched her cheek and then pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear.

“Because even though there is something going on here between us, we belong to other people. People we don’t want to let go of or hurt.”

With that, he pulled away and turned his back to her. He froze when he spotted Joon walking towards them.  Joon spotted Kikwang and quickly ran over, a sigh of relief escaping him when he saw Hyosung.

“Hyosung-ah! I was very worried. Hyuna-yah texted me and said she left earlier but when I went to look for you, you were gone.”

Kikwang plastered a smile on his face.

“We tried to look for you too but you weren’t at the entrance. I offered to walk Hyosung-ah to the bus stop, hyung.”

Joon smiled and went over to wrap an arm around Hyosung. She didn’t take her eyes off Kikwang but smiled anyway.

“I’m glad I caught you before you left” said Joon.

Kikwang looked away and cleared his throat.

“Well, I’ll be going now” he said and waved goodbye before he walked away from them, a frown replacing his fake smile.

Hyosung watched him walk away with a sad look. Even though he was considerate enough not to force himself on her because they were involved with other people, she couldn’t help but feel like she betrayed Joon. She waited silently as the bus rolled up and they got on. There were a lot of people on the bus for some reason even though it was now early morning. Joon let her sit in an available chair while he stood over her, chatting away about what kind of stuff happened at his job today. As he smiled at her, she felt even guiltier because all she could see was Kikwang and all she could hear was Kikwang. She bent her head and cried silently.

‘I’m so sorry, Joonie’ she thought.


OH. MY. BOJANGLES!!!! It’s finally out and in the open!!! Hyosung and Kikwang now recognize their feelings for each other!!! GAAAH!!! Even though I wrote this, my heart was thumping at the bus stop scene! My depression has just started. My poor Lee Joon-ssi Lovely and Min and everyone else! The suffering will be horrible. My heart…it breaks!!!....or will be breaking soon enough! I tried to make Kikwang very dark and just plain scary but I have no idea if it worked XD

*********Chapter song inspiration time!!! This song is amazing. I love the theme and how crazy someone can get when it comes to someone they love. G-Dragon can be my stalker anytime!

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Chapter 18: yaaaayyyyy<3 i'm in love with this story!!
Chapter 1: Oh. I thought it was Hyuna. oops.

I mean, Hyuna's a good dancer
Chapter 9: I've read this story before and
I wanted to read it again because I really LOVE
This Story !>.< Ahhhhhh I soud so lame hahahaha:)
Chapter 18: Three words: LOVED THIS STORY!^_^
Chapter 17: And ofcouse lee joons plan was genious! So devious^^
And so happy that hyosung and lee joon are speaking again;-)
Chapter 17: The kikwang part was Soo funny i could just imagine it!:-D i had to muffel my laugh because its in the middel of the night here and my mother and baby bother are sleeping....
Chapter 15: What a cute chapter! Loving kisung minki and soon to be joonA!
And my Joker is so smart! :-D
Chapter 13: Joon was so brave for doing that and being so calm while talking to kikwang!
I couldnt help but feel sorry for joon when hyosung said yes to kikwang...but dont get me wrong im a huge kisung shipper!!
Love the HyunA and Junhyung part couldnt help but find it cute^^
Chapter 12: Aigoo this chapter made me cry like a litlke baby >_<
My heart just broke for all of them!! And HyunA is soo sweet for doing all of that for joob!! And im happy that kikwang and minie ended on good terms... And joon and hyosungs ending was soo... Heartbreaking!! :-\ :'(