Chapter 4

At The End of This Road, You Must Love Me

He smiled widely, his teeth gleaming and his famous eye smile came out. She looked away. His killer eye smile was too much for her to handle. She focused her attention on her book to try and stop herself from staring at him. She read the lines but all she could think about was his smile. She sighed in frustration and pulled at her hair.

“Yah! Don’t do that.”

She froze as she felt a hand over hers. She slowly looked up and saw him in kneeling down in front of her. She wanted to say something but felt like it had closed up and had stopped working. He smiled at her and managed to unhinge her fingers from her hair. He patted her hair down and then sat down in the seat next to hers. She gawked at him and he laughed at her expression.

“Am I that good looking? Stop staring or I might start to blush.”

She looked away so quickly that it caught him off guard. He rested his head on his hand and looked at her as she stared down at her book. He lightly kicked the desk but she didn’t look up. He kicked it once more and then another time until she finally looked up. He smiled at her slightly annoyed face.

“Lee Min-young…I like you…”


Min looked over with a startled expression. She looked at her surroundings and then realized she was in Kikwang’s apartment, much to her relief.  She looked at him and saw him standing over, looking at her with a worried expression.

“Are you okay?” he asked as he pulled on a shirt.

“Yeah, I was just thinking about something” she replied as she stood up from the bed and started collecting her books.

Kikwang smiled as he came closer.

“Were you thinking about me?”

She looked at him and immediately noticed his eye smile. She smiled at Kikwang and just shook her head.

“No, I was thinking about my test that I have in a few hours.”

Kikwang pouted at her response before he took her books into his arms.

“We better hurry or you won’t catch the bus” he said as he grabbed a sweater and her book bag.

Min watched him and couldn’t help but smile. She followed him out of the apartment and watched him struggle to get everything done. She reached out to take her bag but he blocked her hand by clasping his hand over hers. She followed behind Kikwang as he quickly made his way down the stairs. They managed to make it to the bus stop just in time to see the bus pulling up to the sidewalk. Kikwang let go of her hand and quickly put her book bag on her shoulders and handed her a sweater.

“Yah! I’m not a little kid” she as she slung the sweater over her shoulder.

Kikwang chuckled as smiled.

“I know, but as your boyfriend, I should be doing this sort of thing anyway.”

Then he leaned in and kissed her and though both of their instincts told them to go at it, they had to resist the urge. He pulled away from her and stood back. She turned and stepped into the bus. She sat quickly sat next to a window and looked out towards him. He waved his hand and she responded with the same gesture.

Min shook her head as the bus pulled away from the curb. She wanted to pull her hair but resisted the urge. She slouched back against her seat and rolled her eyes at herself.

“Get it together Min! You will see him after school, just wait! ” she yelled at herself.

She didn't know how she ended up like this. She took out her phone and immediately touched it to turn it on. Once it was on, she stared at her background picture. Kikwang stared back at her with his famous eye smile. She sighed at herself.


Hyosung sighed as she glanced up at the chalk board saw the many math problems already written there. She wanted this class to be over as soon as possible so she could go home. Ever since Hyuna and Joon moved here over two weeks ago, she didn’t have the desire to attend class. She just wanted to be with them and spend her time goofing around with them. She felt her phone vibrate and quickly looked at it. She smiled widely as she saw a message from Joon. She quickly opened it.

“Why aren’t you paying attention to the teacher?” it read, causing her to smile.

She looked at the door and sure enough, she saw his eyes peering at her. She quickly texted him back.

“Because I’m thinking about a BOY” she replied.

A sudden thud against the door startled everyone in the classroom. The teacher quickly opened the door but found no one outside. Hyosung bit her bottom lip to stop herself from laughing. She checked her phone and was amazed at how many messages she had.

*6 Unread Messages*

“A BOY!?”

“Are you crazy!?”

“Who is he?! Tell me!!!”

“Answer me!!”

“Hyosung-ah….I hit my head”

“It really hurts!”

Hyosung laughed softly.

“Okay, have a nice weekend. I’ll see you all next week" said the math teacher as he dismissed the class.

Hyosung quickly gathered her books and made her way out of the classroom. Once outside, she looked around for Joon but found no sign of him.

“Down here.”

She looked down for the source of the voice and found Joon crouching down in a corner. She rolled her eyes before she crouched down in front of him. She patted his head softly.

“This is why you should control your emotions. I was only joking with you…dummy” she said.

Joon sighed and rubbed his head as he stood up.

“I’ll walk you home before I go to my job.”

Hyosung simply nodded and they started walking.

“Is Hyuna working late tonight?” he asked.

Hyosung nodded.

“Yeah, the restaurant gets busy around this time and so they asked her to work a double shift.”

Joon shook his head.

“She should have just stayed back home and finished going to college.”

Hyosung lightly pushed him.

“Yah, leave her alone. She just didn’t want to be left behind. We’ve been together for a while and we’re her only family now.”

“Yeah I guess I can’t be mad at her for that” he replied as he rubbed his arm.

She pouted as she saw the action and he only smiled at her.

“It doesn’t hurt. I’m just joking” he said.

Hyosung almost pushed him again but decided against it. She knew she hit hard but he never seemed to mind when she got carried away and hit him.

They walked in a comfortable silence until they reached Hyosung’s apartment.

“We’re here” she said and turned to him.

They stood looking at each other.

“Well, I guess I should go then….bye bye” he said and turned away.

Hyosung watched him go, not moving an inch as he slowly walked away from her. He suddenly stopped and turned back around. They stared at each other once more. Joon opened his mouth to say something but he couldn’t make the words come out. She couldn’t say anything either. The cold breeze swept past them and seemed to want to push them closer. Finally, she spoke.

“Do you want something to eat before you go to work?”

Joon let out a soft chuckle and rubbed his neck.

“Maybe we could go out and eat something?”

Hyosung cleared and shyly smiled.

“Okay. Should we go to a café?” she asked and looked around.

Joon nodded and made his way back to her.

“I don’t know the area, so I’ll follow you.”

She grabbed his arm and started to pull him along. He stared down to where her small hand rested. She was clutching his wrist, her small fingers barely closing around it. He smiled at the contact and just stayed silent. He didn’t want to ruin the moment. It wasn’t until he bumped into her that he finally realized he had been lost in his own world. He looked up and found himself in a small café. He looked to Hyosung and smiled as she stared at the menu. He came up behind her.

“Do they have hamburgers?” he asked.

She eagerly nodded and he smirked. Hyosung loved hamburgers.

“Okay, then let’s sit down and eat. I’m really hungry" he said.

They quickly sat down in a small booth and a waitress came over to them.

“Can I get you anything?” she asked her eyes immediately going towards him.

“Two hamburgers with fires and two strawberry milkshakes” he said and looked over to Hyosung.

She smiled, and the waitress frowned but took the order and left. Hyosung looked at Joon.

“She liked you. She couldn’t stop staring at you. Couldn’t you have at least paid a little attention to her?”

Joon blinked in utter confusion.

“What? She was staring at me?! Why?”

Hyosung shook her head and rolled her eyes.

“Never mind, you’re too innocent for your own good” she said and laughed.

“Yah, did you just call me dumb!?”

Hyosung rolled her eyes once more but couldn’t help smiling.


Kikwang smiled as she entered the apartment and dropped her things on his couch.

“Yah, shorty…this isn’t your home” he teased.

She smirked and made her way towards him.

“You have food” she replied and kissed him before she ran off into the kitchen.

He followed her into the kitchen and saw her taking out some left overs and putting them in the microwave. He sat back and watched as she waited patiently for her food to heat up. It was moments like this that made him love her more. She didn’t have to be y or desirable all the time. He liked the moments when she was just human and he loved that he was the main one who saw her like this. He stepped out of the kitchen and started to gather her things into a neat pile. She never stayed for long and whenever she did stay for a bit, it was just to eat. He couldn’t help but smirk a little with a bitter taste in his mouth. Sometimes he took advantage of her and forced her to stay. She never could refuse him when his hands were all over her.

“Kikwang-ah, do you have any soy sauce for this rice?”

He nodded and pointed to a cupboard and she immediately found it. He watched her as she struggled to reach it. Just when he was about to head over, she managed to grab it and turned to give him a victory smile. He almost laughed. She was just too cute for words. He continued to straighten out his apartment, wanting to leave it in a clean condition before he headed to work. After a while he heard the clang of dishes and the sound of the water running and before long, he felt her arms wrap around his waist.

“I’m going now.”

He felt the tug on his heart and resisted the urge to sigh.

She let him go and quickly gathered her things. She made her way to the door but he called out to her before she could open it.

“Let’s live together.”

She froze at those words and slowly turned around to face him.

“What?” she asked in shock.

She could see he was serious by the way he looked at her.

“I’m tired of only seeing you on certain days. I want you to move in with me. I know it's a big step, but I'm ready to take it.”

She could feel his nervousness all the way from across the room. She stayed silent for a long time and he became discouraged.

“I’m sorry I brought it up” he said and turned his face away from her.

She gulped down the ball of emotions in and then made her way towards him. She stood in front of him and he was forced to look at her.

“Let’s live together" she said.

He snapped his head towards her.


She nodded and broke out into a smile.

“I want to live with you.”

Kikwang couldn’t hide his happiness. He pulled her into his arms. It felt right to him. To be with her felt right.She also felt it. She knew it was right. She wanted to be with Kiwkang all the time and this was her chance. She hugged him close to her.


“Oh, it’s snowing” voiced Joon as he stepped outside.

He turned to Hyosung and she smiled at the snow.

“It’s pretty” she said.

Joon’s eyes softened as he saw her staring at the snow with a peaceful look. He nudged her and she looked his way.

“Let’s get going before it starts falling heavily.”

He reached out and grabbed her hand, his heart racing as he felt her soft skin pressing against his. He walked in front, afraid to look at her at the moment. He wanted to feel her hand in his for a little while longer and he knew it would be impossible to accomplish if he looked at her. The snow continued to fall around them and it was getting colder. He felt her shiver. He stopped and pulled off his jacket and draped it over her shoulders. She was about to protest but he just put a finger to his lips and then grabbed her hand once again and continued their walk. It was a silent walk and by the time they made it back to her apartment complex, they didn’t know what to say. Hyosung reached for his jacket but he quickly stopped her hands.

“Keep it on” he said and looked at her.

He felt the surge of happiness as he saw her wearing his clothes.

She smiled at him.

“It’s getting late Joonie. You need to get to work.”

Joon sighed heavily and nodded.

“You’re right. Go up first and then I’ll leave.”


She stepped forward and hugged him goodbye and at that moment, Joon felt his hands move on their own. As Hyosung made the move to pull away, Joon’s hands reached out and grabbed the sleeves of his jacket, grabbing her arms. She looked at him in surprise. He tightened his hold by just a little bit and he found himself looking into her eyes.


Joon couldn’t help but blush at the way she said his name. He had gone too far and now, he couldn’t stop himself.

“Hyosung, I love you. I see you as a woman…my woman. I just needed to tell you."

The words cam out so quickly that Hyosung almost did not understand them. Yet, when she realized what he had said, to say that she was shocked was an understatement. She felt her jaw drop. Joon was completely serious.

When he saw that she didn’t respond, he let his hands fall.

“I’m sorry.”

He felt like an idiot. He had just dropped a bomb on Hyosung. He was mentally slapping himself for his stupidity.

Then, something pressed against his lips and he looked down and saw Hyosung…kissing him. He pulled away quickly and screamed.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” he screamed.

Her eyes widened at his reaction. He pointed a finger at her.

“You….you were kissing….kissing me?” he asked in disbelief.

Hyosung blushed so much that her face looked like a tomato.

Joon gently touched his lips with his fingertips.

“You kissed me” he whispered.

Hyosung cast an embarrassed look over at him.

“Why did you kiss me?”

His voice came out in a whisper filled with agony. He couldn’t take it. He didn’t want a kiss from her if it was filled with pity.

Hyosung came a bit closer and finally managed to look him in his eyes.

“I like you Joonie.”

“Did you know how much I was worried?!”

Hyosung flinched as Joon screamed at her. She heard him knock something over but she was too afraid to look at him.

“I’m sorry” she whispered and he scoffed.

“Sorry?! YOU’RE SORRY?! THAT’S IT?!?! I thought something happened to you. Where did you go?!”

She remained silent.

“WHERE DID YOU GO!?!” he asked again, throwing his things on the floor.

She refused to speak.

“Were you planning on running away again? HUH?! Talk to me!”

Hyosung felt her tears run down her cheeks.

“I’m sorry, Joon-ah. I just didn’t want to be a burden.”

Her sobs made him stop screaming and he sighed. He quietly pulled her into his arms and hugged her, letting her cry.

“Idiot, you’re not a burden. I was the one who told you to stay with me.”

She continued to cry and he patted her back.

“Don’t ever try to run away again, you hear me? I will chase you wherever you go.”

He pulled away and then bent down to see her eyes. She watched him as he came closer and felt her heart start to tremble within her chest. He planted a soft kiss on her forehead and then hugged her once more. He didn’t want her to see his pained expression. He was in love with her and he couldn’t face the fact that she would react coldly to his affection. Hyosung on the other hand, was glad. She could feel the heat from her face increase and her heart had not stopped beating so fast. She felt as if she was floating. She hugged him back, and it was then she realized she liked him. Her heart was ready to burst as she hugged him just a little bit more.

Joon couldn’t help himself anymore. He grabbed her face within his hands and bent his head down and kissed her fully on the lips. She didn’t reject him and he felt as if he had won the lottery when she responded to him. She liked him. Hyosung liked him.


Kikwang glanced up and noticed Joon had just walked in, noticing how Joon seemed to be floating through the place.

“Hyung, why are you so happy? Your cheeks look like they are ready to pop off your face.”

Joon ignored the comment and sighed happily as he sat down on a stool. He smiled even wider at Kikwang.

“What?” Kikwang asked with a smile of his own.

“I have a girlfriend.”

Kikwang immediately congratulated him.

“Is this the same girl you followed here?”

Joon nodded and continued to smile.

“Yah, so why are you smiling so much?” Joon asked as he finally noticed that Kikwang had been smiling ever since Joon walked in.

Kikwang chuckled to himself.

“My girlfriend is moving in with me.”

It was Joon’s turn to congratulate Kikwang.

They laughed together at their sudden fortune.

“We look like two idiots sitting here and smiling like this” Joon voiced and laughed.

Kikwang handed him a beer.

“Hyung, I was wondering if you could help me move my girlfriend’s things over to my apartment after work.”

Joon nodded.

“Sure. Just tell me when and where.”


Joon suddenly smiled once again.

“Can I bring my girlfriend too?”

Joon couldn’t help but laugh and have a small celebration in his head.

Kikwang playfully rolled his eyes.

“Sure. I want to meet her.”


Yay! So I finally updated!!! Just in case you guys thought I was dead….well I’m not. I am finally done with all my finals and so now I can fully enjoy my winter break. Which also means I will be updating this story like crazy!! Anyway, onto this chapter. What did you guys think??? For the people who wanted some Hyosung x Joon love, I give you this chapter to cherish. As a bonus, I threw in some Min x Kikwang love. I wanted to have a happy chapter for once…you know, before I ruin it with plot twisters and evil-ness! Mwuahahahahahahaha!!! *COUGH* and also DUN DUN DUN!!! Kikwang and Hyosung will finally meet in the next chapter, I promise!! Once again, thank you for all the nice comments and for reading and subscribing, it means a lot!!

******Chapter song inspiration time!! I decided to finally throw a little idol your way! I personally love this song so much, every time I hear it, I just smile and blush XD

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Chapter 18: yaaaayyyyy<3 i'm in love with this story!!
Chapter 1: Oh. I thought it was Hyuna. oops.

I mean, Hyuna's a good dancer
Chapter 9: I've read this story before and
I wanted to read it again because I really LOVE
This Story !>.< Ahhhhhh I soud so lame hahahaha:)
Chapter 18: Three words: LOVED THIS STORY!^_^
Chapter 17: And ofcouse lee joons plan was genious! So devious^^
And so happy that hyosung and lee joon are speaking again;-)
Chapter 17: The kikwang part was Soo funny i could just imagine it!:-D i had to muffel my laugh because its in the middel of the night here and my mother and baby bother are sleeping....
Chapter 15: What a cute chapter! Loving kisung minki and soon to be joonA!
And my Joker is so smart! :-D
Chapter 13: Joon was so brave for doing that and being so calm while talking to kikwang!
I couldnt help but feel sorry for joon when hyosung said yes to kikwang...but dont get me wrong im a huge kisung shipper!!
Love the HyunA and Junhyung part couldnt help but find it cute^^
Chapter 12: Aigoo this chapter made me cry like a litlke baby >_<
My heart just broke for all of them!! And HyunA is soo sweet for doing all of that for joob!! And im happy that kikwang and minie ended on good terms... And joon and hyosungs ending was soo... Heartbreaking!! :-\ :'(